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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Good Morning Eric Brittingham.


You keep hitting poor Geoff with an iron fist. Could you at least wrap that fist in a velvet glove?

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Good morning Eric The Brittingham,


Okay, *nursing broken face - caused by impact of velvet glove covered first from Eric Brittingham... but c'mon, guys. This is Eric Brittingham we're talking about* I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.



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Knock Knock.


Who's there?


Eric Brittingham.


Eric Brittingham who?




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Good Morning Eric Brittingham.


You are so correct. "Tron" spelled backwards is indeed "Nort."

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


Petrol sniffers, it is no longer a game.



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Good Mid Morning Eric Brittingham.


As you have written, Cheez-Its it shall be.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


When Wes became hollow, what happened to the middle bits of him?



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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham,


I'm pretty disappointed you allowed them to evict Brigitte last night but your mind works in beautiful ways, so I won't question you.



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Good Morning Eric Brittingham.


Continuing from JustJason's thought:


Smile darn ya, smile. Cause this whole world is a great world after all.

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Dear His Royal Most Awesomeness


Continuing from JustJason's thought that Keef Continued as well...


Smile, smile you life away

Smile, smile you life away

You don't dare cry, or show pride, smile your life away

Just smile, until you fade away..


The Upton Giraffe and Marshmallow company

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


I like butterflies, especially when you eat them.



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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


I like butterflies, especially when you eat them.




Do they fly around in your belly?

Ask the Brittster, mate. I don't eat them... I just like it when Eric Brittingham does. I don't think anything flies around in there.

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