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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 8 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Sooooo that's half of the album already released ;)

    Really like that,may take a while to have the same impact as the self titled had though.

    Yeah, I like the new tune too.

    Looking like it will be a good disc being that we've heard most of it.  I've really not listened to any of the tunes released more than a couple times though so it'll all be pretty fresh for me when it does come out.

    I'd preorder this but haven't really seen it anywhere yet except on digital outlets.  And I'm not buying digital lol.  Guessing it'll start showing up soon.

  2. a2512222966_16.jpg

    New Station album out November 1, 2019.

    1.A Matter of Time
    3.Never Enough
    4.I See You Everywhere
    6.Nothin' But Love
    7.Still Here
    8.Burning Out Fast
    9.I Need You Red
    10.Stained Glass
    11.All You Need Is A Heartbeat

    I'm happy to see them including All You Need Is A Heartbeat and Never Enough on this release :)

    Link to info:


    And a new tune:

  3. This is kinda tough.  I don't know if I really have go-to albums.....More like I have go-to artists.

    It seems like the past 4-5 years my go to stuff has been H.e.a.t, Crazy Lixx, Midnite City, Eclipse.  I kinda rotate the CD's in my car weekly and it seems like I always have one or two from the above artists in my rotation.

    Honestly, don't really pull out older stuff all that often.  I kinda crave new music.  I just sorta randomly pull things out that I haven't listened to in awhile from time to time to mix in with newer stuff.  Some of my favorite albums from back in the day have been overplayed so much though that I never listen to them (Def Leppard, GNR, Warrant, etc, etc).

    For the first half of this year though I did find myself spending some time with a few older albums...Firehouse's debut got a lot of play, Roxy Blue-Want Some & Tyketto-Don't Come Easy all got some good play.  Also Tesla-Mechanical Resonance got some run.  I forgot how much I liked some of these albums.

  4. 23 hours ago, Glen said:

    what happened to this once great band?? 

    just re-checked the last album and songs like Jaded, No Way Back, Born to Lead etc absolutely destroy this new stuff.

    disappointing imo 

    You're being tough on this one :)

    For me, I often find myself tuning out on the second half of Monumentum after Jaded just because every song sounds like it could be the same song.  They're good tunes but just kinda all run together a little for me.  Except for Black Rain which is different, although I don't care much for that tune. 

    I wanted a little more variety from them and I guess these Nordic sounds give it a little more unique feel to me or something.  I was iffy at first but it's grown on me.   Heck, even Mary Leigh grew on me....dumb title and all :lol:


  5. I recently purchased the Firehouse remaster directly from Bad Reputation and had no issues at all.

    I don't remember what shipping was but don't remember it being that unreasonable.  And everything was packaged well.   I also remember shipping being much faster than i expected....Think I had the CD within a week which I thought was pretty good.

    And the Firehouse CD sounds amazing to my ears :)

    I'd have no problem ordering from them again.

  6. 5 hours ago, Glen said:

    in no order

    crazy lixx

    first signal


    cats in space



    losing hope for Eclipse....sounds boring. high hopes for Work of Art and Degreed- possibly Pretty Maids too. 

    might be able to drag together a decent top 10 by year end 

    Eclipse really is pretty good.  I was expecting boring based upon song titles and samples but I'm liking it.  It's on par with Monumentum and it's probably too early to decide but think I like it a tiny bit better than the last album just because it feels more varied and interesting.  I still think Mary Leigh is a dumb song title though....I just keep pretending it's called "Bullet In Me" and I like it better :)

    As for top 5 so far this year, for me it:

    1.  Crazy Lixx

    2.  Defiants

    3.  Eclipse


    4.  Roxy Blue

    5.  Nitrate

    I left a space between 3 and 4 as there is really a huge gap between those. That said,  I know many don't like Roxy but I liked it for whatever reason.  Either way, I'm pretty sure Pretty Maids and Degreed will probably push into the top 5 anyways.

  7. This is out in Japan....Spinning it today.

    For me it's pretty good.  I think I like it better than I was thinking I might after I first heard the album samples.  I mean, it sounds like Eclipse through and through and it's good melodic hard rock.  I'd put it behind Armagedonnize and Bleed & Scream but might put it a tiny bit ahead of Monumentum just because it feels a bit more varied to me than that album.

    Anyways, I'd say Delirious and When The Winter Ends are probably my favorite tunes.  Viva La Victoria and United have both grown on me a bit and I'm fine with those tunes.  I also quite like The Masquerade as that's got a cool vibe to it and it's nice hearing a more epic 5 minute song than their typical 3 minute rompers.  The rest is just kind of typical Eclipse for the most part.

    I'm feeling like it'll slot in at my #3 spot this year behind The Defiants and Crazy Lixx. 

  8. 36 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

    Why would they reference its what their debut would sound like in 2019 and call it H.E.A.T. 2  unless they are hinting that its a variation of the sound of the debut?

    If they are not saying that, then they could say the same thing with any of their albums. Oh, Address the nation sounds like debut if we had recorded it this year. Tearing down the walls is how a debut album would sound if it was recorded this year.


    You do not reference it being essentially how your debut would sound in a certain year unless you are trying to at least partially throw back to the sound of the original.

    I read that they're calling it H.e.a.t II because they're producing the album themselves and not with Tobias or anyone else.  It's their first time trying this approach so that's why their doing the whole "debut" again theme and not necessarily that they're trying to sound like their first album.

  9. 3 hours ago, Captain Howdy said:

    Well this is Heavy Harmonies, the home of 80s rock.

    Cheesy lyrics is what this whole genre was built on.

    Makes in an automatic buy for me (well it already was, but you get my meaning).


    Oh and yeah, this sounds like something that could have been on ATN. I knew all of this "throw back to the first two albums" stuff would end up being a load of old guff.

    I'm not sure anybody ever said it would be a throwback to the first two albums though.  I remember reading band member quotes saying they were going for a melodic rock album somewhere between ATN and TDTW.  And I think that describes this track perfectly.  It's kinda like a cross between Better Off Alone and Emergency or something.

    Either way, it doesn't matter....It's just damn good :headbanger:

  10. 13 hours ago, Captain Howdy said:

    Considering I would not include any songs from the first two albums in a H.E.A.T. playlist, I don't know how I feel about this.

    Actually I do know, its Erik singing, bands rarely recapture their original sound and I love all the albums since Erik joined, so yeah I am probably gonna love this anyway.


    I'm also on that page.  I think for me I never really paid much attention to these guys until Address The Nation came out and got into that big time.  Then I went back and started trying to get into the first couple albums and just never could.  Kenny can sing for sure but he just brings a different flavor that doesn't quite excite me for whatever reason.  I do like some songs from those first two albums though, especially when they do them live now.  I wish they'd re-record like a greatest hits of the first two albums with Erik on vocals or re-record some for bonus tracks.

    That said, I'm pretty certain that if you like Gronwall era H.e.a.t, you'll dig the new tune.  To me the new one is basically just some combination of Address the Nation or Tearing Down the Walls stuff....In the vein of songs like Better Off Alone, Emergency, etc.  I guess it remains to be seen how the rest will shake out though.  

    The most interesting thing to me is to see how they do without Tobias Lindell producing being that he's kinda been their Mutt Lange the past few albums.  If this first song is an indicator though, I think they'll be fine ;)   

  11. 3 hours ago, Glen said:

    not even worth putting a % on this. All I know is it's easily the best melodic rock album so far this year.

    only Crazy Lixx comes close.

    these 2 are the only albums I'm likely to still be spinning in 12 months time. 

    I love the Cats in Space as well but I know most here don't like the band so I'm only including pure melodic rock in this discussion 

    It's basically the Defiants and Crazy Lixx and then everything else.  For me it's basically a coin flip on these two...Both great albums....Just depends on my mood as to which one I want to listen to.  If I have to choose, I think I'd give it to Crazy Lixx just because it annoys me slightly the Defiants put that silly Drink Up tune on the album.

  12. Okay.....Little tease time....

    Heard the new H.e.a.t track One By One and can confirm it's freaking amazing balls :headbanger::banana: :dance:

    Will add that to my ears it's really unlike anything on the last album.  To me it's sorta like Emergency combined with something like maybe Better Off Alone....But better than those tunes :)  

    Like Andrew said above, just basically kick ass melodic hard rock bliss ;)


  13. Through this enough times now that I feel like I can share some thoughts.  For me, this has a stronger first half than the debut but the debut had a stronger second half.

    Few quick thoughts tune by tune...

    Love Is The Killer - Great first song.  Bit like Love & Bullets but I like this one a little more.  Probably about a 9.5 for me.

    Standing On The Edge - 10/10 song for me.  Really dig this tune and might be my favorite on the album.  Starts a fantastic 4 song run.

    Hollywood In Headlights - Another 10/10 song.  Hooks galore, great vibe....I like these throwback, yesteryear type tunes...Kinda like Take Me Back from the first album.

    Fallin' For You - Another 10/10...Excellent song that's exactly what I want from these guys.

    Hold On Tonight - I'm going another 10/10 here.  Really like this tune also.  I get a Def Leppard vibe with some parts in this song, especially around the middle.  Another tune I really can't get enough of.

    All Nighter - This ends the 10/10 run for me.  It's not bad, bit cheesy, little cliche.  That said though, it's still catchy as heck, good ear candy and find myself liking it.  It's probably like an 8.5/10.

    U X'D My Heart - We've heard this one already.  It's a good tune but doesn't overly excite me.  I'd say probably 8/10.

    It Goes Fast - Something feels a bit weird about the opening verses of this one but picks up steam and an easy message to relate to.  I'd probably go like 9/10 as it's probably my favorite song in the second half of the album.

    Stay - Reminds me a little bit of Underneath The Stars from the first album but I don't like it as much as that song.  Nothing wrong with the tune though and decent.  I'd probably go about 8/10.

    Alive - I'm getting an almost U2 meets modern Bon Jovi vibe from this one.  It's an okay tune but not doing that much for me compared to many of the songs before it.  I'd say to this point in the album, while I still like it, it's probably my least favorite tune so I'd go about 7.5/10.

    Drink Up - Catchy, party type tune but feels kinda cheesy and a bit juvenile to me.  I probably like it less than Alive so I'd say about 7/10.

    Forever - Japan bonus track.  This can be safely skipped and is the most boring song they've recorded IMO.  I'd go about 4/10 with this one.

    For me, the first 5 songs are darn near perfect and are a notch above the first 5 on the debut.  However, the debut had some songs I really liked in the second half like Take Me Back, Save Me Tonight and Underneath The Stars.  I think I might like all 3 of those songs better than any song in the second half of this album.  As a result, I feel like the debut had a stronger second half.

    Overall, really good album though.  I feel like I'll be slotting it in at #2 behind Crazy Lixx just because it tails off a bit for me with the last 2-3 tracks.  

  14. Will be interesting to hear how they do without Tobias Lindell.....He's been their Mutt Lange :)

    Interesting throwback concept for the album.  There's been comments that they are going back to to their roots a bit and just making a kick ass melodic rock album.  It's almost the opposite approach from what the last album suggested as moving forward "Into The Unknown".

    Can't wait to check this out.  Andrew's comment on the new single "One By One" which I left out of the first post sure has me excited....

    "I'm excited to say, the upcoming H.E.A.T single "One By One" is 3 minutes and 47 seconds of unadulterated, pure melodic hard rock bliss, very reminiscent of the debut, but updated."

  15. heat-2.jpg?itok=T8xpQ3n-


    From melodicrock.com:


    New single "One By One" is due out September 27th.

    "H.E.A.T announces release of a brand new album, titled “H.E.A.T II”, early next year.
    “H.E.A.T II” is the first album ever to be produced entirely by the band with Jona Tee and Dave Dalone as producers. ”This is how we would sound if we made a debut album 2019, hence the title.
    First out is the brand new single ”One by One” with an animated video to go with it, release September 27th, followed by the anthem ”Rise” (release later this fall).

    ”One by One is about enlightening people and showing an alternative path to life. A road less travelled, if you will.” ~ H.E.A.T
    The album "H.E.A.T II" is out January 22!
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