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Everything posted by SamboraRocks86

  1. nah, the reason i dont watch or buy Kerrang anymore is cause its all that sorta thing. Fall Out Boy, All-American Rejects, S.O.A.D its only whats "in" with the teenage girls at the time. i just cant get into that modern rock stuff for some reason.
  2. just seems too "Kerrang" to me. would All-American Rejects be a better comparison? or Kings of Leon?
  3. its too modern for me, reminds me of My Chemical Romance and Blink 182 and that sorta thing.
  4. TIM Go ahead Mate. You ain't that young sunshine Yeah yeah. I was only 6 at the time though. I went with NEW ENGLAND ("Dont Ever Wanna Lose Ya" is such a killer pomp tune)... thats no excuse, i was that age in 97 and i listen to music atleast ten years older!
  5. he's an asshole.....next time you're at one of those cheap garages pick up "Free Enterprise" he wrote it himself, and its about how hes such a dick....and actualyl nothing like Captain Kirk. strange to think that he wrote it...
  6. There are good things about cult sci-fi? Hell yea! Doctor who wasnt one of them.....but the stories in Star Trek were good....if not for the actors and shitty props. im saying that Doctor Who is one of the most overrated TV shows to be aired...IMO
  7. Europe. so much more than one hit wonders! i listen to their greatest hits atleast once a month.
  8. I, am that lone vote for Dangerous Toys not the best production and not the best songwriting either, but the songs that ARE good i love (Line 'em Up and Sticks and Stones spring to mind)
  9. oh, right.... shoulda thought of that one. funny thing is, i think ive derailed about 4 or 5 threads in the last week....including this one!!
  10. heh heh but the problem with my posts....was that what i was saying didnt come out as expected. if id meant exactly what id said....i woulda stopped. im just tryna clear things up... if i had a bad reputation round here for something i deserved then fair enough, i just dont like people thinking im something that im not.
  11. i dont expect to be baneed! it was in the flamefest and ive seen worse. i just dont wanna get a reputation around here. well i do, but a good one.
  12. hell yea! Doctor who wasnt one of them.....but the stories in Star Trek were good....if not for the actors and shitty props.
  13. God, William Shatnerbucket is the worst thing to have happened to cult Sci-fi....
  14. alright for you, youve got nearly 15000 posts although, ive been abit of an idiot on here lately....i can think of 3 instances in the last 3 days!
  15. right, now i must run and hide (again) for a stupid thread
  16. From BCs post: "Sadly it was cassette only in it's original form but I can probably scan it if you'd like." that answers my question.. so the Rockarma and Farcry CDs shall be up there when released?
  17. maybe the site should be expanded to feature releases on all formats? and when you click and album it tells you which formats it was released on. couldnt hurt could it? might answer a few questions for anyone looking for a wraithchild CD and wondering why they cant find one (might also stop people getting cruddy cassette to CD bootlegs thinking theyre official)
  18. thats what i thought, but then again....back in '94, it wasnt as easy to release indie demos on CD as it is now was it?
  19. if so, how come its not on the main site? i looked around and only found this: http://www.heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/glam...=Growing+Menace which is obviously not the same Shotgun Alli (judging by the name "Alley" and the fact that theyre Australian) what are the requirements to get an EP or Album on the site?
  20. Since when was Dusty Springfield a country singer? shit, have i been miss-informed?
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