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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. What do you mean a good story like this through sport? What story? You creepy jerk. I was going to make a hilarious post yesterday afternoon before I left, thanking Jeff for ruining the game for me because I'd taped it while I was work and then I was going to be all like 'PSYCH!' because of my previous thoughts on the game and it would have been awesome. But I kind of left in a hurry yesterday and forgot. Hmmm, that's woulda been a good one! I wonder if you would have gotten me with that because I never see you comment on the football posts much, let lone tape a football game...but would I have thought about it that much to realize it was a joke? ...instead being consumed with guilt thinking I ruined yours (and possibly others) planned evening to watch the taped game? The world will never know. I reckon there's a good chance I would have made you feel terrible. Mission accomplised via your scrotum.
  2. When I came home today I never imagined that I would be reading a list of great bands and for a split second have the thought of Geoff's scrotum flash before my mind. I feel dirty for that happening yet confused because in hindsight it seemed unavoidable. How does someone censor their eyes from something before they read it? No matter how brief that moment was, I am now thinking about hiring someone to pre-read these posts for me. Going to a corner to cry now...
  3. What do you mean a good story like this through sport? What story? You creepy jerk. I was going to make a hilarious post yesterday afternoon before I left, thanking Jeff for ruining the game for me because I'd taped it while I was work and then I was going to be all like 'PSYCH!' because of my previous thoughts on the game and it would have been awesome. But I kind of left in a hurry yesterday and forgot. Hmmm, that's woulda been a good one! I wonder if you would have gotten me with that because I never see you comment on the football posts much, let lone tape a football game...but would I have thought about it that much to realize it was a joke? ...instead being consumed with guilt thinking I ruined yours (and possibly others) planned evening to watch the taped game? The world will never know.
  4. Who in the fuck is Danica this is Danica http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009_swim...-patrick_1.html <sigh> yummy
  5. Damn. I am gonna have to think about this one. Like Dan I have something else going on but I might just get out of it.
  6. Didn't they earn a first round bye by having the best record in the NFC? The Arizona game wasn't even close if I recall. They took 4 or 5 turnovers as gifts from Minnesota. I didn't notice any bad ref'ing last night though they were sort of quiet...which is a good thing for refs IMO. I think they deserved the trophy.
  7. Nothing against Indy, but tonight I had to pull for New Orleans. This game seem to fly by. Missed opportunities on both sides but over all entertaining. A couple of really good teams that deserved to be there. So if there are any Saints fans on this board, congrats! P.S. Danica Patrick is delicious. And yes I went to Godaddy.com after every commercial and I'm not ashamed.
  8. Friday night I stopped in that that one store I complain about sometimes on here. They still had their $44.99 copy of Baton Rouge Shake Your Soul (Wounded Bird reissue no less) and Icon's Right Between the Eyes for $50. I been noticing a lot of that dark/death/black metal (pick your name for it) lately. I dont listen to it be it is the kind of cd's that anoy me a little because at first they catch my eye enough to sometimes pick one up only to realize I cannot read the words because the font is supposed to scare me or something. There is usually a beast, demon, reaper, blood, etc. somewhere on the cover art. I've been seeing a lot of that stuff lately.
  9. I'm getting an earful from Mrs. Jeff...for cryin' out loud is she grumpy today. I'm the one who has worked all weekend and gotten 4 hours of sleep in 3 days...I should be grumpy.
  10. Well said. Even though I might still come out to meet you guys, I am very disappointed in the lineup too. I have no interest to see Vince Neil, Warrant, Molley Hatchet, or Axe. I would look forward to seeing Tango Down, Talon, Bombay Black and FarCry. Now it is a matter of coming out to meet some good people instead of coming out to meet good people AND seeing some interesting Major bands. I've never seen Lita but if she plays the crap off her new disc scratch her off the interesting list too. Bummer.
  11. Saw this in a used bin for $7 yesterday...already have it though. Good disc.
  12. Pete's fault, he started it. If he hadn't put that picture of the Wiggles up I would not have gotten so pumped up and off topic.
  13. Yes but if their playing will they allow me to bring my droids? You'll need to use your Jedi mind powers to get them past DRF security: "These aren't the droids you're looking for."
  14. There are 4 songs I like from this band: Fly Me Courageous: Build A Fire Fly Me Courageous The Innocent Smoke: Whiskey Soul Woman
  15. I once asked why they were not in the HH database...I don't think anyone knew or answered. They are not that great but I think they fit for sure.
  16. Blasphemy! Hardly a filler on their cd's IMO. To your question....I will look forward to Tyketto any time, any place, any year!
  17. Exactly what I was talking about! I would never get around to hearing some of these songs. I haven't gotten to all of them but so far that Atreyu tune is great, Kings and Queens is ok, not bad, and that Adam Lambert song is not bad and I feel it will grow on me (and I NEVER would have heard this one otherwise). Thanks!
  18. Look out kid! "Evil" man with machinery dead ahead!
  19. Seriously? I need to check the weather for the twin cities area...crap.
  20. Don't forget these Mos Eisley fella's are rumored to be there as well:
  21. Morrison, but with a completely different spelling I guess.
  22. Rycheage put it well...Morrissey/sleaze I am not sure. I would like to hear some full songs before I could say like or dislike.
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