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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Dead Planet


    A lot of the comments on this thread are about freedom or at least freedom of choice but I believe that true freedom is an illusion these days....our freedoms have been eroding over the last several decades and the erosion ramped up after 9/11... they have done it with the reasoning that it is for our own good which is debatable....they follow our every digital move online, on cell phones, credit cards etc...the Snowden papers proved that our freedom has been reduced considerably....we are being manipulated everyday and in every way by governments, big business and even individuals (online mostly)....we can fight it and maybe even win the occasional small victory but we don't have a hope in hell of winning the war....this is our 24/7 monitored future where we can expect cctv on every corner, digital currency so they can completely control our money and life choices being reduced to what 'they' want us to choose....so what is the answer? I don't have one unfortunately, at my age it is just easier and more sensible to go with the flow and I expect the majority of the world will do the same until the process is irreversible... Sorry felt the need to rant...
  2. Jungle Cruise (2021) - enjoyed this as it appears they threw bits of POTC, The Mummy and Indiana Jones into a mixer and came up with this flick, worth checking out IMO....
  3. Dead Planet


    Now that is a concern we both share... just look at the meltdown we have experienced over a virus that is less than 1% fatal, if one comes along that is 10-20% fatal you can say goodbye to civilization.....
  4. Dead Planet


    Not sure about 10-15 years....maybe at one time that was true but the time frame has been dropping for decades....it was I believe down to 3-5 years before Covid came along and now it is considerably shorter....some of the first vaccines did not get a lot of testing as they came along before all the rules were in place... Anyway the bottom line for me is that I'm fine whether they vaccinate kids or not...the powers that be will certainly not be asking for my opinion on the subject and I suspect they will not be asking for the opinions of anyone who is not in the appropriate field of endeavor...so as usual most people will do as they are told, like it or not...
  5. Dead Planet


    You may not like it but I'm willing to bet that it will happen....the politicians will dictate that kids need it to go to school because we will still be dealing with it next year and for years to come as variants will continue to crop up....of course with kids the parents have control of whether their kids get it although home schooling isn't for everyone...and yes big business including big pharma controls the world we live in like it or not because that dirty green stuff is the grease that makes everything move....
  6. Dead Planet


    Not recommended at this time.... “At this time, no submission has been received for the approval of any COVID-19 vaccine in children under 12 years of age,” the statement reads. Both Pfizer and Moderna have begun clinical trials of their COVID-19 vaccines in children as young as six months old, with Pfizer expecting first results in July and full results in September. The company said it hoped to see younger children getting vaccinated in early 2022.
  7. Dead Planet


    People have been taking vaccines for decades ( diphtheria, tetanus, polio, smallpox etc...) and that includes kids...in most places your kids can't go to school without them...most of those other vaccines were new and mostly unproven when they first came out and now few people even think about any consequences from taking them....there will always be an unlucky few who will experience bad reactions to any vaccine, you just have to weigh the advantages against a very small possibility of a negative reaction...
  8. Metal Church vocalist Mike Howe was found dead at his home in Eureka, California on Monday, July 26. TMZ reported that that Howe took his own life, according to police who found his body, and the Humboldt County Sheriff's Dept. said that Mike's official cause of death was determined to be asphyxia due to hanging, with authorities officially calling it a suicide. Earlier today, Metal Church issued a since-deleted statement responding to the TMZ report, suggesting Howe "was victimized by a failing health-care system and subsequently poisoned by the venom of Big Pharma. In short and in essence, he fell prey to the real 'Fake Healer'... enough said." The band has since posted the following: "Concerning our recently deleted post addressing the news that Mike’s passing was a suicide, we wanted to dispel any misconceptions that might have arisen from certain media reports. In our efforts to do that, our attempts at honesty created a narrative that fell outside our purest of intentions. We were in no way, shape or form referring to anything in relation to vaccinations, COVID or politics. We were saying our brother was hurting and while he was seeking medical care for it, the treatments he was utilizing did not protect him. Otherwise, he would still be with us today. "If you knew Mike Howe, then you knew he was a truly good human being who loved his friends, his family and his many fans around the world. He would always go the extra mile to make someone feel good and he would always give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. We ask that you remember Mike in that way and for the amazing metal music he created. "This is an extremely difficult time for everyone who knew Mike personally and those that knew him through the music. We are all still processing the loss of our brother. We apologize that the original statement was misunderstood or created an incorrect dialog. We ask that you please stop attacking each other in relation to Mike’s passing and Metal Church. We ask that you take that energy and use it to keep Mike’s memory alive by sharing the music he created while he was with us. We want Metal Church music to bring people together as it has over the years and not be divisive.
  9. Dead Planet


    There are a shitload of conspiracy theories out there that for some reason a lot of people actually believe such as RFID microchips being implanted with the vaccine.....paranoid stuff like that.....
  10. I've never been a fan of trucks but that AM is nice although way out of my price range....actually that truck is out of my price range too, those things are ridiculously expensive....anyway I love my Mustang and do not regret buying it, extremely fun to drive...
  11. Damn that was a long speech, most news articles are shorter that that...lol...perhaps I was too quick to label you as a right winger but many of your positions do parrot the right wing viewpoint....of course if I look back at many of my comments I sound like a left winger at times and I do not consider myself a leftist, I think of myself as a moderate with some views to the left and some to the right but most are centrist....anyway I will attempt to refrain from labelling in the future....
  12. On the latest episode of the 80's Glam Metalcast episode, host Metal Mike talks to Heavens Edge guitarist Reggie Wu. He reveals what the band has been up to in recent years and revisits their classic self-titled debut from 1990. Wu also shares some memories and thoughts on Cinderella guitarist Jeff LaBar, who recently passed away. On what the band has been up to and a big future announcement Wu: "For shows - we were supposed to do M3 this year, but one of the guys got sick and we had to cancel. We just committed to Monsters On The Mountain in Tennessee in October. I love the guys in this band, we are all like brothers. Whenever we get together, we just pick up right where we left off. We also have some big news that I can’t share right now. Hopefully we will be able announce it within the next couple weeks. Things are moving along. At this point we’re just having fun with it. Me and Mark are writing songs, and the pressure is just off. We aren’t trying to be rock stars anymore. There’s talks to do an album....and that could be the news that’s coming soon. We are just in talks and I really can’t get into it." On the fall of the band when grunge came Wu: "It was nuts. The climb to get the record deal was spectacular. Right out of the box, we were selling out wherever we would play. Those three years before we got signed were unbelievable. Then the label dropped us and the ride down was brutal. Places that we used to play that were packed, were now a quarter full. It was a big time blow to the ego. When Heavens Edge split, me Dave and George still loved playing together. We started a band called American Pie with a new singer. We did the whole flannel shirt and grunge thing. It just wasn’t true and people could see it though it. It just didn’t work and we called it a day. We were forced to find another life, and in many ways that was a Godsend. I love my family and that’s what it’s all about." On the passing of Jeff LaBar Wu: "Me and Jeff go way back. We both auditioned for Cinderella at the time when their label wanted them to replace their drummer and guitarist. Being the local guys we both went. In an interview, Jeff broke my balls because I sat right in front of him during his audition! He totally fit the bill so much better than I did. I was in my Yngwie Malmsteen phase. We played 'Nobody’s Fool' and I’m just shredding over it and it didn’t fit. Jeff was just a monster on stage, a monster guitar player, and just a great guy. I’m crushed over his death. All of us in Heavens Edge are devastated because they were the first Philly band in our genre that made it big. We all were rooting for them. It was awesome watching them skyrocket."
  13. This sucks....excellent singer....RIP Sadly, Metal Church vocalist Mike Howe is no longer with us. The band has issued the following statement: "It is with our deepest regrets that we must announce the passing of our brother, our friend and true legend of heavy metal music. Mike Howe passed away this morning at his home in Eureka, California. We are devastated and at a loss for words. Please respect our privacy and the Howe family’s privacy during this most difficult time." Mike Howe was the singer of Metal Church from 1998 - 1996, and again from 2015 - 2021.
  14. The whole 'defund the police' thing is a crock of shit....I get why marginalized communities want to see change in the way the police do their jobs but they need to drop the DTP crap as it is a stupid slogan/idea....say you want those policing your community to better represent you ( not all white cops policing an all black neighborhood)....say you want better training for the cops when they interact with you (all communities)...say you want some calls to 911 such as when people are having an emotional breakdown of some sort taken by social workers ( although this one will probably get a few of those social workers stabbed or shot).....most people just hear DTP and freak out at the consequences of such an action and to be clear DTP will never happen so they should just shut up about it.....
  15. I'd be surprised if anyone cares what you think either no matter where you live...
  16. Biden is not the greatest president ever that is for sure but when compared to the Republican party leader who is still called Trump, he looks pretty damn good to me....and yes the majority of politicians are idiots....
  17. Wow, there is very little we can agree on when it comes to politics as you are way to the right on most issues and before you say you are not right wing, the fact is that your comments are almost exactly the sort of stuff coming from the right....as for Biden, well he gets so much unwarranted shit about his age that it is no longer amusing, the guy actually thinks before answering questions and that makes him mentally shot? .... compared to Trump who never thinks about anything before shooting off his mouth saying the dumbest stuff imaginable and that was just fine with the right wing loonies....sigh...
  18. I doubt that covid is anymore prevalent in immigrants than it is in the rest of the population....as for your Texas bros, if they can't hack it then move on to another job....there are plenty of jobs around since Biden took over..... and yeah you do attack illegals at every opportunity as if they are responsible for every negative and evil thing that happens in the US....
  19. Talk about cheap and easy targets....always taking shots at immigrants and I don't buy for a second that they are responsible for the spread of covid......
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