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Everything posted by SamboraRocks86

  1. A Pizza aint a Pizza without Jalepenos thats actually one of my mottos lately...
  2. Shark Island - Gathering The Faithful AdrianGale - Crunch! Bad News - Bad News Skid Row - Skid Row Bombay Black - Anger Management
  3. i gotta hand it to you guys, you sure know how to talk bollocks... just look at the amount of threads like this are on here!!!
  4. Why don't you install you're own personal vending machine Lisa ?? Just think,your favourite coffee mixed in a variety of ways,and nothing beats that "machines ran out of sugar/coffee/hot water/milk/cups"feeling and the way you wait in anticipation,as at last,your finally tuned coffee mixture comes out,only to find the cup hasn't dropped properly,the drip-tray is full and it's spilt on the floor Better still,make a few hours supply and keep it in a Thermos...... theyre not all theyve cracked up to be actually...
  5. i dont know exactly what this emoticon is for, but ill take this oppurtunity to mention that it was Jim's idea for me to tech... Those emoticons denoted my disbelief that an "established" band would hand guitar technician duties to a, for the want of a better word,naive, 16 year old with no "experience".However,I can,and will, eat "humble pie",if proved otherwise. I,myself,am now going to train with the GB athletics team for the upcoming Olympics....100/200 Meters for those who are interested.. well, heres the message i got: "Dude! keep looking..and remember killer chops are cool, but you still got to have a good song to use them on..I'm sure you will find some guys to jam with soon enough. Thanks for the props and thanks for diggin the band..it means alot to me and the guys having people like you into what we do..How far do you live from where the show will be...we could always use a guitar tech or something..maybe we could slide ya in with the band..hell , you look the part. Later, Jim" and if you dont believe me then you can ask Jim yourself http://www.myspace.com/gotgigs4me believe it or not, im not actually a Naive 16 year old, im nearly 17 and i come from a highly musical backround.....but we wont get into that here and now. good luck with the Olympics!!
  6. this is kinda like that story about the mid 50s couple liking TSO, went we went to Spain back in 2005 i saw a guy who musta been in his late 60s wearing a Guns N Roses T-shirt... im thinking to myself "this guy probably grew up with Swing and Big Band music and he listen to Guns N Roses?" just kinda weird to think that a guy that old likes a band as controversial as GnR..
  7. i dont know exactly what this emoticon is for, but ill take this oppurtunity to mention that it was Jim's idea for me to tech...
  8. now reading "The Worlds Greatest Serial Killers" covered Jack The Ripper, Boston Strangler, Ted Bundy, Brides in the Bathtub, Harvey Glatman, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ten Rillington Place and next chapter is The Vampire of Dusseldorf..
  9. damnit well, Babe sucked in comparison to 23, Sin City and 300...
  10. ill rephrase... I really like films that have a gritty, but modern feel to them. hows that?
  11. The Number 23 i was not dissapointed, i really like the films that bring something different to the table like Sin City, 300 etc...
  12. AdrianGale - Crunch Bombay Black - Anger Management Goodbye Thrill - S/T ive been talking to the guitarist in BB lately, he's a nice guy, gonna see if i can do the guitar tech duties when they play Birmingham in May...
  13. i used to just look at my previousposts and see whod replied....that took along time till i discovered the New Posts function a couple of years ago. now i never bother to browse the forums, i let the others do that for me!
  14. i used to like the guitarist, but ive now decided i like the singer more..
  15. yeah, thats all i know about her....star of THE porn film, and died in a car accident. i actually found a great website awhile back that has biographys of famous porn stars, all the classics like Linda Lovelace, Desiré Cousteu and that girl that was in Debbie Does Dallas....her name escapes me...
  16. i don't think their sound is the focal point for most Males...
  17. was just showing these vids to a friend of mine....personally, i love The Donnas! shame i dont know what they sound like...
  18. i know this name, wasnt she the porn star that was in Deep Throat?
  19. You mean like the people who are quick to write off Poison... a "good fun rock n' roll band" who are clearly, in every conceivable way, a far better band than The Darkness could ever have dreamed of being? Touché
  20. Oddly enough, the episode that always jumps to my mind is the first one you mentioned, "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero." That was the first episode of the show I saw when I was a kid... and yes, I'm old enough that I saw it during its original run!! I loved the old "BSG" back then... I had the action figures, the comic books, read the novels, all that happy horse sh*t. About ten years ago I met Richard Hatch (aka Captain Apollo) -- he wrote a new "BSG" novel called "Armageddon" and did an autograph signing to promote it at a bookstore near my house. Hell of a nice guy. I totally geeked out when I got to talk to him. Don't really care for the "re-imagined" version that's on Sci-Fi Channel now though. Too dark, too depressing. The old "BSG" was just plain fun! the new one sucks, i mean Boomer and Starbuck are girls!! thats just not right..
  21. its the only one i remember seeing as a young kid, so whenever people mention Galactica, that one sticks out in my mind...
  22. i have the whole series on DVD, but havent seen them in a few years now. i think my favourite was the one where Apollo gets trapped on a planet, and theres a Cylon there, who hangs around the bar? i dont think Starbuck was on the planet, so id assume that Apollo crashlanded. just looked it up, the episode im thinking of is "The Lost Warrior" gotta love that vintage Sci-Fi
  23. watched the Trailer, it looks like they just used the same plot form "The Gun On Ice Planet Zero" from Battlestar. atleast, i think that was the name of the episode..
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