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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. https://gizmodo.com/gop-quietly-scrubs-webpage-detailing-trumps-historic-pe-1847492947
  2. I don't have a problem with the lbgtq community....they have a right to live their lives the way they want...but that doesn't mean I want to be hit in the face with it every time I turn on the tv or open a book or surf the net etc.. you would think that they are in the majority instead of at most 1% minority....I for one will be glad when (hopefully) this particular bandwagon runs out of gas....
  3. Jesus what a mess in Afghanistan....while I don't believe the Reps would have done any better, the fact is that the Dems are in power and have to take responsibility....Biden has to wear this whether he likes it or not....we will see if he actually takes responsibility or if he tries to spin it like most politicians do... that will tell me a lot about who he really is....
  4. It comes down to commitment...the only way the US wins the war against the taliban is if they bomb the shit out of the country....basically show no mercy just like the taliban....if you are unable to take that path then you are eventually going to lose because the taliban aren't stupid , they realized early on that if they kept fighting that their opponents would eventually lose the will to continue fighting .....you could have stayed there another 20 years and the outcome would have been the same....lessons were not learned from Vietnam.....the US went in for the right reasons (unlike Iraq) and failed to do the job because they were concerned about optics....war should never be about optics and bullshit politics...it should be about destroying the enemy...
  5. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a global business tax rate that is the same for everyone....of course that is not apt to happen as tax rates are used for attracting business to the country....
  6. Here's another song by this band... it appears that they have 2 eps out.....really good stuff IMO...
  7. Dead Planet


    Yeah this is a sad commentary on where we are at with ALL forms of media today....so how do we fix it?....censorship is not a path I would be happy with and I don't see a better option....actually common sense would work but we are sadly lacking in that area....this is the future we face and we are truly fucked as it will become increasingly difficult to separate fact from bullshit....
  8. Dead Planet


    One of the downsides to the pandemic and being locked up with your family... https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/aug/14/the-soundtrack-to-my-life-was-burping-and-farting-how-disgusting-is-your-partner
  9. And soon after the zombie apocalypse will happen...you've read it here first....
  10. Yeah that is not proper protocol but Trump knows nothing about protocol or respect...just like when he referred to the US war dead as suckers and losers because he was 'smart' enough to avoid the Vietnam war draft ....
  11. I agree with most of that...even the mess at the border, although it wasn't all that rosy under Trump either....as for foreign policy, the dumbest thing he has done (Trump planned to do it as well) is to pull out of Afghanistan, I understand wanting to get out after all this time but after all the money, time, energy and lives spent to remove the terrorist loving/supporting Taliban, the Taliban are a few seconds away from taking control of the country again, bringing the situation full circle...so why go in in the first place if you aren't going to finish the job....allowing Afghanistan to be run by the Taliban is something that I suspect will be regretted for decades to come....as Iran and China are already making friends with the Taliban and will make any future attacks on them very difficult indeed...
  12. I agree while it is better than expected , it is still rather average to my ears...
  13. Actually they probably should push flu shots a lot more than they do....as for the absence of flu lately, the use of masking around the world , a lot more hand washing and general awareness of cleanliness and lack of international travel has greatly reduced it....
  14. I forgot to mention one of the biggest looney toon groups...Qanon....and they have a disturbing amount of devotees....as for vaccinations well look to the red states (and California) who are having serious issues with unvaccinated covid patients filling their hospitals so yeah the government is pushing vaccines hard because covid isn't going away and there isn't a better option....I dislike Trump because he is a selfish asshole in a powerful position who shit on everything that was not advantageous to himself personally and who should be all about the people he is supposed to represent (all the people not just the sycophants).... Trump was banned from social media sites because (whether you want to believe it or not) he instigated the Jan 6 riot and if allowed continued access to social media would do it again.... I must admit that I have not looked into what antifa, blm or the proud boys are doing online and for the most part I don't care.....if you're asking if the left and right are being treated the same in the media then I will say no since most of the main media outlets are either moderate or liberal and the right seem to expound extreme unsubstantiated views which are easy to refute and ridicule....if the right wants to be taken more seriously then they need to be more subtle...
  15. It is a valid comparison when you are talking about social media craziness....if the Trump comparison upsets you then how about the anti-vaccine conspiracy crap or anti-mask crap or the 9/11 conspiracies....the list is long and there are a lot of people who believe them.....as for the Dems destroying the country that is another silly 'we hate the left so they will of course destroy everything we value' theory....every time the Dems are in power the right act like Chicken Little and cry about the sky falling and when the Reps are in power it is the left doing the same thing.....
  16. Gurd - Never fail Gurd - Your Drug Of Choice
  17. This is the sort of thing that happens when the media, mainly social media tells people shit that isn't true....just like Trump supporters who have been brainwashed into believing they were ripped off in 2020, you now have large portions of the black community who believe that all cops are trying to murder them....what a fucking mess....
  18. You say that like it is a bad thing .... someone has got to do the work so that the rich can remain rich......
  19. I'll approach the release like I do every release...if it is good then it is good and if it sucks then it sucks no matter who is involved in making it...
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