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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. excellent ain't it dude? I thought W.E.T had album of the year in the bag...not so certain as I type this Indeed. Awesome. My album of the year so far. Only one spin, but yeah it's good. Love it to, maybe #2
  2. For me they have their equal share of gems and fillers. I could easily compile 15 killer cuts across their releases tho. Good band and I have a feeling this could be pretty damned nice. looking forward to it. Fair enough mate, I just can't stand any of their songs, but I know I'll be in the minority here. Each to his own, of course. I imagine you'd be less than impressed if I played you some Bolt Thrower... You would be correct there JE! lol
  3. I have heard 'shame on me.' I think. I'm not sure now. I just know it shouldn't be 'bad on me.' Heaven's Edge say 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and I'm the fool.' They're smart. Everyone else should be like them. I don't know, mate. Everyone knows the saying but I've never heard it worded like WET word it, and I don't like it. Just a sore thumb in an otherwise killer tune. Yeah I agree that HE lyric is better by far, but the WET lyric does flow nicely in that chorus, and listening again I think they are simply mirroring the first statement. Isn't it effectively saying (looks) bad on me. I hadn't really noticed it until you brought it up lol The idiom is, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I, too, cringe every time I hear Soto sing bad on you/bad on me. I feel embarrassed to have that blasting through my stereo on the job site. And, Glen, it's not about us being nit-picky, the lyric genuinely irks me. I know the saying, and when I first heard the song I said that doesn't sound right. BUT, it does not bother me at all that he sings BAD and not SHAME.
  4. Agree! My #1 of 2012, and one of the best in the last 2 decades or so.
  5. Glen that is so funny, my 5& 7 year olds sing along to that also! I also love the song and the whole album,my 3 favorites(in no order) Need Her, Heartbreaker and Better Off Alone.
  6. Jeff speaks the truth If the 2 bonus tracks were on the main release it would have been my no 1 too. Not sure what I would have removed from the main release. I know a lot of folks say Downtown, but I LOVE that tune. Speaking of which, can anyone hook me up with Too Far On The Wild Side in good quality? 12 tracks mate, 12 tracks!! Nothing removed, just added!! I've only got a rough MP3 of that track but I love it. On a side note I did read a rumour of another album from these guys in 2013 - any truth in that?? That would be awesome! ATN was my # 1 also for 2012
  7. Sounds good to me too Glen but I'm only one spin in. It sounds excellent, but it also sounds like that Melrock lot are a bunch of pratts. AGREE! I'm so glad I found this forum, before I knew about the other one, or I might have become one of those pratts. This site seems to have the most sensible members. I know we have Geoffery and Cody, and Glen's a bit off at times, but, on a whole, we're looking pretty good. We all have our favorite band and stick by them for the most part, but those guys over there go to far. Lets take Journey,I love them, love Steve Perry.Every singer they've gotten since SP they are like OMG Steve A is great( who's SP?) then he's gone and again OMG JSS is awesome(who's SA?)now they are like AP is the best( who's JSS?)!!! I still listen to them with what ever singer is the flavor of the month, but SP is Journey to me and always will be. All they are doing with AP is sounding like Journey with SP, without SP! What does that tell you?! Sorry, bud, you kinda lost me there. Lost me at "Journey." ;} Not a Journey fan!? I don't dislike Journey, but they don't get me too excited either. There are a few tracks I really like. If I took the time to familiarize myself with their catalogue, I'm sure I'd find a few more. I saw them back in December and I wasn't too impressed. Loverboy, and especially Night Ranger blew 'em away. I gotcha
  8. Sounds good to me too Glen but I'm only one spin in. It sounds excellent, but it also sounds like that Melrock lot are a bunch of pratts. AGREE! I'm so glad I found this forum, before I knew about the other one, or I might have become one of those pratts. This site seems to have the most sensible members. I know we have Geoffery and Cody, and Glen's a bit off at times, but, on a whole, we're looking pretty good. We all have our favorite band and stick by them for the most part, but those guys over there go to far. Lets take Journey,I love them, love Steve Perry.Every singer they've gotten since SP they are like OMG Steve A is great( who's SP?) then he's gone and again OMG JSS is awesome(who's SA?)now they are like AP is the best( who's JSS?)!!! I still listen to them with what ever singer is the flavor of the month, but SP is Journey to me and always will be. All they are doing with AP is sounding like Journey with SP, without SP! What does that tell you?! Sorry, bud, you kinda lost me there. Lost me at "Journey." ;} Not a Journey fan!?
  9. The Five Year Engagment Air Force One
  10. Sounds good to me too Glen but I'm only one spin in. It sounds excellent, but it also sounds like that Melrock lot are a bunch of pratts. AGREE! I'm so glad I found this forum, before I knew about the other one, or I might have become one of those pratts. This site seems to have the most sensible members. I know we have Geoffery and Cody, and Glen's a bit off at times, but, on a whole, we're looking pretty good. We all have our favorite band and stick by them for the most part, but those guys over there go to far. Lets take Journey,I love them, love Steve Perry.Every singer they've gotten since SP they are like OMG Steve A is great( who's SP?) then he's gone and again OMG JSS is awesome(who's SA?)now they are like AP is the best( who's JSS?)!!! I still listen to them with what ever singer is the flavor of the month, but SP is Journey to me and always will be. All they are doing with AP is sounding like Journey with SP, without SP! What does that tell you?!
  11. Sounds good to me too Glen but I'm only one spin in. It sounds excellent, but it also sounds like that Melrock lot are a bunch of pratts. AGREE!
  12. Well, if you don't like the band(such as STP)then the choice would be Bon Jovi. I would rather see Bon Jovi singing their classics than STP singing their so called classics.
  13. I can't find this. Anyway to get some samples? I found it.
  14. Well Geoffrey - first full listen & I must admit that I really liked the laid back ballad Stranger Of Mine, and Won't Take The Blame is great too. No problem with these 2 at all. In fact take away the silly intro & silly pt 2 and you have a pretty awesome 10 track album - very very nice indeed! This is effortless marvellous sleazy mhr. The more I spin this the more I like it - every song is killer for me. I might be hated for this, but I'm not a huge fan of these guys(apart from a handful of songs). But this album kicks ass, agree with everyone about the intro & part 2 songs.
  15. I really love this show, and while at times I did laugh and enjoy the episode I somewhat agree. Waited months for it to come back on, and yes a little(just a little) disappointed.
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