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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Some old films... The Cassandra Crossing The Unforgiven Murder on The Orient Express
  2. I like that song......I will have to check out the cd....
  3. Shipping costs from the U.S. are ridiculous these days...they even want $15-$30 to ship a single cd to Canada. I used to buy 90% of my music from the U.S. but it is rare that I buy anything from there. I buy from Europe and Japan mainly and yes I even buy from Australia more than the U.S....
  4. That wasn't cheap I bet...I've been looking for years too....another that needs to be reissued....
  5. New Flyleaf...good stuff.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KEx9_Tv0z0
  6. Southern hard rock....decent... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzYSIw-4Oho
  7. Some hard rock here.....with Ozzy type vocals... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iEeDlwPiw8
  8. Have to admit the samples do not impress......might pick it up anyway...
  9. Here is something a little different...and interesting....as a result I will be picking it up...
  10. Mindhunters (Christian Slater?) seen this a couple of times, really enjoyed it. Mindhunters is probably the weakest of the 3....
  11. Seven Kingdoms - The Fire Is Mine Theatre - Sexy Lady & City Lights
  12. Decided to resurrect this thread as i have been listening to Night Ranger releases a lot lately and I have to say that they are overrated.....they only managed 1 truly good release (Man In Motion) and everything else is just average at best....other than the music from MIM I would be hard pressed to find 10 songs worth putting on a greatest hits cd...
  13. The Mindhunters State of Play Rising Sun
  14. The usual modern derivative rock that I can't tell from a hundred other bands just like them....
  15. The Thirteenth Floor - something a bit different...I was expecting a supernatural film but it was sci-fi instead...not bad...
  16. Still haven't picked up their last release.....but I do like their sound.....just need to find the cds at a reasonable price...
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