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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. I agree they are not the best HOL albums, BUT, you can't expect a band to top or even stay level with each release. They are not clunkers by any stretch. Oh definitely not. They are all pretty solid. I do give them props for releasing solid efforts except for the Power & Myth crapola. Love this band from day one, and yes PATM what were they thinking?! lol Could make a pretty kickass compilation for sure from their last few discs. I have!! The last 5 albums have made one hell of a compilation!!!
  2. I agree they are not the best HOL albums, BUT, you can't expect a band to top or even stay level with each release. They are not clunkers by any stretch. Oh definitely not. They are all pretty solid. I do give them props for releasing solid efforts except for the Power & Myth crapola. Love this band from day one, and yes PATM what were they thinking?! lol
  3. I agree they are not the best HOL albums, BUT, you can't expect a band to top or even stay level with each release. They are not clunkers by any stretch.
  4. Yes, I agree. They use terms like "being an artist", and "growing as an artist" so sick of that shit!!!!
  5. You've never heard any House Of Lords before?!
  6. That Dalton Injection album has not aged well. Also a shite production np Leatherwolf - Street Ready Leatherwolf is Awesome!
  7. I do to, I just think Hungry is the better of the 2
  8. I will be picking it up also. Liked the last one a lot and the debut is great." Hear" is not bad also
  9. Not even close to the truth. Spinefarm have been total arseholes in the whole deal. Spinefarm released the Black gold album when the band said they were not interested in it, and then came up with such awful artwork that the band said they would do their own design as they at least wanted something with their name on it to look good. Then the contract ended and they started recording the new album through the pledge campaign. But Spinefarm had first refusal on releasing it but had to take out that option before a specific date. They waited til after that date to turn round and say they wanted to release it, but the band were happy they were too late as they told Spinefarm they were not interested in dealing with them anymore. While on Spinefarm they got little or no promotion, and had to do pretty much everything themselves. As for the album. Its great. Not as catchy and instant as previous releases, and a bit heavier for certain, but its most defo a grower. The one song on it that harks back to the first two albums more is Kick in the teeth. To each their own but great? I barely made it through the thing it was so awful. Right after I listened to Raining Rock again and there is no comparison. He is singing about stupid shit on this album and it lacks hooks so bad. It's easily the worst release this year by far. It could be compared to Dynazty's last release as a huge flop. Those releases could end both bands... AGREE
  10. This has the bands original and only singer, and the blessing of Greg Guiffria. So I'm ok with the name "Houses Of Lords" for them.
  11. Logan and Hunter are my boys. I was so tired of the old names (John, Mike,Joe,etc.) and I hate jr's, give your boy his own first name and identity! lol
  12. I think it's a really good album(not great), but very enjoyable
  13. They made a second? Wow. Yes, without Cusack. So I'll pass.
  14. \m/ Welcome \m/ Great place to talk music
  15. Yes Deapool was a Dirty Harry movie. Also featured Jim Carrey as the singer who sang the GNR song in the movie. Actually my favorite Dirty Harry movie.
  16. Yeah, what about 'Demons Down;' arguably their best album?! That, or the debut, imo. Agree, Demons Down is absolute killer.
  17. Yep We all have our bands I guess. Some people here LOVE Vega and WOA, and I find them boring
  18. .....good EP Ep, Funny! One of the best bands in the last ten years!
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