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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    another strong track. The samples on main site sound great. Looking forward to this a lot. 

    Agree on the samples....Sounding excellent!  Just seems like there are more backing vocals, more keys, just an overall bigger sound.

    Here's the link to check them out for anyone so inclined...

    https://heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/glamcd.cgi?BandNum=7989&CDName=There Goes the Neighbourhood

    Honestly, I'm already feeling like this is gonna be my #1 album this year just based on the samples lol.  Just really dig the whole vibe of this band and their songs.  It's like Poison, Warrant, Danger Danger and Def Leppard were tossed in a blender.

    Can't wait for this to drop :headbanger:

  2. 1 hour ago, The Rocker said:

    My top 2 sit like that also. Holding out until end of year to round it out, too many good albums still await.

    My top 4 are the same albums, just different order (KD, Shiraz, Maverick, Wet).

    Have to say though that Treat is pushing for the 4th spot....Really digging that album.

    I'm hoping/expecting that Midnite City busts into my top 4 though.

  3. 7 hours ago, Glen said:

    I know. Why?? I've heard mixed reports on it anyway so not that fussed.

    I refuse to purchase a CD these days unless I can preview first on Spotify.....too much dross out there 

    Personally, I think this is a skip.  Couple decent songs but really not very memorable IMO.

    I'm not sure I've really given it much of a chance but I've listened a couple times and really haven't had any desire to go back to it.  

    Probably going to be tossing mine on Ebay at some point when I get around to it.

  4. Awesome!

    These guys were so cool to see at MRF5 in Chicago.  I wasn't sure what to expect from them live as I've sort of heard some mixed reviews over the years with Danny lacking energy on stage or whatever.  Well, they absolutely killed it on stage!

    And have to say they were pretty cordial to hang with as well and very willing to sign, take pictures or whatever.  I got to chat a bit with Danny and he had mentioned they were writing for the next album and hoping to start recording by the end of the year with eyes on a mid 2019 release.

    I'm looking forward to mid-october for the re-releases of the first few albums.  My first exposure to these guys was New Religion and I never picked up the debut.  Also, I never really feel like I gave Riot Avenue a fair shake because it was a bit of a departure from the New Religion sound.  I need to revisit that one.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Crazysam said:

    Opinions will vary as always, but to answer your question, for me, Endangered and the other tracks that make up the first half of GOG are all slightly better than my favorite songs on the new one

    I think I"d second this.  I think the best songs on GOG ate slightly better than the best songs on this.

    However, GOG also had 3-4 songs in the second half I didn't really care for and I'm finding myself liking every song on the new one.

    So for me, Tunguska is stronger top to bottom.

  6. Multiple listens in now and digging this album more with each listen.

    For me, not a single song here I'm getting the urge to skip past.  I like the overall sound a lot....Even with the compressed digital files I've gotten :)

    Tough to even say which songs are standing out for me but I'd probably say Holding On and Falling Into You if I had to pick a couple songs.  I like the variety on this though and like how it's able to incorporate some AOR elements but still keeping it in the melodic rock/hard rock spectrum and not getting too "smooth" or "cheesy".  I do still feel like One Desire is a good comparison, although not really a "Buried Alive" type song here.

    Excellent stuff and would think well worth at least checking out for many here.

  7. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    I don't rate a song on it above 8. ;)

    Very interesting you say they've gotten better with age, as I generally disagree - though not entirely. For me, 'Organized Crime' is still definitely their best album, with 'Dreamhunter' in third place. But no doubt 'Coup De Grace' was a massive return to form and is in second spot for me. But then 'GOG' slots into fourth spot for a pretty even mix. ;)

    'Coup De Grace' needs a reissue already? Really? 

    I think Coup definitely needs a re-issue....I don't find it anywhere for a decent price and it's OOP.  I'd be all for them doing something like Crazy Lixx is doing. 

    Well, part of my issue is probably that I didn't follow Treat back in the day.  I never started getting into them until the Coup album.  I've since went back to their earlier stuff but it's always hard doing that when you're going back so far....Material just sounds a bit dated or something I guess and just doesn't have the impact on me that the last 3 albums have.

    Either way, great band that's still sounding good :)

  8. Just now, Glen said:

    I agree it's missing a 10/10 killer track....but it's consistently good....which in poorish year (so far) is prob enough to squeeze into a top 10 of sorts 

    Do agree it's missing those 10/10 tracks....If I were going song by song I don't think I'd have any 10/10 songs.  

    That said though, I'd have a bunch of 9/10 songs and probably wouldn't have a song below 8.

    Just very consistent for me and just dig these guys sound.  For me, they're definitely one band that has improved with age.

    On a side note, I've also messaged Frontiers and Treat recently on FB and both have said they're working with each other on getting together a re-issue of Coup De Grace.  Would love to see that happen as I only have Coup in digital format.  Would also be nice to see them add the Japan bonus track too!

  9. Listened to this today as premium preorders got it early :)

    Solid album...Basically just good melodic rock/AOR that still has a little edge to it as well.  I'd say it reminds me a bit of the One Desire album if I were trying to compare it to something.

    Need more listens to really digest it but first impression is solid!


  10. Updated for my thoughts at the moment....Always changing though :)

    1.  Kissin Dynamite - Ecstasy

    2.  Shiraz Lane - Carnival Days

    3.  Maverick - Cold Star Dancer

    4.  W.e.t - Earthrage

    5.  Treat - Tunguska

    6.  Nitrate - Real World

    7.  Station - More Than The Moon

    8.  Halestorm - Vicious

    9.  Hearts On Fire - Call Of Destiny (Have this early from premium preorder....only through it once so far but good stuff!)

    10.Dangerous Curves - S/T

    Honorable mention missing the cut - Dallas, Perfect Plan

    Only other releases at this point I'm expecting to shake up my list are Midnite City and Nordic Union.  



  11. Good tune!

    Have been getting updates on this from doing the premium preorder....Have lost track of how many songs I've heard so far but probably 5-6 songs.  Also have lost a little track as to if they were even finished versions.

    Either way, have liked almost all I've heard.  More good 80's style melodic rock that I can just never seem to get enough of :)


  12. 3 hours ago, The Rocker said:

    I'm probably just stupid, but does "Heartmath" City have a meaning to it?  

    I had to Google it lol...basically "heartmath" just involves taking charge of your life, reducing stress, etc.  So just a song about that best I can tell.  Pretty good tune :)

  13. Good review on the album that pretty much echos my sentiments:


    After repeated listens I'm digging this and do think I like it slightly more than the last album...but not ahead of Coup.  Basically, GOG had 3-4 songs in the second half that I routinely skip over....I mostly tuned out of that album after Nonstop Madness.  I'm really not getting the urge to skip anything here outside of maybe Creeps.  But even that isn't too bad.  I do still feel like it's lacking 10/10 type songs that blow me away but pretty consistent throughout.

    Have to say that the opening single Build The Love has really grown on me....works really well where it's placed on the album.  Also really like that there are plenty of up tempo melodic rockers here...Really like Always Have, Always Will, Best Of Enemies, Heartmath City, Man Overboard and Undefeated.

    Going to be tough sorting out my top 10 list this year....lots of good stuff and a couple heavy hitters still to come with Midnite City and Nordic Union.

  14. Through it all now...initial impression is solid...about on par overall with GOG.

    For me though, think GOG had more standout songs.  But also for me, GOG tailed off a little in the second half...this one feels maybe a bit more consistent throughout.   There's a couple tunes that do feel a little fillerish though.

    Tough to really have much feel after 2 listens but would think that if somebody liked GOG, they'd probably like this too.





  15. Listening to this today....Got through the first 4 tracks on the way to work, will listen to the rest later today.

    Liked what I heard from the first 4 though.  The first 3 songs all are up tempo rockers....Progenitors is nice start, Always Have, Always will a good up tempo melodic rocker and Best Of Enemies has a cool vibe with a nice little edge to it.

    I was lukewarm on Rose Of Jericho but it works better on the album...nice change of pace after the 3 songs that start it off.

    I think the one thing already standing out is just the musicianship.....Lots of cool stuff going on with just a clean, crisp sound.

    We'll see how the rest goes.


  16. Only listened once but not sounding too bad.  Was sort of wanting/expecting it to take off and soar a bit more in the chorus sorta like they do in Shakedown for example....but this stays a bit more reserved. 

    Still pretty good to my ears though.


  17. 5 hours ago, simo said:

    This is oddly the last song on the record and they release it as the first single, only listened to the 30 second preview the other day and got a Toto vibe (mid 90s Tambu or their last album) in terms of sound

    Still can't get into the debut, just two days ago a song (Stranger's Eyes) came up on a playlist and it starts off very promising with a breezy, beachy feel in the intro and the first verse also sounds nice. So I tell myself why didn't I love this 2 years ago when it was released, maybe I should revisit it........ then the pre-chorus kicks in and I'm like yeah, now I remember why :D I don't know, just seems ''off'' to me and the only track which was good front to back without any out of place sounding parts is ''Man Behind The Gun''

    LMAO....I did the same thing yesterday.

    Know exactly what you're talking about.....Just get a little bit of an "off" feeling with much of it.  It's just a little too Toto-ish for my tastes overall.  I'm more of a melodic hard rock guy and generally don't really care for "pure AOR" stuff like Toto, Survivor, etc.  I feel like this fits in that class for the most part.  

    Do like a few tunes on it though.  Man Behind The Gun is good, Part of Me is excellent....Also liked She Said It's Over.  

    The new song seems decent but really not expecting I'll be getting this one.

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