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Everything posted by lettard

  1. I have to wait til Friday to hear it...
  2. Liked the Night By Night cd...and this definitely looks the part...so please please please please please be good.
  3. Preordered from Michael Bormann Jaded Hard - Feels like Yesterday after hearing that first track earlier today I couldn't resist
  4. The maze just sounds like a Linkin Park track to me(and apart from Hybrid Theory I aint got much time LP),totally different for these guys though and as Ive said after my first spin or so it was underwhelming...but after repeated tests its holding up well.
  5. Yeah their first few releases did very little for me apart from a track or two,but this is a step up by the sounds of it,singer definitely has the chops,hopefully this release is different because I would find myself pressing skip quite a bit on their past efforts.
  6. Its a fine album,just a really good listen to my ears
  7. Really like that,its like reclaiming the old Jaded Heart back again Haven't really been a fan since Bormann left apart from Helluva Time which was very good.
  8. Yeah upon further reflextion its not as good as Id given it kudus to earlier,I was a bit quick off the mark after I listened to it on my ipod whilst at work...but a few listens a home and he really is straining sometimes and its nerve jinglingly bad at times...about a half way house for me ratings wise...maybe a bit less but when its good it is good though..just not enough.
  9. Good stuff you help keep this place ticking...just passed the 12 year mark myself.
  10. Great minds and all that I like the weirdness to it...for some reason Parasite is my fav track from the disc though
  11. Been giving this a few more repeated listens since Monday and its a grower for me,definatley very good...love the track "Waiting For Your Love" but there are quite a few really good tracks on this
  12. Absolute Legend...RIP Tony Time to crank out Excess All Areas...along with Beyond The Law
  13. Inglorious The Radio Sun Santa Cruz(apart from SFA) Some ok output but nothing to write home about imho…
  14. The Defiants - Zokusho Crashdiet - Rust 91 Suite - s/t Tom Keifer - Rise Pre Ordered Mark Devine - Hear Now
  15. Picked up the disc,its pretty good...a modern day Cinderella if you will
  16. https://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/topic/37218-tokyo-motor-fist-new-album-in-2020/
  17. Yeah its good for what it is...totally agree that the vocals are good but the songs just arnt hitting the mark with me...its good but it aint no Rest In Sleaze or Generation Wild...but im still enjoying it.
  18. Yes,I arrived back from work and it was there together with the new Crashdiet release Have listened now several times and it is brilliant,the track Allnighter reminds me at the beginning of a Nickelback song with similar content but I still love the whole thing...oh btw Crashdiet hasn't be tried yet...
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