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Everything posted by Grey

  1. Remastered doesn't always mean it's better. Many of these remastered CDs are victims of the Loudness War with nothing for dynamic range, clipping and distortion. They're remastered to sound like today's music. I always avoid them for that reason. I haven't heard "Diver Down" but could that be your problem with it? The production of VH's early stuff wasn't that great in the first place. "Remastering" it might just make it worse.
  2. Really? I don't think it sounds like Great White but it's not a bad tune. Just really poor lyrical content That I agree with. Another song about technology ruining the world. LOL Yeah, been there, done that with .
  3. For me, Great White was a band that could do no wrong (musically) up until "Back to the Rhythm". But even that and "Rising" still had some really good tracks on them. Now, I can't get interested in anything that has the Great White name on it. It just doesn't sound the same.
  4. I looped the intro to Great White's "On the Edge". http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/h7c2oxs18m/on_the_edge.mp3
  5. I've been offline for a couple of months and finally getting caught up with what I missed around here. Good stuff. My current favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix-xZR9P0RM
  6. After another lineup change, Emphatic has changed their name to Through Fire. The new CD is out July 1st and the first two singles sound great. The first is a cover of Emphatic's 2010 song, "Stronger". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlpP5PO6wbk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6wQoCRl_jk
  7. I love this band and their new album is great. It's a little too heavy to be Country and not quite Southern Rock. If it weren't for Jeff Gallagher's drawl (which seems kind of odd for a Canadian), you probably wouldn't associate it with either one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC4hfPycXI8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OATbOXkst3A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnDEzWCXpQM
  8. I must have the edited version, or your clowning the lyrics, cause I really havent heard I farted and Ive heard the song enough that i dont even like it anymore, plus I kind of heard it live, but I think thats its new lyrics, to make it interesting again, thanks, now do that for the rest of their songs, and maybe they will be mediocre again!! It's at 0:49 in the video you posted.
  9. Kiss - Let's Put the X in Sex I used to hear, "You're begging for an apple but you only get a pea".
  10. Love it! I didn't care for any of their earlier tracks but this one's really good.
  11. This one's good too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvAHtoCjldI
  12. Right Now Black and Blue Summer Nights Dreams Don't Tell Me Inside Finish What Ya Started Take Your Whiskey Home 5150 Dancing in the Street
  13. "I-I-I farted but I won't blackout" Once you hear that in the song, you can't un-hear it. It's in your head every time you listen.
  14. Love both of the tracks you just posted. Though, my favorite song by The Cab will always be "Another Me" which is definitely not a ballad.
  15. This one has been in my collection ever since I listened to your list on Page 1. Love it. I'd never heard anything from Parmalee other than "Carolina" on the radio. I just assumed they were a typical country band until I heard the EP. Not bad.
  16. Great tune from Jet Black Stare lead singer, Rod Black: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ1wj-1-LSI
  17. New music from Stone Broken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faLgl9YLjX4
  18. Just the intros here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RBTE5fBDHE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qB54PNb4hA
  19. Ditto! I did some Googling. They're a Slovenian band. And they don't sing in English, so if that's an issue you can stop at that one cover. I did the same. Shame. Not singing English for me is a deal breaker, but that cover is great. Yeah, those dudes is tight. I hope they realise that singing in their native tongue is pointless and nobody aside from their parents and neighbours care what they're doing as long as they do it, and I hope that they see the light and record an album in English. 'Cause I dig their sound for sure. ... and his voice is good in English. No bad accent or anything. Good hard rock voice. Disco's not easy to cover but these guys did an awesome job with it. Thanks to Stefan for posting that here a couple of years ago.
  20. If you like good Disco covers, or that song in particular... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A4HA1-tCt4
  21. This is the only one that might do it for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ao1qkSuTmw
  22. Great choices, but I'd put "Breakin' Free" at the top of the list and throw in "Heaven's Trail" and "Edison's Medicine". Song of the day as long as I'm here: Jaded Heart - On the Rise
  23. Another classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siF-aZwLZ5w
  24. Likewise, though, I'm not a fan of AOR (just as you're not into Country). I think we agree on Modern Rock. I finally got to your list but heard mostly AOR. Any top Modern tracks for '15 I may have missed?
  25. Best sax solo ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA6id4--BDg
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