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I thought I would post this Ebay auction here....it was mentioned in the "BUY SELL TRADE" section.















I thought this should be listed here as well. This is more than likely a boot, which Tim2 and Studboy had said. With the "Asian release" label, and then on the back of the cd it state "Made in USA". Dan , you said you was an ebay junkie...can you make heads or tails of this?

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the guy selling this is a ripoff..ive had dealings with him..i have never been ript off by him but he is a scam artist..BEWARE>>

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If you are lucky it may be even silverpressed

Yeah. Your're right <_<


Its kinda wierd that the highest bidder says "ID KEPT PRIVATE". My ebay id always appears on everything I bid on. Another suspicion. Hell, it might not have cd in it at all..........silver pressed or not.

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Yep, and here steps the helpful and caring criminal who kindly provides the music to them for the mere $102 :cheer:


But you are right, its up to the masses to realize and stop buying.

As far as there are people wliling to buy such subpar products at such ridiculous prices, there always will be greedy people bootlegging it. It's how the world goes

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Yes, if you look at what this seller sells its all high dollar CDs (not hard rock though). I've seen him use several different ebay ids but the auctions themselves look identical, check it out, different sellers but same exact auction page:


Selling now:



Sold a while ago:



I know stormspell you say this guy is a ripoff but get that vibe anyway even if I didn't know for sure.

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Ya, I really dont know why someone would state "Asian Release" and then will put backtray picture which has this big bold legit sign "MADE IN USA".


If you want to swindle someone, at least learn how to use photoshop


Or maybe in this case he is Asian, and U.S.A. simply means "Utterly Self Assmebled" :lol:

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he is asian..he lists item from america but ships from asia..and yes he does use multiple ids...if ya want a cdr of the white eagle ..i can do you 1 for free...with artwork ..

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Hmmm , I guess you guys don't get it.  Pretty much the only people who care about boots are the handful or so who post at this forum.  "The Ebay Police".

Everybody else wants the music.


Well I sure as hell care about boots. If I'm gonna pay 100 bucks for a CD I want it to be genuine.


If innocent buyers can be protected from paying this sort of money for something that someone else on the site could make for them for a few dollars, then we have every right to post it here. And if it's being sold as if it's an original release (which means the 'first release on that format') then that person is committing FRAUD & we have every right to protect others on this forum.


If you don't like it then go play somewhere else....

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Hmmm , I guess you guys don't get it.  Pretty much the only people who care about boots are the handful or so who post at this forum.  "The Ebay Police".

Everybody else wants the music.


Well I sure as hell care about boots. If I'm gonna pay 100 bucks for a CD I want it to be genuine.


If innocent buyers can be protected from paying this sort of money for something that someone else on the site could make for them for a few dollars, then we have every right to post it here. And if it's being sold as if it's an original release (which means the 'first release on that format') then that person is committing FRAUD & we have every right to protect others on this forum.


If you don't like it then go play somewhere else....




TIM - Completely agree with you sentiments mate, so will add no more. If anyone wants anything give me a shout and you can gladly have it for free rather than paying out stupid money.




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Is the album really that good to demand a $100+ price tag?!


If this was an original copy it would demand much more than $100, it would probably demand in the $250-500 range, however I would not pay that much for this CD but I would pay $100 for it. It is a great CD.

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Is the album really that good to demand a $100+ price tag?!


If this was an original copy it would demand much more than $100, it would probably demand in the $250-500 range, however I would not pay that much for this CD but I would pay $100 for it. It is a great CD.

I saw an auction for a white eagle cd a while back..BIN price of $400. I was tempted, but also realized that you just can't find $400 bucks just anywhere.

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Hmmm , I guess you guys don't get it.  Pretty much the only people who care about boots are the handful or so who post at this forum.  "The Ebay Police".

Everybody else wants the music.

And once again I say,bootlegs are fine if you know what you are getting.

Selling a bootleg as an original is fraud!


If its clearly marked as a bootleg & you buy it,then all is fine.


Would you be as happy buying a Ferrari for Ferrari prices only to find out its a converted Ford?

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