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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. Great movie! I saw it in the theater but just wish the soundtrack would have had more Kiss songs. Yes! great movie
  2. I just bought The Losers and Red the other day, good stuff!
  3. Holy shit, mate, that's really strange to me. I heard this one yesterday, and I gotta say (admittedly only one spin so far) I thought this was by far their best album to date. I wouldn't rate their previous albums as high as you I don't think (mid 80's and so on) but as I heard this yesterday I thought it was definitely their most consistent and the song-writing seemed to be a lot stronger than normal. Better chorus hooks especially. Yeah, I'd only consider myself a partial fan of this band, but I definitely like this new disc. My only slight issue early on is the end of a few of their choruses. Weird point, but a few times I noticed a really killer hooky chorus, but a really plain/poor ending line to finish the chorus. I'll listen more and cite examples, but 'Shut up' stood out on first spin. Killer catchy chorus, but the actual delivery of the song title line was weak. Anyway, small, silly thing. This is a good disc. Listen to it. I think it's the first Poodles disc where the ratio of killer to filler is very favourable. I said now. I do like this one, but still prefer Clash Of The Elements.
  4. Vega does NOTHING for me at all! And the new W.E.T. destroys the vega!
  5. Vega does NOTHING for me at all!
  6. Remember the very 1st time you heard Longing For Love? I dont know bout you, but it was sweet heroine to my ears, everything since then, rubbish I don't remember the first time I heard that song, or any other time I heard it. 'Angels of Heaven' and 'Someday' are fantastic songs. There is some solid stuff on the 'Rainmaker' CD. Everything else is rubbish, imo. This new CD, friends, is fucking dreadful. Excuse my language, but how do a group of guys seriously think it's worth time in their lives recording this shit? For the record, how many other times have they recorded a song called 'Jealous heart,' 'Troubled heart' or 'Real love?' It seems like these songs are on every CD. In terms of song writers, these guys would have to be as uninspiring as you get. James called Vega samey. Friend, listen to this to see how samey is done to perfection. Awful. To each their own, but if Vega and Fair Warning are samey I'll take Fair Warning samey every time!
  7. Yea good movie... Nice to see Mathew Broderick hasn't aged a DAY since Ferris Beuller's Day Off.... Broderick, Stiller, and Murphy!
  8. Love the old westerns!Big Valley Bonanza High Chaperal The Rifleman
  9. Now I've seen this a few times in the last couple of months with my 5 and 7 year old boys on Netflix. EVERYTIME I turn on netflix now, those are the first words out of their mouths "are we watching small soldiers!!!!"
  10. Just clicked on it for the 3rd time, It says "video not available in your Country!" I found it on Youtube
  11. Don't say that man, B's in 6!!!
  12. Boston in 7 (What a game 7!!!!!!!)- I said in 5Pittsburg in 6 -I said in 4 Ranger in 7 -I said in 7 Ottawa in 5 -I said in 7 kings in 6 -I said in 7 Wings in 7 -I said in 6(Ducks) Chicago in 5 -I said in 6 San Jose in 4 -I said in 6 Only missed by 1 on who made it to the second round!
  13. I don't understand why you bought it then,going into it not caring for him or his material to begin with! Cause I didnt know anything about it, I usually just buy a bunch of cd's, and listen to them, I hadnt studied it or even know what it was, do you think this is a bad way of doing it? I just hate to miss anything, and on a side note, I never said everything Borringman does is bad, it's actually not, none of it is bad, he is just very repetitive and boring, when it was new, he was great, those early JH discs absolutely rock, but there just comes a time when you should try something different, because he is not that good that he can just do the same thing forever and keep at least my attention, I mean it's not like he's Tobias or Jorn, those are 2 guys i would rather do the same thing forever, and even they have become boring and monotonous lately, so yeah I just ordered the disc, I had NO idea it was a Boringman project. Well, back in the day I used to buy TAPES without knowing anything about it. But, with the internet you do have information for just about all bands and music coming out before it does. And I do that alot of the times, sometimes I will even download the album illegally to see if I like it before I buy it, but I have been very busy, and another thing is this, many of my favorite discs, are ones I hated at first, and grew to love, which is why I try to go back and re examine my opinion, know what i mean man. I do.
  14. Crazy Lixx - Loud Minority New Religion Riot Avenue
  15. Why are the bonus tracks always some of the better tracks on an album?!!!
  16. I don't understand why you bought it then,going into it not caring for him or his material to begin with! Cause I didnt know anything about it, I usually just buy a bunch of cd's, and listen to them, I hadnt studied it or even know what it was, do you think this is a bad way of doing it? I just hate to miss anything, and on a side note, I never said everything Borringman does is bad, it's actually not, none of it is bad, he is just very repetitive and boring, when it was new, he was great, those early JH discs absolutely rock, but there just comes a time when you should try something different, because he is not that good that he can just do the same thing forever and keep at least my attention, I mean it's not like he's Tobias or Jorn, those are 2 guys i would rather do the same thing forever, and even they have become boring and monotonous lately, so yeah I just ordered the disc, I had NO idea it was a Boringman project. Well, back in the day I used to buy TAPES without knowing anything about it. But, with the internet you do have information for just about all bands and music coming out before it does.
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