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why the fuck is it..that the one asshole i want is nowhere to be found...when i find LOTS of other assholes that get drunk and tell me they love me and want to fly me places. fuck that.

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I think I've had a fuckin' bad few fuckin' weeks,cos now my leg hurts like fuck !!!!!!!

Hang the fuck in there Ian and i hope your legs get fuckin' better asap.

Fuckin' thanks again Dave.... :beerbang:

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why the fuck is it..that the one asshole i want is nowhere to be found...when i find LOTS of other assholes that get drunk and tell me they love me and want to fly me places. fuck that.

Hey Widda booze and boys is always a clusterfuck,chin up and always fight fire with fuckin' fire and give 'em fucking hell.

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I think I've had a fuckin' bad few fuckin' weeks,cos now my leg hurts like fuck !!!!!!!

Hang the fuck in there Ian and i hope your legs get fuckin' better asap.

Fuckin' thanks again Dave.... :beerbang:

No thanks fuckin' needed Ian because you can always give them fucking what for.

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why the fuck is it..that the one asshole i want is nowhere to be found...when i find LOTS of other assholes that get drunk and tell me they love me and want to fly me places. fuck that.

Hey Widda booze and boys is always a clusterfuck,chin up and always fight fire with fuckin' fire and give 'em fucking hell.




Drunk asshole is going to get his leash cut off..he just doesn't fucking know it yet.

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why the fuck is it..that the one asshole i want is nowhere to be found...when i find LOTS of other assholes that get drunk and tell me they love me and want to fly me places. fuck that.

Hey Widda booze and boys is always a clusterfuck,chin up and always fight fire with fuckin' fire and give 'em fucking hell.




Drunk asshole is going to get his leash cut off..he just doesn't fucking know it yet.

You fuckin' go girl,slice that mutha fucker right the fuck off.

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It's fucking HOT, my lawn is fucking brown due to no fucking rain.

Wanna swap? Fuck, I just hate fucking winter so much I can't express it in words. How the fuck are you seriously meant to get out of bed in this shit? I reckon it would have been close to fucking 0 degrees overnight. Fuck off, winter, you fuckwit of a season.

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It's fucking HOT, my lawn is fucking brown due to no fucking rain.

Wanna swap? Fuck, I just hate fucking winter so much I can't express it in words. How the fuck are you seriously meant to get out of bed in this shit? I reckon it would have been close to fucking 0 degrees overnight. Fuck off, winter, you fuckwit of a season.


It really gets that fucking cold in Australia? Huh, I had no fucking idea...you fucking learn something fucking new every fucking day.

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It's fucking HOT, my lawn is fucking brown due to no fucking rain.

Wanna swap? Fuck, I just hate fucking winter so much I can't express it in words. How the fuck are you seriously meant to get out of bed in this shit? I reckon it would have been close to fucking 0 degrees overnight. Fuck off, winter, you fuckwit of a season.


It really gets that fucking cold in Australia? Huh, I had no fucking idea...you fucking learn something fucking new every fucking day.

Depends where you are, mate, and what kind of fucking weather pattern you get. Last year I think it was the warmest winter in history, or close to it, and I don't think it got too fucking cold at all. I was suring without a wetsuit well into June, and shed it very early, in early September, I think. And then you have the northern states and northern part of the lower states which are fine. Usually here in Sydney we're kind of okay but this week has been the coldest week in Sydney's history, if I'm to believe the news. The days are fine - nice and sunny and beautiful in the sun. But the mornings are just c*nted. Frost everywhere, temperature around 0 - it's pure fucking hell.


Moral of the story is yes, this sort of cold is uncommon here in Sydney, but it still makes me want to move far, far north so I never have to deal with this fucking winter nonsense ever, ever again. I hate it. And I've come to hate people who apparently like winter and the cold too.


They're all like, "Yeah, I love the cold! You get to snuggle up in 10,000 layers of clothes, sit in front of the fire or spend $8000 on electricity to get the heaters and reverse cycle air conditioning going. Yeah, it's fucking awesome." I fucking hate it. I think they're all lying. There is absolutely nothing positive about being cold and being surrounded by the fucking cold.

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Geoff the weather down here(Melbourne) has been a real bitch,the other day was the coldest day in ten years,7.3 at 4pm(wtf) and the mornings lately are killn' me.The worst thing has been the wind which has been coming from the south that is freezingf**king cold.

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Geoff the weather down here(Melbourne) has been a real bitch,the other day was the coldest day in ten years,7.3 at 4pm(wtf) and the mornings lately are killn' me.The worst thing has been the wind which has been coming from the south that is freezingf**king cold.

Yeah, parts of NSW have had the coldest temps in 61 years, I heard, and the rest is the coldest on record. Fucking crazy. The upside? This morning was not as cold and it was already noticably better. I can only imagine that now that we've got what will no doubt be the worst part - that ridiculous cold snap - out of the way, I'm going to assume the rest of winter will actually be okay by comparision. I still hate the fucking season and could do without it eternally, but hopefully the worst is over. :)

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This fucking work thing is getting on my fucking nerves. My nerves are like a perch and this work thing is a bird, landing (getting) on that branch. A simple, please, for the fuck of christ, what the fuck is going on? That's all a motherfucking brother asks for. Is it too fucking much? Apparently. The result? Another weekend with a nagging 'what the fuck will happen next week?' feeling in the back of my mind.


Conclusion? Being kept in the dark - not fucking cool at all.

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This fucking work thing is getting on my fucking nerves. My nerves are like a perch and this work thing is a bird, landing (getting) on that branch. A simple, please, for the fuck of christ, what the fuck is going on? That's all a motherfucking brother asks for. Is it too fucking much? Apparently. The result? Another weekend with a nagging 'what the fuck will happen next week?' feeling in the back of my mind.


Conclusion? Being kept in the dark - not fucking cool at all.

Hang the fuck in there bro,i know how you feel as my work has the same fucking climate to it at the moment,they think i'm a fuckin' mushroom and should be kept in the fucking dark.Fucktards all of them,go play on the road with some big assed trucks you dumb useless wastes of sperm and fuckin' egg.

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