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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. For me this is way better than Motherland.  Actually, think I only have 5 songs on my playlist from that album...Mother of All Lies, Sad to See You Suffer, Infinity, I See Ghosts and Bullet For You.  The rest really doesn't do much for me.

    Pandemonium is excellent but still a few tunes I generally skip.

    Kingmaker has 2 songs I skip...Sickeming and Civilized Monsters.

    Need more time with the new one but only a couple tunes I'm initially lukewarm on with If You Want Peace and Slavedriver.  They do rock though and too early to tell if they'll grow on me or not.

    Either way, lots of great music from these guys with these past 4 albums :)



  2. 3 hours ago, lettard said:

    Received mine today also and a few spins in and its Brilliant to my ears,not as good as the aforementioned albums but it just goes to show how good they were because this is a great addition.

    Early fav of mine is Black Thunder...and a wee soft spot for Will You Still Kiss Me(If I see You In Heaven)   :)

    For me I'd say Will You Still Kiss Me is one of the best power ballads I've heard in awhile....awesome tune.  

    Fantastic album!


  3. Cranking the new album today....initial impression is great stuff!

    For me, the first 6 songs are all instantly pretty awesome.  Then for my tastes it dips a little with If you Want Peace and Slavedriver.  Not terrible tunes but both pretty heavy, driving tunes and not really catchy songs with a chorus that grabs you.  These are the kinds of Pretty Maids tunes that often just don't seem to do too much for me....Kinda like Sickening and Civilized Monsters on the last album.   I think I like these tunes better than the two I mentioned though.

    It bounces back with Shadowlands though and finishes strong.

    Need more listens to really digest but overall sounding excellent to me and is every bit as good as I was hoping it would be :headbanger: 

  4. On 11/1/2019 at 7:22 PM, lettard said:

    Agree with that whole heartedly,don't think they could ever better the excellence of those two monster releases,but this stuff is pretty good all the same :drink:

    For me, I didn't start getting into these guys until Pandemonium so I was really late to the party.  I guess one good thing about that though is that they feel really fresh to me even though they've been around so long.  For me they just keep getting better and I liked Kingmaker every bit as much as Pandemonium and Motherland.   While Pandemonium and Motherland might have some stronger highlights, I dare say Kingmaker might even be my favorite top to bottom but I know I'm probably in the minority there.    

    Can't wait to check out this new one.  Have listened to samples a couple times and just think I'm really gonna dig this one...It's seeming very melodic and have dug all the tunes so far.  We'll see :headbanger:

  5. 10 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Wow, that's s surprise. Didn't expect that at all. Cool news. That new song doesn't excite me much, and it doesn't sound like they've done much in terms of sound/production, which is my only (but big) issue with these guys. They're a good band with good songs, but such a soft/weak sound. I want to hear them with a big beefy sound. Will reserve judgement until I hear it, but I fear this album won't be the answer I've been waiting for. 

    I like these guys a lot but I'd bet this isn't what you've been looking for....

    Chris Lane had said in an interview that this album is mostly just a collection of older songs they had laying around that didn't make their first two albums for whatever reason and it does kinda feel a little like leftovers in that the songs don't really seem to bring much new to the table.  I mean, there's some good tunes but about half of it isn't really doing much for me which I think is due mostly to the 3 ballads and 1 instrumental.

    For me, A Matter of Time, Never Enough, Burning Out Fast and All You Need Is A Heartbeat are my highlights.  Emily and Nothin' But Love are okay but probably will be forgettable.  And the ballads all kinda drag for me kinda in the same way the ballads dragged on their last album.   

    Basically, if I could combine this album and their last album and pick my top 11 songs....I could make a really killer album :) 

    Good, talented band and I really like a lot of what they've done.  I wonder though if it might be time for them to get with a label and/or work with a producer that can inject some fresh ideas and really help take them to a different level.  

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  6. Gave this a listen...Not too bad.  It's probably in line with their last album although initially I think I liked the last album more.  Tough to say after only a couple listens.

    My favorite tunes are probably the two that were released awhile ago with Never Enough and All You Need Is A Heartbeat...nice to see those included and it think they might've beefed up the sound on them a little bit.  Might be my imagination though.

    I do like a few of the "new" tunes also....Matter Of Time, Nothin' But Love and Burning Out Fast all pretty good.

    There's 2 or 3 ballads though that honestly didn't grab me much first time through....and an instrumental tune that doesn't do much for me but it's only a little over a minute long.  Something about their ballads on these past two albums that aren't doing much for me...they just drag a bit.

    Not blowing me away but not too bad either.  I think if you've liked these guys in the past, there's some stuff here you'll like.  And if you've been lukewarm on them, probably not much here that will change that as I don't think they really offer anything new or groundbreaking here.


  7. 34 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Brilliant,they should just make two E.P's then put em together and make a full length  :)

    btw anyone know when this is released?

    I don't think I've heard a date yet.  I think I saw on their latest You Tube video for Revolution that EP name and release date is still TBD.

    Personally, kinda bummed it's an EP.  I get wanting to get music out sooner but I'd rather see them just do what Degreed has done....Put out 5-6 songs over the course of a year and then come out with a full CD/album.

    I'm just not a fan of EP's....always leaves me wanting more.  And it'll probably cost me about as much as a CD would if they have a physical version.  And if it's only digital....Well...That's annoying too.

  8. I'd probably say Talk Dirty To Me....Or Fallen Angel.  Also like Ride The Wind.

    These guys were among my favorite bands back in the day and really liked most of everything on their first 3 albums.   And enjoyed Native Tongue also for it's change in direction.  It's too bad they did a bunch of nothing after that....Feel like they could've done more.

    It's also too bad they haven't put out any new music recently.  I feel like they could hook up with Frontier's and put out a decent album if they worked at it a little.  Doesn't seem like Brett is interested though.

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  9. Listened to this album and not sure I have much desire to listen to it again.

    Dynzaty is probably a great comparison.

    Definitely heavier and more modernized than Liberation and a long way from where the style they had on the debut. 

    I think Infected is probably the only tune on the album i really like....Everything works pretty well in that tune for me and it's probably the only song that I might come back to.  Firefly isn't too bad.  The rest is just kinda all over the place for me and not very memorable or grabbing me.

    I don't mind that they've gone heavier...but they seem to have lost catchiness with choruses, pre-choruses, etc.  

  10. Okay but not overly exciting me initially.  It's a well done tune but just wish it had a little more bite or edge or something.

    Reminds me a bit of Perfect Plan style-wise.

    Keeping eyes on this though.  Would like to hear a few more songs. 

  11. Just checking these guys out.  I like that Lullaby tune and Midnite Queen isn't too bad...even though it sorta has a Countryish vibe.

    I saw they have a new single dropping on 10/25.  

    Will keep eyes on this....could go either way.  If they move more toward the rock style like Lullaby, I might be good with it.  If they have more songs in the style of Midnite Queen with that Countryish vibe, probably a pass.  I can do a one off song....But not multiple songs with that vibe :)

    We'll see...

  12. On 10/13/2019 at 7:25 AM, Mr.AOR said:

    Looking forward to this but that Blue Virgin Isles song is  animation character GIF by Squirlart


    Agree on that.  I don't like that tune much at all and am pretty positive it'll be an easy skip.  That should've just been a japan bonus track or something.  Or at the very least like the 12th song on the album instead of chucked in the middle. 

    Rest looking good though and will be picking this up for sure.

  13. I guess I really don't get the hate for this.  I still like it slightly better than their last album but it's really just Eclipse doing Eclipse.  

    Yeah, it's a bit samey.  But for me you can say that about almost every artist after they've been around awhile.  I think it's partly why it's difficult to continually put out great albums.  I mean, most bands have 2 or 3 peak albums and then seem to lose some luster and excitement.  I do think it's definitely a problem for Erik being in so many projects as he's used up a bunch of ideas on W.e.t and Nordic Union that would've made great Eclipse tunes.  And we've gotten a bit over saturated on his style.

    I still like it for what it is.  Maybe for me I'm not as worn out on Eclipse yet as some others as I was a little late getting into them.  

    For me, still way better than most of what has come out this year.

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