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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. I like pretty much everything Jorn has done but this sounds boring and does not interest at all...
  2. I don't mind new Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Mad Max and lets not forget the new Jurassic Park, Terminator etc....as long as they are well done....usually when these films come out they are well financed and therefore worth checking out....as for original ideas well check out Jupiter Ascending and Interstellar....it is not a lack of new ideas that is the problem, the problem is that people don't pay to see these original idea movies which means that it is hard to get new ones made..........
  3. I rarely check out the 'other music styles' section as things like polka immediately come to mind .....which means I probably miss out on the occasional rare & decent modern rock release...
  4. Wow mate, that's a big call. I agree there's not often too many fillers on their disc, but I also wouldn't argue with someone who said basically their entire discography is filler, lol. But yeah, they're pretty consistent and you know note for note, chorus for chorus, melody for melody, exactly what you'll get from each disc, but they're okay. They always seem like a good listen at the time, but fade from memory just as quick. Haven't heard the new one yet, but I will definitely do so. Yeah these guys hit the sweet spot for me....not too heavy , not too light with all the hooks and melodies....and yes the music does sound a bit 'samey' but they seem to be going in a little heavier direction with those samples and that is not a bad thing...IMO
  5. I'm with Glen on this ... it must be something in the water around here ... I love both Starbreaker albums ... Make that 3 who prefer Starbreaker.....love their previous output....
  6. Big Hero 6 - fun animated flick The Equalizer - very good action film John Wick - another good action film
  7. Yep. I'm stoked. I hadn't heard of this band ...so looked around and found this which is decent... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulDV6CH3SEI
  8. Another band where I always pick up their releases......although I must agree neither song impresses me...
  9. Always pick up their releases....yes they have filler but the none-filler tracks make up for it and even their filler is better than most bands best....
  10. Pretty good will try to track it down...
  11. Some decent hard rock.....could be put in the metal category.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egt7uHADAuc
  12. New cd from UDO..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4BybEfnUj8
  13. I felt the need for some classic comedy .... Shot in the dark The Pink Panther Strikes Again Revenge of the Pink Panther What shame comedy has never been the same since Peter Sellers left us....
  14. I never picked up St Anger since the samples were horrific......but this is actually decent....
  15. It's okay but nothing great to these ears....
  16. Sounds good even if there is a little modern touch......I'll get it when it comes out....
  17. Go Tell The Spartans - pretty good Vietnam war flick...
  18. Decent...I will see if it is available for a reasonable cost....
  19. OMG that is terrible.....but to each their own....
  20. The music is good but the vocals are irritating....still might grab this if I see it cheap....
  21. The song may not be great but it is not that bad either.....I'll reserve judgement until I hear more....
  22. Fury - well done WWII movie...worth checking out.....
  23. The only Europe releases worth having are The Final Countdown, Out of This World and Prisoners of Paradise......the rest are painful to hear .....
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