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Everything posted by AlphaMale

  1. The red line is because I just typed oooooooooooo
  2. Motley Crue - Girls, Girls, Girls
  3. Nope. Still the same. Here's what I see:
  4. Exactly! Good band! Hope they bounce back with a killer disc!
  5. I'm sorry but that's just a shit shit song.
  6. This. Maybe a little past 1985...... like 1990ish. Everything after, no thanks.
  7. Of course, they are my hometown boys!! Pretty good EP.
  8. They need to dismantle both parties. Term limits are a must. Pelosi will still be there in her 100's. No thanks. Now both parties fighting over the Postal Service while 15 million unemployed because of Covid sink into despair after the Cares Act expired. I was all caught up on my mortgage and everything else and now since they took away that money, headed back into the red again. But let's fight about slow mail....... both parties SUCK DICK.
  9. Yeah, Reckless Love has had a few head scratchers.
  10. When in dark mode, you can't see what your typing in the thread title box.
  11. More info on Hola: http://adios-hola.org/
  12. Pretty much what you'd expect from Sixx AM.
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