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Everything posted by whiplash1972

  1. From the Kix FB page: Hello Friends! Jimmy here! As you all know, I’ve had some health issues in the last few months. And, I thank the lord for allowing me to continue my life on this earth for a while longer. I’ve been working hard to get back into playing shape and it has been going pretty well. But, I’ve also had a couple setbacks in the last few weeks. With the support of my wife Cathy, my KIX bandmates and crew, and all of our friends and fans, I will continue working to return to Rock Your Face Off to the best of my ability. BUT, I’m not there yet. And truth be told, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get back to where I was before. I’ve come to the realization that I will not be able to return to the stage as soon as I was hoping. I’ve been discussing with my wife and bandmates all the different scenarios for KIX to get back to playing for our fans again. We’ve all thought long and hard about it and have decided it is best to go forward with someone to fill-in for me until I can return. And, we have been very fortunate to find someone who I think is the best possible choice for us. Please show your love and support to Matt Starr as we welcome him into the KIX camp. He is an amazing drummer/vocalist who has played with a who’s who of the hard rock world, most notably with Ace Frehley and Mr. Big. I am humbled and honored that he has agreed to help us out and I welcome him with open arms. As of now, Matt will be playing all the KIX shows through the Monsters Of Rock Cruise April 29 - May 4. -Jimmy
  2. Czakan - Free Line Had no idea these guys were back 😳
  3. On March 6th 1971 JUDAS PRIEST play their first gig at St. John’s Hall in Essington. The band features founding members K.K. Downing and Ian Hill along with drummer Chris Campbell and singer Al Atkins.
  4. That solo gets better each time I hear it. My favorite guitarists of all time are EVH and George Lynch, with the next two that pop into my mind when thinking of all time greats being Steve Lukather and Nuno Bettencourt. Nuno has said himself that he aspires to keep EVH's fire burning, and if "Six" is filled with blistering solos like we've heard on "Rise" , he's done him proud! The following is from Guitar World: Nuno Bettencourt vows to keep Eddie Van Halen's guitar fire burning on Extreme's first new single in 15 years, Rise | Guitar World Nuno Bettencourt vows to keep Eddie Van Halen's guitar fire burning on Extreme's first new single in 15 years, Rise By Matt Owen published 1 day ago Bettencourt dazzles with a breakneck guitar solo on the hard-riffing track – complete with a breakdown that nods to Flight of the Wounded Bumblebee Extreme have finally returned with news that their sixth album – aptly titled Six – is on the way, and have marked their long-awaited return with their first new single in 15 years, Rise. With any Extreme track, the electric guitar playing of Nuno Bettencourt is a highlight, but we’d wager even his most devout followers couldn’t have predicted the heights the guitar god would reach with Rise. But then again, most fans wouldn’t have known the task Bettencourt set himself for Six: to carry Eddie Van Halen’s guitar fire. Just listen to that solo. Sure, the riffs are great, but the sheer level of technicality behind those lead lines are – just like most Nuno solos – almost impossible to comprehend. With a breakdown nodding to Flight of the Wounded Bumblebee, Bettencourt’s solo exceeds superhuman speeds, delivering dizzying scale lines and jaw-dropping fretboard acrobatics. For a solo that lasts just under one minute, there’s an awful lot on display, but it’s a testament to Bettencourt’s evergreen virtuosity that each phrase – heck, each note – sounds immaculately curated and executed. That Bettencourt has already delivered what will probably turn out to be 2023’s best guitar solo comes as no surprise, especially when the motivation behind his playing for Six is taken into consideration. Listen to Rise and you’d be forgiven for thinking Bettencourt was shredding with the future of guitar playing at stake. In his own mind, he was. “When Eddie Van Halen passed, it really hit me,” Bettencourt commented. “I’m not going to be the one who will take the throne, but I felt some responsibility to keep guitar playing alive. So, you hear a lot of fire on the record.” Guitar brilliance aside, vocalist Gary Cherone said of Rise, “Musically, it’s aggressive. Lyrically, it’s a cautionary tale on the rise and fall of fame. You get seduced into it. Once you’re on top, they’ll rip you apart and tear you down. That’s the nature of the beast.” Six is set to arrive June 9 via earMUSIC, and when it does, it will be the multi-platinum hard rock outfit’s first record since 2008’s Saudades de Rock. The 15-year wait has done nothing to dampen the band’s creativity, though. According to Cherone, Six has some of the best songs Extreme have ever written. “With Extreme, there’s always a lot of passion and a little piss and vinegar,” he noted. “We’re not in competition with anybody else, but we strive to outdo ourselves. There are some moments on this album where we did. “We’ve managed to stay together after all these years,” Cherone continued. “We feel like we have something to prove when we get on stage or in the studio. Because of that, I believe some of these songs are among the best we’ve written.” Echoing these sentiments, Bettencourt – who also produced the album – offered, “Whatever you think an Extreme album is after two or even three songs, it’s not. That goes for every record we’ve ever done. True Extreme fans know to ‘expect the unexpected’. “I feel like we need a good old school rock album. Six is definitely modern, but you can put on headphones and go on a journey from top-to-bottom. It’s like Extreme 2.0.” The tracklist for Six can be found below. Rise #Rebel Banshee Other Side Of The Rainbow Small Town Beautiful The Mask Thicker Than Blood Save Me Hurricane X Out Beautiful Girls Here's To The Losers Six is available to preorder now via earMUSIC ahead of its release on June 9. Last month, Nuno Bettencourt was spotted playing with Rihanna at the Super Bowl, sporting what looked to be a new Washburn N4 signature model – it remains to be seen whether that same guitar will see use with Extreme.
  5. Probably my favorite release of the year so far
  6. I like it; heavier than I was expecting for sure, and Nuno sounds great! 🎸 Random observation: Gary looks a lot like Neal Schon
  7. New song “Rise” will be available at midnight here in North America (other locations adjust accordingly I suppose 🤷‍♂️)
  8. A Symptom of Being Human @heavyharmonies
  9. So, if you go to http://www.extreme-band.com you'll notice 12 boxes. Each has popped up a pic, and what appears to be song lyrics over the last 11 days (as I post this, the 12th is still blank). If you visit their FB page (2) Extreme | Facebook , you can hear small audio snippets to go with each box as well. It certainly appears that there is a new album coming soon...
  10. Elegant Weapons, the brainchild of Judas Priest guitarist Richie Faulkner, will release the debut album ”Horns For A Halo” on May 26th via NuclearBlast.
  11. I kinda liked “You Betray”, but “Shattered Glass” is f’n horrible
  12. Not bad at all... damn shame it seems to be a digital only release, at least for the moment...
  13. Creye - III Weightless First Signal - Face Your Fears Enjoying both of these...
  14. Huh... seems I missed this one from a month or so back... 1.Tales from the North 2. Drink with the Gods 3. Odin’s Prayer 4. The Raven’s Cry 5. Mimir’s Crystal Eye 6. Between the Enemy Lines 7. Land of Heroes 8. Sail Among the Dead 9. Stake my Claims 10. Sword and Axe 11. 1066 “Tales From The North’ is very much a concept album about the Viking era. About the lives of our ancestors up here in the dark, cold and unfriendly environments of the north,” explains lead guitarist Tomas Olsson and summarizes the content of their eleven songs: “Different legends and myths intertwine during the course of the songs, leading up to the epic battle of 1066, which marks the end of the viking era.” Those who already know the sound of Bloodbound can imagine the metallic force the band employs to evoke this story. Tales From The North will be released on July 7, 2023 via AFM/Soulfood as a 2-CD digipak including a live CD. As a special treat, it will also be released as a strictly limited box set as well as coloured vinyl LPs.
  15. I've enjoyed alot of what they've done previously, but this one just ain't grabbin' me so far...
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