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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Wait, judging from the sound quality, I thought "The Savage Playground" WAS a collection of demos... Seriously, I was all over this. Ran to their site and prepared to get some "new" Crashdiet tunes. Then I saw the price. I"ll be damned if I'm spending $30 for a download of some demos. Yeah, I was lucky, that I had a 25% off coupon, otherwise I probably wouldn't have bought it neither. Irony aside, I actually think some of these demos sound better than 'The Savage Playground', especially the demo for 'Change the World' Yeah, I've got older demos from Crashdiet and there's no doubt that plenty of them sound a lot better than 'Savage Playground.' I have no doubt any demo from the 'Generation Wild' sessions would sound far superior too. I gotta admit, I've barely played this at all since the start of the year, and I don't miss it at all. Never thought I'd say or think that about Crashdiet, but when you release something that sounds like 'Savage Playground' you have to expect a backlash of sorts. Disgraceful sound quality. Word.
  2. http://youtu.be/TEAu8PhSQmM?t=6m
  3. WET Was So Good At MRF3. Brilliant live band - cant wait to see them again at FF 2013 :-) As Good As They Were Eclipse Was Just As Good Or Better. One in the same, just different singer. lolYes But Eclipse Is Heavier And Less AOR. Exactly.
  4. Looking forward to Pacific Rim! It's a shame you didn't catch it on the silver screen. It was epic! I heard, a friend saw it at Imax I saw it in Imax. Definitely the way it was meant to be seen.
  5. 'Bout damn time, brother. Great film. This was actually the second time I've seen it... and I laughed just as much as I did the first time. Right. I think I recall the first review.
  6. Pat Badger, of Extreme, is working on his first solo album, and he's trying to get it funded through Pledge Music. Here's the link: http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/badger Doesn't sound too bad.
  7. Nor I. But I've had them crawl all over me.
  8. Looking forward to Pacific Rim! It's a shame you didn't catch it on the silver screen. It was epic!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwwrbJfM_14
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