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What DVD's did you buy this week?


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Awful movie but she is prettier than ever in it. :tumbsup:


If you've been paying attention to my last few posts in the "last movie you saw" thread, then you should know that "awful movies" are definitely my thang. So that's OK. :tumbsup:

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Got these today from FYE.. 2 for $16 dollars..



I freakin love that flick!!


True story: I took my then-girlfriend (now my wife) to see that when it was still in theatres back in the day. She had no idea what the movie was about and from the opening scenes, she just assumed it was going to be a cops and bank robbers movie. When they got to the "Titty Twister" bar and that first stripper turned into a vampire and ripped some dude's head off, she SCREAMED and practically jumped out of her seat, then she turned to me and hissed "What the f*ck kind of movie IS this?" :rofl:


Once she got over that initial shock, she loved the movie, and it's since become one of our favorites :lol:

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Back on topic: my birthday is a week from today (I'll be -- gasp! -- 40! Midlife crisis, starting in 3...2...1... haha) so I ordered myself a birthday present from Amazon today:




This classic was just re-released in a super deluxe new edition DVD by the fine folks at Shout! Factory as part of their new "Roger Corman Classics" library (others on the way include 1978's "Piranha," and 1979's "Star Crash" -- dare we hope for "Battle Beyond the Stars" sometime soon?) and it features a crap load of bonus stuff... can't wait to get it and geek out!!


This is a film that should be in everyone's DVD collection IMO. To get yours, seek more info here: http://www.shoutfactorystore.com/prod.aspx?pfid=5257131

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'nother supermarket bargain bin find today... got a cheapy ($1.99) triple feature zombie movie compilation with the original "Night of the Living Dead" (yawn, seen it 100's of times), a second old B&W movie I can't remember the name of off the top of my head, and the third feature is the main reason I bought it ... the semi legendary bad movie classic HARD ROCK ZOMBIES (1985)




:rofl2: Never seen this flick but I've been hearing about it on bad movie web sites for years now. Can't wait to check it out!

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Just came from the Walgreens' around the corner, and found a big display of previously-viewed DVDs... rooted around a bit and came up with this one for a mere four bucks... can't beat that with a stick.. been meaning to check this flick out for a while now, too.




One of the creepiest horrors ever. Classic.


Love this movie.

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Keith.. The Descent is GOOD!! Creepy as HELL!! they made a sequel, direct to DVD but I haven't checked it out yet..... And I would LOVE It if Battle Beyond the Stars came out on DVD!! I LOVE that movie!!! :tumbsup:


Now then, just got an order from Amazon.. Bunch of wrestling DVDs no one cares about... :whistle:


I DID get a couple movies though....


Lost Boys: The Tribe [unrated] Not that bad, really I liked it...


The FInal Destination The fourth in that series..




Poltergeist... Would you believe I have NOT seen this movie yet?? Not in it's entirety at least.. Seen bits and pieces, but never the whole thing... :tumbsup:



Oh and I LOVE From Dusk Till Dawn!!!!!! :bowdown:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Picked this up out of the bargain bin @ the supermarket for five bucks:



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  • 2 weeks later...

$4.00 bargain bin pickup at Walgreens' today:




I think I am the last B-Movie person left on Earth who has not seen this one yet!!

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Just Surrender: Phoenix

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Korn III: Remember Who You Are

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I bought the following Blu-rays -


The Matrix Trilogy

Terminator 2


Monsters Inc


Very nice mate, how does T2 come over on Blu-Ray?

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