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Everything posted by AlphaMale

  1. I have to admit the "We're so fucked...." has been stuck in my head.
  2. I just can't listen to them without Albert.
  3. Simplicity is just a bunch of slow boring songs. It's like one ballad after another after another. Very boring disc. Very disappointing.
  4. All of these years, you damn perverts have been gawking at a 12 year old's girls ass! Shame on you guys!!
  5. I concur with Night. A pretty old school sounding tune there.
  6. Wow.... been searching for that Mr. Right cassette forever!!
  7. Here's a band I think a lot of you guys would have liked. The band is called Mis-Fit from Virginia. They briefly changed their name to Mr. Right before returning to the Mis-Fit name. Check out the samples below.
  8. http://loudwire.com/jackyl-rally-exclusive-song-premiere/ Listen to the song "Rally".
  9. It sucks. Don't like it at all just like the rest of the recent BJ catalog. LAME!
  10. http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=34571&hl=%2Bgene+%2Bthe+%2Bwerewolf
  11. I will check out a bunch of these. Most of the time though, they are not my cup of tea. But you never know I guess.
  12. I'm over it. Let's keep talking music, whether good or bad!
  13. Who really cares anymore about Bonfire? Especially now?
  14. Almost right. He made it through 2 albums!!
  15. Bormann out! BONFIRE Decide On New Vocalist; Michael Bormann Out http://www.melodicrock.com/content/bonfire-decide-new-vocalist-michael-bormann-out#.V6u1vEAkJTw.facebook Submitted by Andrew on 11 August, 2016 - 09:14 Because of the sudden departure and separation from David Reece after two very successful charting CDs GLÖRIOUS & the double album PEARLS the place of the lead vocalist and Frontman of BONFIRE became vacant. Originally BONFIRE found a new shouter in Michael Bormann, however, prior obligations kept him from starting his duties with Bonfire until mid-October 2016. As so-called "transition singer" ALEXX STEEL (MASTERS OF DISGUISE, ROXXCALIBUR) spontaneously offered his help so BONFIRE where able to play the agreed 16 summer events . ALEXX STAHL uses this time and concerts in order to sing himself into the hearts of the fans and the band members. That he is a great musician, BONFIRE knew, but that it would also function as human friendly and makes so much fun to work with him to act and to travel, that was already a pleasant surprise.Alexx is a real gentleman! Therefore, the musicians around band founder HANS ZILLER decided to undertake Alexx permanently as the new Bonfire singer. Our big thank you goes to Michael Bormann - which is certainly an absolute exceptional singer , and this he has been proved for years in various projects - for his willingness to enter into BONFIRE and also for his understanding to our final decision and wish him for his future musical path only the very best. And we all mean that honestly !!!!! The new BONFIRE - STUDIO ALBUM appears in the March / April 2017
  16. Bumping a GREAT BAND to the top. Long Live Kivel!!!
  17. Miss good conversations about great bands. Not 20 threads on bands nobody has heard of that nobody is replying to. I just like to ruffle feathers!!
  18. I agree. I love this place. My favorite place to go.
  19. Well, it seems to me all those "crappy band threads" get little to zero responses. Because the bands SUCK. Kind of telling isn't it? 10, 20, 30, 50 views but not a single response. Because the bands SUCK. Some people like every band they hear and think everybody else will like them. But 95% of the time, it's simply not true. Because the bands SUCK. This is just a personal squabble really. Just annoying that when you click "view new content", the whole 1st and 2nd page are unknown bands that NOBODY wants to talk about. Carry on!
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