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Tesla - Breakin' Free


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Yeah, I know it's been posted here before and I would have bumped the original thread, but the video isn't embedded and the linked one is lower quality.


A few people mentioned this recently in the "Song of the Day" thread, so it's worth a repost. This is a great song - probably my favorite of '08. The video is nothing elaborate, but I'm sure Tesla didn't have a large budget for this.



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Yeah, awesome song and indeed a low budget vid, probably shot in a single room with few cheap effects. Lookin forward to their new album!


Kind of reminds me of Unruly Child's "Very First Time" video. Just put the band in a room and roll tape. Honestly, it's all cool with me. At least you have some kind of visual. It's better than not getting anything at all, and much better than this new trend of lyric videos.

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