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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. Very good cd, It is sounding like the new one is going to be just as good. Hope so!
  2. AWESOME BUD!!! Really glad you are digging it!! My least fave tune...IF pushed to pick one. I think it Would be CALLING OUT. Which IMHO is a very good song! lol. Calling Out and Crying to Me just missed making the last TANGO cd. I wasnt sure about Calling Out at first but now I really like then again I like them all. COOL. Thats one of Rifs personal faves. He is so happy it made the final cut. It is his attempt at doing a song about FAITH. He isnt a bible thumber type. But like myself, raised irish catholic. This was him sharing his feelings on those teachings and how he was raised. Possibly the one song on the album that was a focus message/story. Crying to Me is about an Ex Girlfriend of .....MINE! LOL. Yep true story. LOL. I have to admit that Dream Child is my least favorite from the begining, and still is but has grown on me alot .
  3. I'm a HUGE Dokken fan,maybe it needs a few more spins because I'm not caring for this one to much. the first and last few are really good.....its the 7 in the middle which is the problem. Too slow, no spark. Want a few more like Empire. What a fucking tease!, First single and video gives you the impression that we are going to have a GREAT new Dokken cd and this is what we get.
  4. Do we know when a full cd is coming out?
  5. Wow!, I like what I'm hearing.
  6. Agree,I call them rainy Sunday afternoon movie.
  7. The song is not bad, but i didn't care for the breakdown in the middle.
  8. I think these guys do a better job when they play a Melodic Rock style like this song, rather than a Metal style.
  9. I'm a HUGE Dokken fan,maybe it needs a few more spins because I'm not caring for this one to much.
  10. I get what you're saying, but my opinion is some bands can full it off still. I really love the last 2 Whitesnake cds.
  11. Really loving it. A very solid Melodic hard rock cd. 10 realy good songs, great production, good harmonizing back up vocals, and great guitars all around. I have only had it a few days but have spun it quite a bit, as of right now in my top 5-6 of the year. For me, I don't care to much for change and this kind of music is right up my alley. If you like bands like House Of Lords, Firehouse, Bangalore Choir you will really like this cd!
  12. The Avengers, saw it in the theater and couldn't wait to nget the dvd!
  13. And how do you have this? Whom ever pre-order it ,got it early!!!! Thanks John K.
  14. Actually the samples sound pretty shit I don't think the singers voice suits the music.
  15. Nice surprise waiting for me when I got home today!!!! Didn't get a poster, that sucks! Listening to it now. Track listing is wrong,track 3 is Dream Child not Blame, other than that so far so good!
  16. You mean that it's arriving earlier and NOT later, right? Sorry, but there is no one here to answer your call. If you feel that you have reach this message by mistake. Please, hang up and dial the operator. THIS is a recording ;-) Have you ever given anyone a straight answer? lol so many witty vauge answers......i just don't know which one to choose ;-) LOL You are real Bastard! lol
  17. You mean that it's arriving earlier and NOT later, right? Sorry, but there is no one here to answer your call. If you feel that you have reach this message by mistake. Please, hang up and dial the operator. THIS is a recording ;-) Have you ever given anyone a straight answer? lol
  18. You've heard the T&N? Yes and it kills Broken Bones. True I just heard some samples, I will have to listen to them back to back in order to decide which is better.
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