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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Actually they both act like they care but don't give a shit about you once elected.....this unfortunately is the way it works in Canada as well....can't say if it's the same elsewhere but probably is considering human nature....
  2. I have to disagree with you on this. While the Dems have moved to the left from center, the Reps have moved to the right from the center.....this has happened in Canada as well with the Liberals a former centrist party that leaned left, now fully fucking woke and so far left that the socialist party (NDP) can't get votes to save their lives and the Conservative party once centrist that leaned to the right has moved even further to the right but they are still the only party I can vote for....hopefully the chance to get rid of Trudeau will convince them to at least moderate their talk and policies.... And to be clear I have never even hinted at "But when you view anything right of Trudeau as being fascist, then everything becomes far right instead of Centralist."......I am and always have been a moderate with conservative leanings...but you seem to view anyone who's views are even slightly to the left of your right wing views to be far left which is what my original point was about as I'd like to see more people turn to the center and become more open minded and politically moderate....
  3. If you pay attention to what happens in the looney bin called the Senate, you'll see that damn little gets passed without 60 votes....which means that the Dems always need at least 10 Rep votes and that doesn't happen without full Rep buy in.....
  4. That money doesn't go to Ukraine without full Republican support....I believe if the Reps were in power even more would be sent to Ukraine so maybe you should be thankful that the Dems are in power
  5. Yeah 2 excellent releases and I agree the third isn't as good but it is still decent and well worth picking up IMO....
  6. The far left is just as looney as the far right IMO.....I just wish that more people realized that the political extremes are not the best place to be....
  7. You forgot Fox and all the rest of the looney right wing media.....what we all should be doing and have forgotten how....is to listen to both sides of an argument and realize that the truth and reality is somewhere between the 2 extremes....
  8. Tough crowd....personally I like that song.....
  9. Not only this thread....many of the threads on the forum lack facts and are basically 100% opinion....many people post youtube videos of other people's opinions like they are fact when those people's opinions are no more valid than anyone else's on this forum.....searching YT until you find an opinion that matches your own view doesn't mean much....
  10. You're wasting your breath....as long as Biden and the Dems are in power, they can do nothing right and if/when Trump and the Reps take over, they will do everything right even when nothing changes and the status quo remains....it has nothing to do with right or wrong, it is politics or political bias...plain and simple....although blaming the people in power when shit is going wrong is normal for most people....few can see beyond the bullshit to understand the reality....
  11. Here's the trailer for the latest Terminator flick....
  12. Yeah I'm a fan of the Predator and Alien films and I'm always willing to check out a new film.....even if the quality has been lacking a bit on previous flicks....
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