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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 7 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Awesome news. Agree with most everything in this thread.

    Slight tweak to production quality and the new album would be amazing. 

    And new D2 album would and could only ever be Ted for me. Laine is great, but Ted always has been and always will be the voice of D2. No brainer for me. :)

    I feel the same way....

    I do think Paul is the better vocalist but do feel like Ted is the voice of Danger Danger.

    Frankly, I kinda like it the way it is now with the Defiants and TMF.....that way we get two great bands and double the good music ;)

  2. 18 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

    The debut was great, but I still think they can do better. 

    Agree....Especially on the production/sonics.  Hopefully they can beef things up so the drums don't sound like tin cans in spots.  I'm rarely concerned with production and it generally isn't something I notice....But I noticed it on this release as overall it just sounds very "thin".

    Still dug the first release and listened to it plenty though and would expect to like the next one.

  3. 5 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

    Well, I got the album.
    I was wrong about it, it's far better than I anticipated and I'll take away 7 or 8 songs from it to add to their best of list.

    Only heard it once, but it was impressive.
    If you're after early hard edge rocking Tesla, look away.
    This is mellow, more AOR then they usually are and it works.
    Also quite a few ballads, which for me also works with Tesla

    My feelings too.  For me, best Tesla has sounded in quite awhile.

    I totally get why some don't like this album as it doesn't have the hard rocking edge some might've wanted.

    Still like this though for the most part.  I could do without Summer Song.  And don't care much for Forever Loving You.  But I like the sound of the rest.

    I guess maybe I'm just a sucker for this kind of sound.  I like over produced stuff with hooks, backing vocals, etc.  

    Favs for me are You Won't Take Me Alive, Taste Like, Shock, Love Is A Fire, The Mission and Tied to the Tracks.

  4. I thought it was okay for what it was. 

    Did think the acting was pretty terrible.  Also thought it was very rushed and they skipped a lot.  I think this could've been better as a 5 part mini series.  I mean, if they can do a 5 part series on Ted Bundy, they could easily do a five part series on the Crue's story.  They could've added more time period 80's stuff, spliced in more "real" live footage, maybe some "real" interviews from the period with the Crue or other people talking about the Crue, etc.....IDK.  

    Definitely felt very low budget....They could've easily done a much better job with this IMO especially for how long it seemed to take coming together.

    Definitely a horrible movie in terms of any critical appeal but still okay as low budget entertainment to kill a couple hours.


  5. Tried it too....just okay.

    Just really not grabbing me I guess.  Guitars sound great...just not sure Mason really does much for me sometimes.  I feel like he oversings a bit.  And wish there were more harmonies, backing vocals, etc.

    Not too bad but not that captivating for me either.

  6. Good tune.  Was kinda hoping it would pick up more than it did but still a good song.

    Really just like these guys a lot and they just have a unique sound to me.  Sometimes they're heavy, sometimes poppy...good, modern, current sound.  This is the kind of band that's built for current rock radio IMO.

  7. On 3/13/2019 at 5:44 AM, Geoff said:

    Surprisingly well produced CD, but I was never a fan of this band and this hasn't swayed me. Quite poor overall, actually. 

    Basically +1.

    I kinda liked the Born to Fly tune but have never really been into this band previously.  I did check the album out on spotify and liked a couple tunes...basically Born to Fly and Brokenhearted Daydream.... but nowhere near enough to consider buying it.

  8. 11 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

    For me good music is good music.

    I don't mind if Tesla sound like ACDC so long as they sound like 'good ACDC'

    Much prefer great Def Lep Tesla than average Tesla Tesla

    I'm also a Frank Hannon solo fan so hopefully the description above with 'more solos, some acoustic' has an element of his solo stuff in them

    Agree 100%.  For me, this "Def Lep" Tesla album is much more interesting and sounds much better than the past few Tesla albums.  To my ears this is the best Tesla has sounded in quite some time.  Just a lot of stuff going on with a big sound.....and Jeff Keith really sounds great IMO.

    I'm liking this album.  My only real complaint is just that I think it loses steam in the middle with the run of slower tempo songs.  But it does pick back up again and finishes pretty strong.  

    My favorites are probably You Won't Take Me Alive, Taste Like and Tied To The Tracks.

    Definitely a little different but something to hold me over a bit until Crazy Lixx comes out :)


  9. That sounds great.....Ken has a fantastic voice and I dig hearing him singing a heavier tune.  If he were doing vocals on every track I'd be all over this.

    Probably won't be picking up this release though.  I'm generally not real fond of these types of project CD's that have multiple guys singing and it looks like this is the only song that features Ken on vocals.

  10. Found this song on YT that they've been playing live....You Won't Take Me Alive.  Now this sounds more like it to my ears even with bad quality.  Not sure why they wouldn't release this as a single instead of this California Summer Song.  I'd think this is closer to what people want Tesla to sound like than the song above.  



  11. Another song released.

    Probably my least favorite of the 3 so far.  Seems like a poor outtake of Kid Rocks All Summer Long song. 

    I actually don't hate it as much as I probably should lol.  Hopefully it was just something that was different than everything on the album so that's why they chose to release it.  Not sure what kind of fan this is aimed at though. 


  12. 1 minute ago, Crazysam said:

    New song still doesn't match the quality of 80's Dokken or early Lynch Mob, but it's solid for what it is.  In fact I enjoyed it more than the first promo track from the upcoming release

    I agree.  It's decent but but not sure either song is grabbing me enough to make me want to purchase this.

    I've also listened to samples of all songs over on I Tunes Japan and kinda felt the same about what I listened to.

    I think what's missing for me is that I'd just like to see more vocal harmonies with bigger choruses, backing vocals, etc. 

    It's decent for what it is though....Straight ahead, guitar driven rock. 

    I feel pretty much how Glen felt above about the first track....Pretty well played and well sung but not very spectacular or memorable. 


  13. 6 minutes ago, simo said:

    Does anyone know if they're still with Frontiers Records?

    Yes, I think they are still with Frontiers as the Frontiers web guy was plugging it in a recent live video on FB.

    Of course he wouldn't say anything bad about it but said he had heard it and it was awesome.  I think his comment was something like that it was highly crankable, summer with the top down throwback music :)


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