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Everything posted by lettard

  1. Last In Line - II Julliet - S/t Jack Russells Great White - He Saw It Comin'
  2. My poor ears a pass here also,nice try but my god the vocals arnt good...I mean didn't anyone involved notice this?
  3. Ezo - Fire Fire Dirty White Boy - Bad Reputation Code Red - Incendiary
  4. The first track is ok but the other two are pretty good
  5. Not as instant as the debut but I still really really like this think it'll grow
  6. Yeah the whole "I Can't tell if she's 12 or 22" part...dodgy is one word for it I suppose,title also a tad inappropriate and it was written in part by a woman!
  7. Yeah Agreed,great track and for defs the best on the latest release
  8. Might be because things got a bit lean in the 90's that I went back and found so many lost gems that I had bought but didn't play,just like you with Slave...did the same with Rox Diamond if I remember rightly,then I listen and ping! something clicks and I ask myself was I really that shallow...obviously was...glad I persisted...although that being said that's how I ended up listening to LostBoys...yeah some things are best left unheard
  9. Quite a bit if im honest,I went through a phase for instance where if an album didn't sound like the previous efforts that id liked I pushed it away...for years...Warrant - Dog Eat Dog is a good example...fucking great album but upon release it wasn't what id been used to with them...or so I though until accidently hearing it again a few years later...Vince Neil - Exposed is another because it wasn't Crue I didn't want to know...but its pretty good to my ears. Plenty others too...like Triumph - Edge Of Excess...love it but didn't back in the day if you know what I mean...another that took years to appreciate On the subject of Hurricane - Slave To The Thrill...I absolutely love that album...played the cassette to death
  10. Don't know myself,i don't have facebook but he has been posting one every week on their youtube page
  11. Catalano - Dark Skies Passion - Under The Covers Devilfire - Dark Manouveres Dio - Master Of The Moon
  12. Very good,that's a great idea...maybe they'll take it further for our entertainment I look forward to what they offer in week 4
  13. Nice...really enjoyed their album release and you just gotta love that cover art
  14. ohh not long now then really enjoyed "through mystery"
  15. Yeah 22nd May http://www.frontiers.it/album/5593
  16. I'll take 8 outta 10...would prefer 10 outta 10 but beggars can't be choosers
  17. lettard


    Nothing has changed for me at all,Im still out working in it,cleaning up masks,gloves,tissues and anything else the witless wreckless people of our town choose to dump when they venture out to shop,exercise etc...I can't complain though compared to my wife i'm getting it easy so to speak,she works in a covid ward that they've set up in our local hospital Just getting our days in and unlike those that can stay at home but cry about it,we can't wait to get home safe,shut the doors and spend time with our sons...then gear up and prepare at night for back to porridge in the morning.
  18. Yeah Jona Tee was involved with them as producer the last time and this time its Dave Dalone
  19. This is their 5th release if i'm correct,the previous release had a female vocalist...in fact they've had a few different singers overall...but this one for me just fits.
  20. Their last album wasn't too bad,but I wasn't a fan of the stuff before that...dunno if its the new singer(again) but for me this is far far better and I will grab this upon release
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