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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. My review of the sophomore album from Modern Day Escape, "Under the Gun," is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: http://hardrockhaven...-under-the-gun/ Basically this is fairly standard-issue modern hard rock/post-metalcore stuff in the Black Veil Brides vein, albeit with a better vocalist and without the glam gimmick.
  2. Well I like 6 of the 11 tracks, but I do agree that the first two songs are the best.
  3. My review of Wig Wam's latest album, "Wall Street," is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Judging from the hate for this CD 'round HH, I expect not many people will agree with me, but to see for yourself, click the link below: http://hardrockhaven...am-wall-street/ Despite too many dull tracks, and not enough of that classic Wig Wam sound, I still enjoyed this release.
  4. In a 4-movie series, you have managed to watch the worst 2 and skipped the best 2.
  5. My favorite line in the whole story. What kind of shellfish was she acting like? Lobster? Clam? Wait a minute, I got it--crab!
  6. Our tastes must differ, 'cause I think this is one of the strongest modern hard rock/metal albums of 2012. Maybe a touch of nu-metal here & there, but mostly just Shinedown-meets-Nickelback modern rock with a big sound. Probably won't crack my Top 10 at the end of the year, but it would probably make my Top 20.
  7. Well, what I think they have done rather nicely on this new album is blend their old melodic rock sound with their more recent metal style. This is definitely heavier than anything they did with Bormann, but with more melody intertwined.
  8. Just got this in today and while I've only listened (briefly) to about half of it, right now it sounds like the best of the post-Borman Jaded Heart albums. "Saints Denied" is a killer song!!
  9. With a hooky, catchy style that sounds like a more melodic 40 Ft. Ringo or Marvelous 3, Seattle-based Fall From Grace have released a new album titled "The Romance Years." Click the link below to check out my review over at Hardrock Haven: Fall From Grace review If you like gang vocal "Whoas!" then this album has a-plenty of 'em. And I daresay "Heart Attack Road" is one of the best songs of the year. I expected nothing from this album and walked away pretty impressed.
  10. Yeah, as you know, he's been one of my favorite Christian singers for the last 25 years (gosh, that makes me feel old). This interview was definitely a fanboy moment for me. I had to struggle to keep my professional detachment!
  11. As a longtime fan of John Schlitt, I jumped at the opportunity to interview him for Hardrock Haven. To read the text of the interview, click the link below: Schlitt interview Very nice man. I almost felt bad asking him some of my questions!
  12. Not too shabby. Reminds me of one of Hinder's ballads for some reason...
  13. I totally understand where you're coming from, as I'm usually the same way. Their first album, "Dial It Up," was a full-length CD (10 songs), but "Eat Your Heart Out" was a mere 6-song EP. So this "best of" collection is actually only missing 6 songs, plus 1 new track that isn't on the previous albums, making it a cool option for introducing someone to the band.
  14. My review of UK power-pop-rockers Teenage Casket Company's "best of" collection, "Best Kept Secret," is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Teenage Casket Company They sound like Butch Walker meets Cheap Trick. 'Nuff said.
  15. My review of Texas-based modern hard rock/metal band Memory of a Melody's album, "Things That Make You Scream," is now available at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Memory of a Melody review In the same vein as Bullet For My Valentine or Black Veil Brides--heavy modern hard rock with some metalcore screams--but not quite as catchy. Better guitars and vocals, though.
  16. That does sound pretty good. Hinder crossed with My Darkest Days is as good a description as any. I will be buying this.
  17. Thanks. Nice bunch of guys, and they write some solid tunes. Would love to hear them given a shot with a real studio budget. A producer like Bob Rock could really do these songs justice.
  18. My review of the new self-titled album from Philly-based sleaze-rock merchants Juliet's Vice is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Juliet's Vice review Hardly essential (production is a little raw/rough), but songs like "Dirty Little Princess" and "Tattoos n' Pink" should put a smile on the face of fans of this genre as long as you don't go in expecting perfection.
  19. My review of John Schlitt's (ex-Petra) new solo album "The Greater Cause" is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: John Schlitt review Not as good as his glory days with Petra, but the best of his solo work. Ballads are pretty terrible though...
  20. Don't worry, Jim, I don't feel dissed at all. And I respect your opinion as much as you respect mine. This forum is a place for discussion of the music we all enjoy and that's all this is--discussion. I certainly would recommend this album to anyone as well...I would just tell them to expect a "good" album rather than a "great" one.
  21. Good article, Keith. Here's an editorial Derric Miller, the editor over at Hardrock Haven, wrote on the subject: Great White vs. Jack Russell
  22. I am paid to review CDs as a whole, not individual tracks. I would not properly be performing my job as a critic if I ignored the dross and only focused on the gold. Yes, there are several songs that I would rate much higher than 7/10, and there are also songs that I would rate much lower; hence, the album's rating averages out to 7/10. I will note that my rating would have been higher had my promo copy included the bonus track "Find a Memory," which is a really good track. Had that been included for review purposes, I would have probably nudged my rating up to 7.5/10. But I only review what the label provides and Frontiers almost never includes bonus tracks in their promotional materials. I like this album...or, at least, I like SOME of this album. With the filler--or less exciting, to use your preferred terminology--songs stripped out of the mix, this is easily an 8.5/10 effort, but with them present, I consider my rating more than fair. But that's all it is--my rating. I certainly don't think I am the final authority on an album's worth. I am paid to give my opinion and so I do...but in the end, that's all it is--one man's opinion.
  23. I know, right? Their songwriting seems to have gone to shit. I'm very skeptical about this one, after hearing those samples. Unfortunately I have to agree...what the hell are they doing? From all the samples only the title track sounded fine, some other tracks were horrendous. Are you sure we're listening to the same samples? Granted, I haven't listened to all of them, but the half-dozen I clicked on sounded pretty darn good to these ears. Not up to the incredibly high standard of "Wigwamania," but good nonetheless. Maybe I got lucky and just listened to all the good songs... Then again, I think the same thing about the new Crazy Lixx...everyone saying it's a duff album but it sounds good to me, though, again, not as good as their earlier output. To each their own, I guess, but as far as I'm concerned, if I don't get assigned the Wig Wam to review, then I'm buying it the second it becomes available.
  24. There's the cantankerous Tim we know and love. Looks like the Apocalypse has been averted... I thought about writing more, but that comment really just summed-up my feelings! I have an album called "Stick Your Neck Out" or something equally daft, and it's a great big turd of an album. I handsomely feel that's a rather great disc. Probably a filler for every gem, but the gems are real good 'uns. I don't know if I would call "Stick Your Neck Out" a great album, but it's definitely good. This newie is about on par with that one...not a whole lotta change in their style. If you liked "Stick Your Neck Out," you'll like "2012."
  25. Yeah, I really like the beef and punch on the guitars and production--this thing sounds really good! Personally, I thought Loran sounded just fine, so I wouldn't call his vocals weak. And for me, a 7/10 rating means the album just crosses the line into worthiness territory...anything less than that usually means I wouldn't bother. In my mind, despite its flaws, this CD is worth owning, though you will definitely need to use the Skip button more than once or twice.
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