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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Ahem...cough...lol....the previous president had considerably less qualifications and he is okay as far as you are concerned so once again this sounds personal ....I suspect if she was Republican most of the complaints would go away... and maybe she would make a terrible president but I don't have a crystal ball so who knows for sure... I expect a very interesting 2024 if she ends up running against Trump...
  2. That Fury release is one of my all time favorites... a no skip album for me.....and I love Wicked Maraya... the other 2 are average IMO....
  3. I know no one likes comparisons but these criticisms seem pretty tame compared to all the stuff surrounding Trump.... my understanding is that she is a moderate politically, now I could see the concern if she was an AOC clone.... if it is her personality then I can get that as it is the main reason I dislike Trump....
  4. I must admit that I know very little about Harris and so I am curious as to why there is so much negativity around her....maybe the whole 'woke culture' thing is starting to get to me but whenever I hear her being criticized without context I can't help but think there are sexist and racist overtones....she would certainly be untried as president but then so was Trump.... I don't see the problem in giving her a chance to prove herself or fall on her face if that is her destiny but to assume she would be terrible seems unfair at the least....
  5. A moderate/conservative in Canada would be seen as leaning left in the US as well....
  6. I have cds by all but Washed who I have never heard of but who sound quite good I may see if I can find the cd....I thought Road Ratt was okay but a bit average, 1RKO is excellent and The Explorers has several very good songs on it but half get skipped on a play through for me.....
  7. Yeah sometimes we get caught up in the moment but you are right nothing we say here or anywhere means a damn thing.... I sometimes wonder if we are all living in the Matrix....
  8. I'm pretty sure there was a lot more to the impeachment than a 'phone call' but that dead horse should remain dead.....
  9. That was pretty tame stuff spoken at his inauguration....and Bush is never mentioned and he spoke in generalities...he was talking about change after the " greed and irresponsibility" of the banking/financial system meltdown...... but I will admit that it was a backhander to the previous admin... did he continue to blame Bush for the next 4 years...I doubt it...
  10. Well said...not sure I can go news free though...it is almost an addiction, along with my morning coffee I need to see what is going on in the world even if it is depressing as hell.....and unfortunately it always is depressing....
  11. They put out some decent releases although not in the same league as Harem Scarem....
  12. I don't remember Obama shitting on Bush at all, I believe he was respectful at all times which is why the 2 of them are actually friendly these days....
  13. Another important point is that Trump and his administration and the right wing media denigrated Obama on a regular basis throughout his 4 years....before Trump this sort of thing did not occur since presidents went out of their way to be respectful of the previous president....Trump changed this unofficial way of doing things and now the door is wide open to shit on previous administrations....
  14. May as well get used to it as Trump was such a polarizing figure in politics that presidents will be compared to him for generations to come.... While Trump can carry some of the blame for the mess in Afghanistan, the majority of the blame falls on Biden since he is the guy in the Oval office and the buck stops with him....
  15. Respectful commentary....not....lol
  16. Blah, blah , blah, Trump is great and Biden is bad...the usual defensiveness from the far right....not easy defending the indefensible is it?...lol.... Seems to me you complained not long ago about me labeling you as a right winger yet labeling me and others as commies is acceptable when you disagree with us....if we are playing the name game then all right wingers must be nazis right ?
  17. So now Trump was afraid of the Turks....there goes the strongman theory out the window.....to be clear the Turks would never have taken the chance on bombing US troops...Trump was telling everyone at his rallies that he was going to bring the troops home no matter what and that was his reasoning for abandoning the Kurds....after all the Kurds meant nothing to him, just another bunch of camel jockeys....
  18. Trump rarely listened to his generals but I will admit that I do not know what his top generals actually told him but I would be surprised if they recommended abandoning the Kurds to the Syrians, Russians, Turks and Iranians especially since they were not even sure that ISIS was defeated...I do know that the generals and soldiers on the ground who fought alongside the Kurds were really pissed off about it....the Kurds have been under attack almost constantly since the US left...so not apples and oranges, just another presidential fuckup.....
  19. Dead Planet


    Stat: Unvaccinated people are 29x more likely to be hospitalized for Covid-19 than those who are fully vaccinated, according to a new CDC report. The unvaccinated are also 5x more likely to contract Covid-19 in the first place, the report says. Nearly 40% of the US population have not received at least one shot of a vaccine.
  20. I can't say I'm a big Stones fan but they put out some excellent songs over the decades and Watts was the often overlooked member who held everything together....RIP
  21. Now this is a sentiment that I can understand and agree with....we Canadians love to complain and criticize but the fact is that we live in one of the best countries in the world and are very fortunate compared to other places....the only way to realize just how great your country is, is to move to another country that you think is wonderful and then compare....I suspect most Aussies would prefer Australia to anywhere else in the world...
  22. This is another sad statement about the legal system....sue everyone over everything and see if something sticks so that you can make some money....
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