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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Happy birthday...how about I crank some W.A.S.P - Cries In The Night to celebrate!
  2. Bunker Hill, WV 25413 Shipping was only $3.57 for 7 cd's too, so not bad there either.
  3. Tonight I'll try to remember to check the packaging that came with the cd's the other day....assuming the cat hasn't tore it apart yet.
  4. We are at Phase 1, which is just try Firefox and see if that at least gets him back on the board. Hopefully it continues to work which tells me IE has some setting or something messed up. At which point we can try to uninstall IE8 and reinstall it...if Dave wants to pursue that.
  5. I have to say overall that was a pretty quick hour of TV. I was disappointed to look up and see only 10 minutes left. I'm not sure I will enjoy another mother/son plot but since it appears they will be against eachother it could be ok. I am looking forward to the next episode. The DVR is now set to "Record Series".
  6. I hear ya. I was hoping for coop as well, something like Baldur's gate, because my wife likes to play console games in coop mode. Oh well. I will probably check it out anyway...that and Assassins Creed 2.
  7. I just received 7 cd's from her yesterday. She took 2 weeks to ship them which although not as fast as other purchases, 2 weeks is fine and sometimes the post is slow anyway. I did email her for a tracking number a week back and she never responded. But they arrived and in good shape. Nothing rare, just some $5 stuff. And a couple of them that I won did have the incorrect picture in the EBay listing but she sent the right cd, thankfully. So in summary, it sounds like we all have good to poor to possibly strange or shady experiences with her. I'm not sure what to make of it other than my experience has been good so I would continue to buy from her until otherwise.
  8. I dunno, I would give it a little longer before thinking about it too much. I've seen stuff in the Post take 2 days from California and 8 days from a place in the middle of my state. I didn't order though, so I suppose I'm not answering your question.
  9. I have not played a serious in depth video game in quite some time (Lego Start Wars with my wife does not count). The last one I really enjoyed and finished was Assassins Creed. I saw an ad for this game during the football game last night and it looked interesting. I would try it on the XBox 360 if I get it. Anyone else going to try it? http://dragonage.bioware.com
  10. Jeff

    Name change

    I hear ya. Truly is amazing how many ass clowns there are in this world that have nothing better to do than mess with other people. If they are bored, go volunteer somewhere. If they are looking for money then I don't know...but find something else to do.
  11. I have not checked this out yet. Yes, terrible name. 'Men Like Women' would be better. Do we have a thread for terrible band names? I don't have much luck with the search feature so I'm not trying...tonight anyway.
  12. Jeff

    Name change

    What are the point of these that someone is wasting their time creating a login and pasting this crap in a message....get us to click on the rolex links? And how did they come up with this older thread...do search on "name" and hope you get someones email addy and such? Weird.
  13. Nice. Now that's what I call a Halloween. Whiskey and pussy, what more do you need? Even I don't have a good comeback for that one!
  14. My wife bought a kitten so she invited all her friends to come over and see it. So all day long her friends dropped in and I continued to pound whiskey's, harrass this message board and watch the World Series.
  15. You guys are probably right. Who would really want something like this anyway? Not like it belonged to Brett THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON. With minor curiosity I'll wait to see if the paper reports on it again when the auction is over.
  16. I'm guessing you thought you were in that THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON thread unless that's just the name of some movie I don't know about. I believe was momentarily confused by the F-A-V-R-E name thing so I was testing in another thread. So don't go looking to rent that movie. You can see it today at 3p on FOX. Last move I saw was Stir Of Echoes.
  17. Yep, need to stay OFF the computer when I get home from a night of whiskey. At least you folks are the only ones I harrassed...you and Brett THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON. Ah, fuckin' Halloween.
  19. Damn, I need to lay off the fuckin' whiskey.
  20. I'm drunk but I didn't say that when I typed Brett THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON, I said fuck Brett THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON.
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