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My Little Pony
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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. On My Way to the SUN - John Elefante
  2. I was just talking about this on Friday, wondering what was going on. Any lead on some samples?
  3. Approaching Light SPEED - Barnabas
  4. Penguin at the Big Apple - The Trammps What are you gonna do before the weekend is over?
  5. A Man Just Don't Know What A Woman Goes Through - The Spinners What should we do to prevent Ian from doing this, again?
  6. Faster PUSSYcat - Faster Pussycat
  7. Yeah, I loved this one. Milly Bitchell is a right ponce.
  8. Listen to THE CLOCK On THE Wall - The O'Jays
  9. When the Night Falls - Chromeo What are we to do about Ian?
  10. I kinda feel the same way. Not about Pat Badger in particular, but this whole Kickstarter/Pledgemusic crowd-sourcing nonsense in general. Its a brilliant way to do it. Not only does it ensure a band can afford to make an album, it also allows people who pledge early access to the album and a whole bunch of other exclusive bits n pieces.Its hardly nonsense considering how well it works. Is paying up front to get the album made any different to preordering a CD and paying up front? If they reach their target you get your album and whatever else you pledge for. If they dont reach their target, you dont get anything and no money is taken from your account. Yeah, I'm all for crowd-funded projects.
  11. The Berlin File Great Korean film with a great deal of crazy action in this one. Some of the best choreographed and most intense gun fights. One of which turns into pistol-whip/hand-to-hand combat. Shit I've never seen before. I think you lot would enjoy this one.
  12. I'm all over that shit. I wasn't alive back then, but I'll take part.
  13. Uh, but I just don't trust Microsoft anymore. Knowing what they were trying to pull, they could do it again at any moment. They lied to us and said it couldn't be undone because it was a hardware thing, not software. But then they said it would be a day one update. I don't trust them anymore. As for the controllers, the new Xbone controller is shit. I don't know how they fucked up the perfect design (the 360 controller) but they did. The new one is not comfortable at all. The new PS4 controller, however, feels great.
  14. I'm not saying you are but one can never be sure... Read (if you got the time) and weep: http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=12120&hl=lonnie Oh, shit. You're bringing this up? Ha! Enjoy, bud.
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