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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Must agree about AOC, left wing nutjob...
  2. Yeah he is one of the mentally challenged representatives....you never know what he will support or not support....I don't understand how people like this get elected....
  3. Dead Planet


    I think it is safe to say that after 18+ months of this shit we are all tired of it.....even if you follow all the rules and take all the precautions, your life still gets impacted in many ways so it would be nice if the majority of people would accept the science and health pros advice and get the vaccine because that is the only way we could possibly put the pandemic behind us..... they are already talking about the next wave in the Autumn that will fill the hospitals with the sick and dying unvaccinated.... and I must admit that I'm extremely tired of all the anti-vaccine protests that are happening around the world and this Autumn when the unvaccinated start dying I will have very little sympathy for them if they are in countries/areas that have the vaccine readily available....
  4. Dead Planet


    I fully support your right to not get vaccinated....if you are relatively young and in good health and the rest of your family are either the same or have been vaccinated then you should be fine even if you get covid....I personally wouldn't choose this particular 'hill to die on' as 'good' jobs are not that easy to come by and finding a job that you like where you do not have to be vaccinated could be difficult....
  5. Yeah that works quite nicely....nice find!
  6. Doesn't quite do it for me......but not bad....
  7. Dead Planet


    I seriously doubt they could win a lawsuit against the employer as the courts have been generally accepting of employers requiring their employees to get vaccinated in order to protect other workers and customers......maybe a lawsuit against the manufacturer but that would be doubtful as well....
  8. After reading many of your comments on the forum, I'm pretty sure you had nothing to lose in the first place...
  9. Dead Planet


    The bottom line is this....your politicians are like most politicians which means they don't really give a fuck about anything and anyone but themselves and that means that as long as the majority do not think like you then they will continue to follow this same path because they want to get re-elected and hold on to power so they can continue to make your life miserable...lol
  10. I pay about as much attention to the summer Olympics as I do the World Cup....at the end I check to see who won...lol
  11. Dead Planet


    It's that kind of info from the people at the top that make you realize just how little they really understand about what is going on and how far out of their depth they are....may as well have the guy who picks up my garbage in charge....
  12. I'll admit that it is their best but it still wouldn't make my 'best of' lists....
  13. Dead Planet


    You can certainly get it if you have been vaccinated or have had it before although that is rare.....the difference is that vaccinated people rarely need hospitalization and it is even rarer that they die and that includes those with pre-existing conditions....I must admit that I'm surprised that the UK is opening up because of the great number of daily infections, I guess they assume that those who are not vaccinated are mainly the young and are not in as dangerous a situation as others....but I wouldn't be surprised if it is more about economics than health at this point....
  14. Not a fan of Survivor or Toto or Asia or Journey or many other soft pop/rock bands from the 80s....I'd have a hard time finding 10 songs that I like from the entire discography of Survivor....
  15. On my second read through I must admit there are really only 3 that I would not at least consider for this list and they are Cher, Springfield and Survivor.....
  16. Dead Planet


    Canada is starting to open up again mainly because around 50% are fully vaccinated and 80% have had at least 1 shot...
  17. Nice list.....some excellent choices on there and only a few I wouldn't allow near my ears...lol
  18. I'll be interested to hear what you think.....I've read a bit about it and I'm not sure its worth my time....it for sure is no John Wick type flick...
  19. There's some crazy shit out there and the music biz has more than its share....
  20. Very good list....only a few that I would not choose.....
  21. Dangerous Toys...from Pissed to the R.Tist 4.Merly Known As............at least they were aware of the major change hence the name of the last release....
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