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Everything posted by SamboraRocks86

  1. i tend to steer clear of anything Disney related......its normally crap these days and if its good....they dont give it up until they ruin it. Pirates Of The Carribean is a good example, first one was excellent, second one was good, third one sucked.....and ruined the first two. dissapointment is inevitable (which, being British, i should crave dissapointment) but ive hated Disney for about 4 or 5 years now so its hard to get me to watch something they put out...
  2. for Phil Lewis, id have to say that Torme is my fave project, followed by LA Guns. Cocked and Loaded is great, but Back To Babylon is awesome.
  3. any good? i think i have.. Guns N Roses - Appetite For Destruction MP3 Disc of indie bands Rockarma - Bring It! Illusion - Souls Of The Damned (gotta learn those songs good!) Bon Jovi - Crossroad
  4. ive only seen his cameo in Darkman
  5. i meant East coast sorry.... its 3000 miles to NJ, and 6000 to Cali our flight to Cali was about 9/10 hours so it should only be 5 hours to NJ.
  6. NJ is closer to Europe and the UK....so it makes sense to hold it on the west coast.
  7. i can see some arguments over who gets the Sgt. Roxx CD coming on
  8. but i finished my post with "but for a concert and the HH reunion, itd be more than worth it..." didnt i?
  9. i was thinking you could spread it over a whole weekend, have a gig one day, a day to hang out the next etc.. then it gives people like us even more reason to go over there.....i wouldnt go over there for just a concert, and tbh, if i bought a plane ticket it would probably be to see my uncle again in Cali....but for a concert and the HH reunion, itd be more than worth it... just my two cents
  10. ignor emy comments then, cause i probably be able to afford to go over there (unless Bon Jovi are playing Giants Stadium, then i might just)
  11. i read that the reformed Warrant wereplaying Rocklahoma 08 yesterday..
  12. actually, doesnt it make sense to meet at Rocklahoma? theyre holding it in 08, so possibly 09 too?
  13. sorry, i dont know why i typed Reckless....i meant Restless i think i was listening to the Phoenix Down album at the time...
  14. someone put up a track called "Reckless Heart" Supposedly by Tattoo Rodeo.....if it was actually them then yeah, i like them. although this sounds more like David Coverdale singing....does the TR singer have a coverdale sorta sound or is this the Whitesnake song Reckless Heart?
  15. id love to be there, and itll be possible as ill turn 18 in May of 09, its just being able to afford a plane ticket. any chance of holding a european meet and an american meet? the Kramer forum i was on did it that way. but if i can get to NJ in 09, ill be bringin the old geetar with me (cant meet Pete and NOT jam, sacrilige).
  16. back to reading Darkly Dreaming Dexter.....good book, if you watch the show then read the book, as its pretty much totally different. and the book is written as a Black Comedy, so its funnier.
  17. i liked The Darkness' Music, hated the vocals THIS is what ive been waiting for, sounds pretty sweet.
  18. anyone actualyl bother to go in there other than Hair_Metal, Jez and Myself?
  19. glad to see interest, even if you dont know what theyre saying? for all you know they could be slagging our music off and praising rap the translator probably translates all the negative comments to good ones....
  20. got bored with Harry Potter... this isnt really "Intellectual Literature" but im currently reading Sandman: A Game Of You by Neil Gaiman (Yeah its a Graphic Novel, but i love em) for those of you who want to read graphic novels but dont know where to start, theres only 3 things to remember; Neil Gaiman, Garth Ennis and Frank Miller
  21. i dont know how you cant like it, its a classic....on par with Superstition and Georgia On My Mind (or Leave My woman Alone, or even Hit The Road Jack)
  22. i grew up with the original, it captivated me when i was just 6 years old, i used to listen to a motown/soul compilation with Stand By Me, Heard it Through The Grapevine etc... when i heard this, with the rocky gutiars AND the brass parts i just thought "wow" its a song that got me into music at a young age rewritten to suit the rockier style that im into now, whats not to like? if you hate the original then fair enough, but ive always liked that style of music anyway, i was thinkingof putting together a Soul Rock band like Funk Rock or Blues Rock but with big brass sections mixed with electric guitars, that song just sounds great to me, kick ass, but still very musical.
  23. i think theyre both awesome singers, my fave song atm is actually an FM one... albeit a cover (Heard It Through The Grapevine - AWESOME!)
  24. i. need. this. too bad im broke
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