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Captain Howdy

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Everything posted by Captain Howdy

  1. Just had a listen to the album for the first time, and yeah there is nothing overly original on it, but that is really the point. James just gets what classic metal is all about. If you didn't know any different, and his songs were thrown into a playlist with classic metal like Dio, Maiden, Helloween and Priest, you would think that it was just another classic metal band from back in the day. I really don't know who any of the musicians are, but like James, they know exactly what they are doing to recapture that classic sound. I don't think there is anything on here that will become an all time classic though, but for someone who likes old school trad metal and is looking for something new, I don't think you can go wrong. As a non-American I really did not know who James was until he joined Quiet Riot, and after hearing initial songs I wasn't gonna rush out to buy the album he did with them mainly because in my mind (and I said this elsewhere on here recently) no Kevin, no QR. But after hearing the first Durbin album I picked up the QR album and both his solo albums and have been checking out some of his YouTube covers. He is quite a versatile performer (his Steelheart cover is fantastic). I learned a long time ago to not judge singers if they broke into the industry through reality talent shows, and Erik Gronwall was the one who taught me that. I look forward to hearing more from James as he is highly talented, and a really nice bloke as well. He reminds me of Erik in a lot of ways.
  2. Looking at the comments on Stryper and Michaels FB pages it is understandable why they get away with the prices they stick on their merch. They have way too many fans who think the bands shit dont stink, and will buy anything they put out no matter what the price. The comments of how great it is, when they have not even heard it yet really does speak volumes about how indoctrinated some of their fans are into the cult of Stryper. I have no issue with Christians and their beliefs even if it's not the way I roll, but these seem to be the same sort of people who send their life savings to TV evangelists because they think some orange skinned scam artist is gonna ease their way into heaven. I genuinely love Stryper, or at least I did until Michael started bombarding us with new material every five minutes.
  3. Yeah but this isn't an indication that rock music has died, just that it does not appeal to your tastes which is a very big difference. While we on here all have a common ground with the type of music we listen to, we have an incredibly varied mix of people who want different things from music. Some are more critical and delve into the minutiae of songs, and some of us are more easily pleased that someone sang a song about love or how fast their car goes Plus tastes vary even within this genre. Some of us prefer to go with more melodic, some more heavy. Some prefer old school some like a modern take. There are bands I listen to that I would never bother discussing here, not because they do not fit musically, but I know that I will probably be a voice of one saying how good it is. If 15 bands that I dont like release albums it doesnt mean music has died if other people like those bands and albums. I am still playing catch up on releases since 2021 for obvious reasons, so even if there is a lull in releases I like, there is always something new I can buy, it's just not the latest release.
  4. Well due to how many pages this thread is, not really sure what has been posted but I thought I would post a bunch of covers by a band who generally pick unusual songs to cover and cover them exceptionally well. The Eurythmics Tina Turner Shakespears Sister ABBA Iron Maiden The Pet Shop Boys The Beatles Genesis Metallica Army Of Lovers Roky Erikson
  5. Shame she never really followed up on this album. I loved it when it came out but I think all she has really done since is Motor Sister, which really never did much for me although not heard the second album.
  6. Arrived this morning: Shameless - So good, you should Bloody Heels - Rotten romance Sunbomb - Evil and divine Chip Z'nuff- Perfectly imperfect On the way: Durbin - Screaming steel Rolling Quartz - Fighting
  7. I love the band and get on real well with Rob, but yeah I do not like this tactic. The first two albums was because they got the rights back from the label that released them, but I really do not see any justification in re-releasing Itch already. I would rather they take all the Jap exclusives, record the new tracks and release an EP or a best of type thing. I am not re-buying any of the albums again as there is just too much other stuff to buy and limited money to spend on them.
  8. This one might be a little bit of a cheat
  9. My guess is no seeing as they say it's not available on streaming services, which I would assume includes YouTube.
  10. So yeah, looks like I will be cancelling my Durbin preorder on Amazon UK, just got this apdate email New estimated delivery date: April 04, 2024 - August 23, 2024
  11. I see the lynching party is gathering outside, pitch forks in hand, calling for the head of the one that "gone dun a deal with the devil".
  12. Itch you can't scratch is now getting a reissue with two extra tracks. The Japanese bonus track and one newly recorded track.
  13. From Facebook. Michael Sweet Acousticyzed CD+Blu-ray or DVD Release Date: February 16, 2024 Two disc set containing an audio CD and Blu-ray video. The band's first acoustic album and video recorded and filmed at SpiritHouse Studios in 2021. This is a very limited pressing collector's-edition and features 11 beautifully recorded fan-favorites and hits, including a never before heard version of the spiritual classic "Amazing Grace". This album is not available on streaming services. The video captures an intimate set of Stryper performing the album live in the studio. Includes original members Michael Sweet, Robert Sweet, Oz Fox - along with long-time member Perry Richardson. *Bonus - Get $1.00 off a Stryper Chocolate Bar when you purchase Acousticyzed. That's a pretty SWEET deal! Discount will automatically be applied at checkout https://stores.portmerch.com/stryper/ Unsurprisingly Stryper merch is always over priced (remember the $75 for a face mask during Covid?) $37 for CD/blu ray and $33 for CD/DVD. And I don't even wanna think about the postage. Hell, the chocolate bar you get $1 off is $6.
  14. Serveral albums I am looking forward to already. Durbin, Priest & Mick Mars for starters. There is the new Crazy Lixx too, but obviously its got a lot of old stuff re-recorded on it, but I am still looking forward to picking it up. Also hoping that the recent single by The Warning is a sign of a new album this year. So much stuff these days only gets announced a short time before release, so I for one am not worried that it will be a bad year.
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