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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Not having cared much for any of Fuel's earlier output, I hadn't bothered with the new one, but based on your positive review, I went and checked out samples and immediately put it on my "To Buy" list. I could easily see (hear) Chris Daughtry singing these songs; in fact, the sound/style is fairly similar to Daughtry's album.
  2. I'm starting to agree with you. Had this for a few days now and while it's certainly well-done melodic hard rock/metal, it's not sticking with me very well. Could wear out its welcome pretty quickly. Currently spinning... David Readman: s/t.
  3. Good morning, Justice Jumpers. Jehosophat's gentle wife Jill jokingly joshes with jeering junipers. Kapish?
  4. I just went and checked out the samples on Amazon.com and...eh, they're OK. They've got that nu-breed sound that's growing very old to my ears, though admittedly A Change of Pace has a little harder rock edge than many bands in the nu-breed genre. A year ago I probably would have gobbled this up like Geoff slurping on a naked nork, but my tastes have shifted away from this breezy (though catchy) power-pop-rock stuff toward more aggressive music. For what it is, it's pretty good stuff; it's just not what I'm listening to these days.
  5. I wouldn't go so far as to say you should be shot, but a public flogging isn't out of the question.
  6. Kick Ass CD and if you haven't heard it yet their version of Metallica's - Battery is amazing Japan bonus song. Note to self: Must hear Machine Head's cover of "Battery" ASAP. Got to hear this last night. Thanks to Lawrence for hooking me up with the MP3. Truly a killer cover tune.
  7. Did he just insinuate that I live in a fantasy world? The nerve. I have half a mind to get all the members of my Dungeons & Dragons club together and go kick his ass.
  8. MACHINE HEAD: "The Blackening" Bought this based on Tim(2)'s recommendation and while I wouldn't put it ahead of Shadows Fall or Five Finger Death Punch for heavy metal album of the year, it's not too far behind them. Screaming (but decipherable) vocals, badass guitars, and thick production make this one worth picking up for heavy/thrash metalheads. A few of the songs could be a little shorter, but that's a minor complaint. Overall, a pretty darn good CD.
  9. Chris Impellitteri is my favorite guitar shredder (well, next to Pete, of course ), and has released a whole bunch of stellar melodic metal albums. My personal faves are the ones with Rob Rock on lead vocals, particularly the perfect triple-hit of "Screaming Symphony," "Eye of the Hurricane," & "Crunch." My vote goes to "Crunch," which added a serious metal, uh, crunch to the melodic metal shredding that just worked perfectly. "Fear No Evil" off that CD is far & away my all-time favorite Impellitteri tune. So, any other fans out there? Tell us which one tickles your ears.
  10. You know, it never clicked with me before, but you're right, Steve Shannon (Idle Cure's singer) does sound a lot like Paul Stanley.
  11. Kick Ass CD and if you haven't heard it yet their version of Metallica's - Battery is amazing Japan bonus song. Note to self: Must hear Machine Head's cover of "Battery" ASAP.
  12. Just seems like an odd assumption to make. If you sell CDs and have poor customer service, you must be a spoiled rich kid who likes to party? That's the equivalent of me assuming that because you don't capitalize properly and use commas where there should be a period, then clearly you are a redneck homeschooled teenager who has ADD. It's a web forum, Not a school but thanks for impressing me that you know how to spell. logic and common sense would have impressed me more. It's obvious you are one of the sellers friends. (oops another assumption) I must be wrong again. When I pay hundreds for cd's and get a nothing but garbage with cutouts and punch holes and cd's missing, then it's pretty obvious the guy doesn't give a shit. but hey lets just assume he is a good seller so you can be happy. Hey everyone BUY from kissmydisc Metalmaniac777 thinks he is GREAT. Allow me to make an assumption--you're a jackass. My point was to show how foolish your assumption was, not to criticize your grammar. And in case you missed it the first 2 times I said it, here it is in loud words so retarded newbies can understand it: I DO NOT DEFEND PJ'S ACTIONS. Assume all you want, numbnuts...as Koogles pointed out, your assumption about PJ being a spoiled rich kid was wrong, and your assumption that I am friends with PJ is also wrong. I think the way he is currently handling his CD business is atrocious and, quite frankly, don't think anyone should deal with him. That clear enough for you or do I need to use smaller words? I've been here for 5 years. You've been here less than a day. You're off to a great start. Keep the sarcasm coming, newbie...and don't forget to miss the point along the way.
  13. Latest acquisition... Machine Head: "The Blackening"
  14. Just seems like an odd assumption to make. If you sell CDs and have poor customer service, you must be a spoiled rich kid who likes to party? That's the equivalent of me assuming that because you don't capitalize properly and use commas where there should be a period, then clearly you are a redneck homeschooled teenager who has ADD.
  15. You know any of this for a fact, or are you just spouting your theories? I dealt with PJ a lot of years, way back when he called his site Stainless Steel, and we exchanged hundreds of emails and never once did I hear anything about him having rich parents. Not saying he doesn't, just wondering if you know what you're talking about or just venting. By the way, judging by the prices of his CDs, it sure seemed like he needed money! Anyone who needs to support a family or values their business doesn't leave their customers wondering if they will ever receive their items. If his prices are low it's only because his sales are way down and judging by all the negatives he receives for all the different stores, not many will be be return customers. It's great that you get the service that you expect but unfortunaetly the mass majority get screwed around and that is a Fact. So the answer is, no, you don't actually know he's a spoiled rich brat. Listen, you misunderstand what I was getting at...I'm not defending PJ--even I don't deal with him anymore, as he simply lost his sense of customer service--but I was just wondering if you knew for a fact that he has a rich family who supports his partying lifestyle. Guess you're just assuming that and tossed your assumption out there for the hell of it...
  16. You know any of this for a fact, or are you just spouting your theories? I dealt with PJ a lot of years, way back when he called his site Stainless Steel, and we exchanged hundreds of emails and never once did I hear anything about him having rich parents. Not saying he doesn't, just wondering if you know what you're talking about or just venting. By the way, judging by the prices of his CDs, it sure seemed like he needed money!
  17. Latest acquisitions... Cinder Road: "Superhuman" Eden's Curse: s/t David Readman: s/t Pantera: "Cowboys From Hell"
  18. ROBERT RODRIGUEZ' MEXICO TRILOGY Boxset containing El Mariachi, Desperado, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico.
  19. Good morning, Hyacinthian Hortaculturists. Incisively interesting infernal investigators invariably invalidate invaders. Juniper.
  20. Musically, I think you'd like them quite well. Lyrically...well, they are a Christian band, and they make no effort to disguise it. Still, few of the lyrics are of the "praise Jesus" variety. Hold on, let me grab their CDs and take a quick peek to refresh my memory... OK, we have a song about God calling to you, a song about fighting the good fight, a song about how many lost people are in the world, a song about running for "something higher," a song about prayer, a song about how sin doesn't bring happiness forever, a song about "contending for the faith," a song about how God can save a marriage, a song about how America has turned away from God, an anti-abortion song, a song about how dirty sin is, a song about giving God your soul, a song about God helping us through the day... You get the idea. Not a lot of "Jesus" lyrics, but lots of "God" lyrics. Not sure how that sits with you, but musically...yeah, you should definitely give 'em a listen. If you decide to check 'em out, start with "Inside Out" or "Eclipse," which are the best two, in my opinion.
  21. Good morning, Freudian Fruitcakes. Goliathan gonads gobble gargantuan gargling gargoyles. Hyenas.
  22. I am so bored, the boring things posted in this thread are almost as exciting as the SuperBowl by comparison.
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