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Everything posted by SamboraRocks86

  1. I'll back that up, although if you want a biography of GnR, its not for you.....i think its aimed more at Guitarists and people who wanna read about the rock n roll lifestyle... its mainly about his Smack habit, and how much he adores playing guitar....
  2. Both, i obviously think Jovi are better than FM, but FM have that Jovi vibe to them. and the Saints and Sinners album sounds like early Bon Jovi, a few of those tracks remind me of songs like "Get Ready" and "Come Back" from the S/T album.. when i said 5 or 6, i meant 5 or 6 FM albums, i actually think i have them all, but im not sure...
  3. thats what i got when i tried it...
  4. the album ive been listening to is Dead Mans Shoes....but i have about 5 or 6 of them.
  5. FM !!!! Bloody FM !!! I hope we're not talking my beloved Stevie Overland's FM here. If so,that is like a knife in my heart..I'm stunned,I really am What can i say, i hear music and relate it to other music....this is that case. i think alot of you judge a band by reviews and looks more than sound.... Kane Roberts Saints & Sinners album sounds very Jovi-ish, anyone disagree with this statement? (and im not just talking about "Does Anybody Really Fall In Love Anymore"
  6. yeah, i cant afford to spend a penny atm between band rehearsals and the Gibson and Peavey that i bought within a month of eachother... (sounding like my old self aint i?)
  7. thats weird that id never heard of this at all....i must be slipping in my old age...
  8. right, i guess ill have to wait awhile then....dont really wanna DL it if its still widely available
  9. how come i didnt know about this? how old is it? cause a couple of years ago i could have told you everything JBJ did from helping Skid Row to singing on the Star Wars Christmas Album...
  10. i havent actually heard this, but it sounds liek something id like. is it an OOP or do i have to save up and buy it? (Just bought a valve amp stack today, and i owe my rents £550, CDs are out of the question for awhile)
  11. Aldo Nova? is this a band i should be checking out? cause im into bands like Blue Tears, FM and Kane Roberts which have a real Jovi sound to em aswell (Kane Roberts is the most recent one)
  12. i tried refreshing it, closing the window and opening a new one etc... sorted it by clearing my cookies (board cookies wouldnt delete) now ive lost my bank details
  13. the new film is set like 2 years before the T-800 was built, it wasnt even on the drawing board....but arnie should be makin a cameo in the 2nd 2, and possibly a cameo as a soldier in the next film (as a soldier that they base the T-800 on apparently) its only just starting, so its anyones guess as to whos in it and what it centers round..
  14. i just hope they dont ruin the continuity of the 3rd film with this series... like introduce something that just doesnt connect to the films properly.. also, whos looking forward to the new Terminator Trilogy?
  15. Sturm und Drang (storm and zeal) was a literature movement started by young German writers, including Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who protested cultural environment and society in general. It was the first youth movement ever, so when Henkka’s dad came up with the idea, the guys thought that the name most definitely suited them. i actually quite like Rising Son....i might have to look into this one.
  16. id have thought hed be all over that stuff, especially with his tastes.
  17. I'm currently trying to convince Captain Howdy to get the album, but i dont think its his cup of tea..
  18. i think they offer a 20% discount on net sales such as the MU.com option.
  19. little Jimmy was spending the weekend at his grandparents house, on the first night he noticed his grampa smoking a cigar, when he asked if he could have a cigar his grampa asked him, "that depends, can your dick touch your asshole?" when Jimmy replied with no, grampa told him that he wasnt man enough for a Cigar. the next evening, Jimmy found his grampa drinking whiskey, when he asked forsome his grampa asked "that depends, can your dick touch your asshole?" and the same as the previous night, jimmy said No and grampa replied with "then you're not man enough" on the 3rd night, grampa found Jimmy eating a plate of cookies, when grampa asked for a cookie Jimmy asked him if his dick could touch his asshole.....Grampa replied rather proudly with "why yes, yes it can" to which Jimmy replied "then go fuck yourself cause grandma baked these cookies for me!"
  20. a man is sitting a the bar when he orders his drink from a particularly good lookin' barmaid, as she bends over to get said drink he whispers "tickle your arse with a feather" to which the barmaid naturally reply's "what did you just say?!" now the man at the bar was cunning and replied "why i said, particularly nasty weather" at which point he was off the hook. a drunk at the end of the bar observed all of this and thought he'd try it himself, so when he ordered another drink and the barmaid bent over he shouted out "stick a feather up your bum!" when the barmaid, shocked, asked him what he just said he replied with "its pissing down out there"
  21. Maybe this is the label that Bret Kaiser is using to reprint the old album?
  22. oh i can definately hear a Cliff Richard influence in there, and Bad June has C.C. Deville written all over it..
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