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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


I like butterflies, especially when you eat them.




Do they fly around in your belly?

Ask the Brittster, mate. I don't eat them... I just like it when Eric Brittingham does. I don't think anything flies around in there.


"Get in my Belly!!!!!!!!!"


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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham,


Can you please save 'Big Brother' from being evicted from our TV screens?



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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham,


I bet you like pineapple. Huh? You do, don't you?



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Good Afternoon Eric.


Fly, Valkyrie. Fly, Valkyrie. Fly, Valkyrie.



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Good Morning Eric Brittingham.


Don't be mad at Wes. He didn't WANT to deny you that loan. He's just doing his job.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham.


Talkin' bout a heat wave, burnin' in my heart.

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Good Evening Eric Brittingham.


You say I should have a drink from the bottle of Johnnie Walker Red that's in the cupboard? Excellent idea. :beerbang:

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Good Evening Eric B.... Found a lil tidbit about You, and was curious, for the Ladies sake if it is true or not???


Eric Brittingham / Cinderella

Has a VERY nice package and can go all night! Perfect in size and length. He's a gentleman, and he's very affectionate. He's not too pushy, and when you're with him, you are the most important person in the world. He'll also still hang out with you afterwards. I've always heard good things about Eric, plus he hates Slaughter, so he sounds like a really cool guy. On a scale of 1-10, he's a 9!


I am certain the Ladies all wanna know.......


Thanks for Your time..... :tumbsup:

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On a scale of 1-10, he's a 9!


This is a bald faced lie. Everyone knows that on a score of 1 to 10, Eric Brittingham is a 27.


By the way, good morning, Eric Brittingham. Coffee now. Stat.

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