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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 9 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Many unwiped anuses would be better than the last album. Pile of rubbish. At least this new one is a hard rock album. 


    Definitely better than the last album mostly just because of the rock aspect like you say. 

    I like this in spots but at the same time it's not really grabbing me much either.  I still really feel like they need to change their approach a bit and add some gang vocal choruses or more backing vocal type harmonies with oohhs, ahhas, etc.  They do try to make things melodic and hooky with tempo changes and effects which helps but it's still just not overly catchy.  I compare this to something like the new Kissin Dynamite which absolutely blows this away.  That's how to craft a catchy hard rock album.  I've been finding over the past few days that whenever I have Halestorm in the CD player, I just want to take it out and pop in the new KD album....

    I agree on the ballads too.....Novocaine and The Silence are too similar.  At least one of them should've blown in the full band at some point.  At least they stayed away from another piano ballad.... I just haven't cared for those.

    I'll probably come back to this a little though.  It's still different than most everything else I listen to.  I'll just have to be in the right mood. 

  2. Only one time through so can't say much yet....But liking it better than the last release already.  The last album just got a bit too poppy/commercial for my liking.  

    Definitely more general bite and aggression which is mostly what I want from this band when I listen to them.  My only small complaint would be that I'd like to see them combining that aggression with a bit more melody in the choruses and maybe using some backing vocals.  They still seem to find ways to add hooks though with tempo changes and other quirks so it's not a huge deal.

    I do agree that I don't know if anything really jumped out too much at me as being overly awesome.  But by the same token, nothing really jumped out as being terrible either.  I do like Uncomfortable.....Killing Ourselves to Live is pretty good.  And kind of liking Do Not Disturb too.   

    I need more listens to see how it settles.  I don't think it'll be anywhere near my top 5 this year though.

  3. 1 hour ago, Captain Howdy said:

    There are some good songs on this new album, but on first listen it all sounds a bit samey. I think after the negativity around some of the songs on the last album being a bit too experimental for some fans, they seem to have stepped back and stuck to a basic formula for this one.

    With the exception of a few songs I already knew, nothing really stood out. Even the balladesque songs never really stood out either.

    I have a feeling that this one will take some repeat listens before it really comes into its own, but without the instantaneous hooky "hit single" type songs they have had on previous albums, it just kinda does its thing then finishes.


    I never like to judge any album after a single listen, but this is the first Halestorm album that has not given me a few songs that sucker me in straight away.

    I do love Uncomfortable, but I certainly do not think this is as good a song as the big songs off of previous albums.

    Interesting to hear being I recall you've been a big supporter of the band in the past.  By all accounts, I've read 6-8 reviews and all have been pretty glowing.  

    I was very lukewarm on the last album.  I liked Apocalyptic and Mayhem....I Am the Fire was pretty good....But didn't much care for the rest.  

    My copy should show up tomorrow and looking forward to checking it out.  I don't listen to much female fronted stuff (or any lol) so Halestorm always feels like a little bit of a welcomed departure for me as they're just different than everything else I listen to.

    I've liked what I've heard from the singles so far so we'll see,

  4. 1 hour ago, The Rocker said:

    Not being a big fan of Degreed,(and this sounds like Degreed, with a different singer) I find it to be just ok, and I love Ted Poley. For me W.E.T. and Kissin' Dynamite kicks it's ass.

    I'm a fan of Degreed and to me, this doesn't really sound like Degreed.  I think the difference is Robin's griity voice that adds a bit more edge to it all and makes some of their choruses explode.

    Just don't get that same edgy feeling with Ted's album from the handful of songs I've heard.  

    Agree that Kissin' Dynamite is awesome!

  5. 2 hours ago, melodicrock said:

    Rob did sing the demos, but both Nick and I wanted a slightly different style for the end result and Joss was the perfect guy. Rob remains on all backing vocals and it does give us a difference to Midnite City (who are kick ass also)...

    Really digging the album.  I'd say Real World, Crank Up The Weekend and Insane are probably my favorite tracks...like the edge in those.  Waiting on You, Hot Summer nights and Dangerous aren't far behind though.  And like the variety songs like Attraction and Only You bring.  The only song I'm not overly keen on is Breathe but that might grow with more listens.  Fantastic effort all around though and I'm sure it'll sound even better once I get the CD in my hands :)

    Now we just need Rob to get his visa problems sorted out so we can have Nitrate and Midnite City both performing at MRF6 ?

  6. 46 minutes ago, phaffas said:

    Yeah great album.... but the band is dead? Pretty sure singer was jailed???...

    Yeah, think the band is 100% dead.  If I remember right, singer was jailed for sexual assault....And I even think it was with one of the other band member's girl friend but not 100& sure on that.  I think he was due out of jail in late 2018 or early 2019....again not 100% sure.

    Either way, I think the chances are very, very slim of ever seeing anything more from these guys.....which is a shame as this was a great album.


  7. 50 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Oh yeah, that just sounds exactly like Midnite City with a different vocalist. Love it... need this in my ears asap. 

    It really does sound like Midnite City.  I think I heard in an interview that Rob Wylde originally sang all these songs but they changed gears after Midnite City was formed and went looking for a new vocalist.  Still very much a Midnite City vibe though with the production and riffs but the vocals give it just enough of a different vibe to give it a unique feel.

    Excellent throwback melodic rock album.

  8. I think my top 5 at the moment are:

    1.  Shiraz Lane

    2.  Maverick

    3.  W.e.t

    4.  Kissin' Dynamite

    5.  Station/Nitrate

    I could see Kissin' Dynamite possibly moving up a notch with a few more listens as I'm loving that disc and it's been a grower.

    I'm expecting Nordic Union and Midnite city could both push my top 5 by years end though. 

  9. On 7/19/2018 at 9:10 PM, CureTheSane said:

    You guys are missing out if this is the first you've dug them.

    That said, this is a killer disc, and leans more to the AOR side of rock than the matal side.

    Probably be my top album of the year

    Have to agree....Absolutely killer album!  I've been through it a handful of times now and I swear the more I listen, the more I like it.      

    I don't know if it'll be my top album but it's definitely right there among my favorites this year.

    Have picked up their last album too and will be checking that out closer once I can get the new one out of my CD player :)

    Not sure how these guys slipped under my radar.  Good stuff.

  10. Andrew sent out the album to those that pre-ordered and have to say after a couple listens I'm absolutely digging this.  

    I'd say this essentially follows the same formula as the Midnite City album from last year in terms of being just a fun 80's throw back album.  I'd think that anybody who liked that album might like this also as it has a very similar vibe.

    Good stuff :)


  11. Listening to this album on you tube has convinced me to buy it.

    Never really paid much attention to these guys but like what I hear...melodic rock with a nice edge.

    I'll have to investigate some of their earlier albums.  

    Really like the first few tunes...the ballad is great too.  Dips a tiny bit in the middle but Waging War is great and like a couple other songs toward the end.

    Think I'll buy the Japan version though to avoid the digipak.

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