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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Dead Planet


    Now that is amusing since you believe that you're 100% right on this issue and everyone else is wrong or stupid if they disagree with your narrow point of view....but you are correct about 1 thing, there is no middle ground and 'room for discussion' since 1 side believes the doctors and scientists once they got their act together and the other does not.... But as usual you have a right to your opinion even if I disagree with it...
  2. Dead Planet


    Vaccinating babies is a crazy idea imo but people are still dying everyday in relatively large numbers all over the world so the issue hasn't gone away and never will so the coverage is understandable....eventually the numbers will be posted along with the numbers of people dying of cancer and other illnesses as the world finally takes a breath and realizes that covid is here to stay....
  3. Dead Planet


    If believing in scientific reasoning makes me a sheep then so be it...baaaaa....as for those who prefer to believe in conspiracy theories and online bullshit about covid, they don't look particularly intelligent to me.... As for the media they are only right half the time at best and it is up to all of us to decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong or what is a grey area....there has been a shitload of misinformation out there right from the beginning of covid and that came from everywhere, including health authorities and the people in power because they weren't prepared and didn't know what to do.....I'd like to think that after years of this shit that we all have a better understanding of the issue but I continue to hear misinformation from a lot of directions because people prefer to believe preconceived notions of the situation and refuse to budge from those positions....this is the fucked up world we live in today....
  4. Dead Planet


    I wasn't trying to make anyone feel stupid and if you do then I humbly apologize...
  5. Dead Planet


    When I was working full time, people who caught the flu or even a cold were expected to stay home and not spread it to everyone else at work......
  6. Dead Planet


    I am getting tired of all the negativity over the fight against covid.....masks don't prevent you from getting covid so they are useless....vaccinations don't prevent you from getting covid so they are useless....the goal is to lessen the chances of catching the virus (masks) and if you do catch it then it is not as harmful to you (vax)..... The way I see it is this....smart people take precautions against catching viruses that can cause serious illness and everyone else takes their chances and that is okay by me....
  7. Dead Planet


    It is possible that covid escaped from a lab but I'm pretty sure that lab is in China, not the US and also I'm sure Fauci is not responsible....just because you dislike someone does not make them guilty of every conspiracy theory....
  8. Dead Planet


    I'll admit to not being certain about kids being better off getting viruses early rather than later because they build immunity better that way but I do remember hearing that it is better to get viruses such as the measles ,mumps etc as a child (thus building long term immunity) because they are much worse if you get them for the first time as an adult....maybe the scientific thinking has changed..... I too am thankful to have not gotten covid and I plan to get a second booster this fall....I could get it now but I figure it is best to wait a few more months when the umpteenth wave starts....
  9. https://www.engadget.com/how-to-survive-the-inevitable-cd-revival-130013506.html
  10. I must admit to loving the Minions....looking forward to the new film...
  11. Never heard of this one....bit too soft for my tastes but not terrible....I prefer Long Way From Love and Tormented....
  12. The only greatest hits releases that ever interested me were from bands that I don't have many or any physical cds by.....and that is usually older bands from the 70s...the first that comes to mind is.... S̲t̲eve M̲i̲ller B̲and - Greatest Hits 1974-78
  13. Yep I align with atheism or even agnosticism depending on the day...but if you are closemindedly religious then most of the music discussed on this site would be strictly forbidden....I do not judge music by the lyrics alone and I suspect most people on the forum feel the same....
  14. Happy B-Day....although still a kid compared to some of us...
  15. Not bad although a bit more laid back than my usual music...
  16. Stryper is a decent band although they have never come close to the greatness of Against The Law imo..... As for his singing he is pretty good....although if you don't like his vocals then so be it...I don't like Steve Perry's vocals but I would never say that he could not sing...
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