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2014-2015 Donors
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Everything posted by Glen

  1. Forever Now - Terry Brock
  2. What's that like? I quite liked the myspace tunes.
  3. Yo Jez! Night Of Passion - The Poodles
  4. Baby With A Nail Gun - Harem Scarem
  5. I'm pretty sure Glen would want his children to be happy. Why ruin them upon their arrival to earth? You surely jest - Have you seen the amount of Chicks Old Lemmy has had over the years - Fair play for an ugly fella with a cool name. & a decent sized bank account
  6. Fuckin' love it!! ya think ya fucks hadn't seen fuckin snow before!...sheesh Not that fucking often to be honest and not in this fucking amount. not for fuckin 10 years! Lets hope the fuckin trains are fucked tomorrow and I can have another lie in You may be in luck I think mate . You have to fucking laugh though, how this mighty country of ours comes to a complete fucking standstill because of a few flakes of fucking snow. Ok, maybe more then a few flakes, but you know what I fucking mean. As they said on the news - third fuckin world
  7. Anyway You Want It - Journey
  8. Fuckin' love it!! ya think ya fucks hadn't seen fuckin snow before!...sheesh Not that fucking often to be honest and not in this fucking amount. not for fuckin 10 years! Lets hope the fuckin trains are fucked tomorrow and I can have another lie in
  9. We had the 20 week scan today. Alls well with the babies. We are having twin boys!!
  10. Loser On A Kings Throne - Dogpound
  11. wrong thread! Rainbow In The Dark - Dio
  12. Don't Treat Me Bad - Firehouse
  13. Greats song, had this album since it first came out and still not too impressed, this song is by far my favourite off the album Will have to play it again Good album - first 3 tracks are all great....sags a little in the middle.....and then 'One More Chance'..great song.
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