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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Yo Yo Yo, Eric B, what it is?


Early deadline due to holiday. Not fun.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


This day has not the appeal of yesterday... even though today is closer to the weekend. Can you please amend this.



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Mornin' Eric.


38 candles today. Geeeeeeeezus.

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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham,


Thank you for giving me the ability to create excellent threads.



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Eric Brittingham is everywhere.

Eric Brittingham is everything.

Eric Brittingham is everybody.

Eric Brittingham is still the King.

Man oh man, now what I want you to see

Is that E.B. is inside of of you and me.

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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham,


The world looks sunnier from this side. A new paint job?



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Sup Eric B?


Good to hear.



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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


Are we not but drops of dew upon the grass?



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Howzit goin' Eric?


There's a man in the back as a matter of fact, and his eyes are as bright as the sun.


And the girl in the corner that everyone's ignorin' -- turns out that SHE'S the passionate one!!


Who knew? :blink:

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


Should murdering stupid people, as decided by me, be deemed legal?



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Greetings and Felicitations, Herr Brittingham.


You came up in conversation with another yesterday. Seriously.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


Should murdering stupid people, as decided by me, be deemed legal?




YES!!!!! At least one per day......

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Senior Brittingham...

I have written a song about a Mexican immigrant sneaking into the

United States via the Texas underground..I call it EL PASO...

Would this be of use to you?


Muchos Gracias...

Juan " The Spanish Danzig" Guitarra..I Love Rich Corinthian Leather....

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