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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Now there are 3 cds that I would like to pick up.....once they get re-issued since the cost of originals would most likely make me vomit...
  2. Same here....3 weeks off....first day back.....drove right past my turnoff....for fucks sake!
  3. Appleseed Alpha.....decent animated flick The Box Trolls.......okay but not great The Croods....good one
  4. My Religion is a masterpiece. Yeah, I don't understand that comment. If you don't like them that's fine but overrated? Great vocals and talented musicians... Sounds like there was a piss fight and everyone quit. I'm not interested in another incarnation of the band. To each their own. Most of their songs are pretty average and believe me ive tried. Plus his vocals are just plain annoying. I think I must agree on the overrated thing...Realized Fantasies was my favorite and the 2 previous were okay but I could easily put their 'best of' on a single cd....to each their own I guess...
  5. I like what I hear...I'll keep an eye out for a full release....
  6. If I don't get a least 8 full songs it is an EP....IMO...
  7. Forgot these... Mia Klose - London Romantic Rebel - S/T Unbreakable - Knockout
  8. Charming Grace - S/T Daniel Trigger - Infinite Persistence Daniel Trigger - Army of One Heaven Rain - Second Sun Madman's Lullaby - Unhinged Radioactive - Legacy (3cds) Supercharger - Hand Grenade Blues Vanity Blvd - Wicked Temptation
  9. Shit! Were there really that many? The final chapter is due in 2016....
  10. Star studded release.... http://www.musicbuymail.eu/index.php?i=41614
  11. Charm City Devils - Battles In This Moment - Black Widow Supercharger - That's How We Roll Victorius - The Awakening
  12. An underrated classic... I'll second that - an absolute cracker of an album! And Thrice!! Brilliant disc I didn't even know it existed until I saw it mentioned on this site...thanks guys...
  13. The Maze Runner - pretty good flick...worth checking out....
  14. Decent .....the sort of release I grab if I see it cheap....
  15. New release... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGrxWAahXTg
  16. I will most likely get this release...pretty good...
  17. Not bad but nothing great...will have to hear more.....
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