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SyFy channel movies

66 mustang

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OK, just in the last movie watched thread, I thought that we may need to talk about our "love" for the Syfy channel movies. I use to really hate them but now I really enjoy them for their entertainment value. they sometimes are ok but they sometimes they are so bad thay are good.

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I haven't seen any yet, but Keef's previews and reviews made me really want to try some of them. I wish they aired on free-to-air TV here in Australia, but sadly they don't. They look like the kind of horrible films I find myself being a sicker for. I'm downloading a bunch now, so I'll hope to see some soon for some feedback. Any recommendations of the absolute "best" would be most appreciated. Keef's given me a good list already. :)

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Keef's you guy for recommendations for them. I've just started to enjoy them in the last few months and take them for what they are and have zero expectations and end up enjoying the over the top, cheep FX's, low budget and go away think "that was awful but I liked it" kind of way. I did enjoy the last one quite a bit, Swamp Shark but fell asleep with about 15 minutes left so I have to catch a rerun sometime. all recommendations in the other thread are a really good place to start.

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"Swamp Shark" was kickass, mainly because it starred Kristy "The Original Buffy" Swanson and her gorgeous cleave. :D


I recorded "DinoShark" Saturday afternoon while I was out camping w/the Cub Scouts, will probably get to that one tonight.


I also have "Sharktopus" floating around on my DVR somewhere, which I recorded months ago but have yet to watch. But damn, look @ this trailer and tell me this doesn't look like a hoot and a holler:



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"Swamp Shark" was kickass, mainly because it starred Kristy "The Original Buffy" Swanson and her gorgeous cleave. :D


I recorded "DinoShark" Saturday afternoon while I was out camping w/the Cub Scouts, will probably get to that one tonight.


I also have "Sharktopus" floating around on my DVR somewhere, which I recorded months ago but have yet to watch. But damn, look @ this trailer and tell me this doesn't look like a hoot and a holler:



Excellent! Now they're the ones I like. ;) Downloading these two as well.


Big fan of Kristy Swanson too, so that'll be awesome.

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A few others I've seen via SyFy over the past few months/year:

"Battle Of Los Angeles"


...not to be confused with the real, big budget "Battle: Los Angeles" flick (note the "Of" in the title!), this one is also now known as "Attack: Los Angeles," doubtlessly because the legal team representing the makers of the "real" movie must've given them a call :D


"Iron Invader"


Alien bacteria that thrives on metal turns a pile of junkyard scrap into a killer robot thingy. "Iron Invader" would be a great name for a thrash metal band... or a marital aid. :D


"Monster Man"


I liked this one so much I actually bought it on DVD. Best description I can come up with is, imagine if Kevin Smith had written "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."




Killer scarecrow movie that was actually pretty decent, a cut above most SyFy Channel flicks. Probably because it wasn't made by them, it was part of the annual "After Dark Horrorfest" lineup.




Swamp-creature flick loosely based on a vintage Marvel Comic so you know I'm gonna recommend this one. :D




Gore-fest that I've been meaning to pick up on DVD ever since I saw it last year on SyFy during their Halloween horror marathon. Even in an edited for TV version this was one of the goriest things I'd seen in years, so Lord only knows what they had to cut out!

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A few others I've seen via SyFy over the past few months/year:

"Battle Of Los Angeles"


...not to be confused with the real, big budget "Battle: Los Angeles" flick (note the "Of" in the title!), this one is also now known as "Attack: Los Angeles," doubtlessly because the legal team representing the makers of the "real" movie must've given them a call :D


"Iron Invader"


Alien bacteria that thrives on metal turns a pile of junkyard scrap into a killer robot thingy. "Iron Invader" would be a great name for a thrash metal band... or a marital aid. :D


"Monster Man"


I liked this one so much I actually bought it on DVD. Best description I can come up with is, imagine if Kevin Smith had written "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."




Killer scarecrow movie that was actually pretty decent, a cut above most SyFy Channel flicks. Probably because it wasn't made by them, it was part of the annual "After Dark Horrorfest" lineup.




Swamp-creature flick loosely based on a vintage Marvel Comic so you know I'm gonna recommend this one. :D




Gore-fest that I've been meaning to pick up on DVD ever since I saw it last year on SyFy during their Halloween horror marathon. Even in an edited for TV version this was one of the goriest things I'd seen in years, so Lord only knows what they had to cut out!

Wow, I actually bought 'Autopsy' last year and didn't mind that one. The lead girl was stunningly sexy too.


I just had a look through the site, and there seems to be plenty of "proper" horror movies on offer there. :)

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Guest Hair_Metal_Maniac

Oh you all HAVE to watch Sharktopus it is too damn funny and just way over the top and nothing like watching something with a shark head with 8 tentacles from it. It's so bad its good which follows the formula to most of the Syfy movies that are worth a damn lol. GREAT THREAD

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I just watched "Dinoshark" last night. See the "Last Movie you watched" thread for my commentary. All I can say is... :rofl2:



Oh you all HAVE to watch Sharktopus

Y'know, I totally forgot I even recorded that movie till this topic picked up yesterday. My problem is, I am habitually recording stuff off of the various movie channels (I have a DVD recorder) but then I never label the discs, so I have a whole stack of DVD-RW's sitting on top of the TV in my bedroom full of stuff and I have no idea what's on any of them. It's a pain in the ass having to stick each one in the player and waiting for the menu to come up to see what's on each disc, but now that the "Sharktopus" bug is in my ear I may have to do that tonight. :lol:


By the way, this Saturday's SyFy Premiere Movie is... the remake of "The Hills Have Eyes" from a couple of years back. Boo. I've already seen that one!!

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Guest Hair_Metal_Maniac

I just watched "Dinoshark" last night. See the "Last Movie you watched" thread for my commentary. All I can say is... :rofl2:



Oh you all HAVE to watch Sharktopus

Y'know, I totally forgot I even recorded that movie till this topic picked up yesterday. My problem is, I am habitually recording stuff off of the various movie channels (I have a DVD recorder) but then I never label the discs, so I have a whole stack of DVD-RW's sitting on top of the TV in my bedroom full of stuff and I have no idea what's on any of them. It's a pain in the ass having to stick each one in the player and waiting for the menu to come up to see what's on each disc, but now that the "Sharktopus" bug is in my ear I may have to do that tonight. :lol:


By the way, this Saturday's SyFy Premiere Movie is... the remake of "The Hills Have Eyes" from a couple of years back. Boo. I've already seen that one!!



Yea its bad when by the middle of the movie you are cheering for the Hill People!!!! It was a decent movie but I just remember at the end wishing for that one dude to run off the cliff or get pushed off but alas it didn't happen.


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Yea its bad when by the middle of the movie you are cheering for the Hill People!!!! It was a decent movie but I just remember at the end wishing for that one dude to run off the cliff or get pushed off but alas it didn't happen.



It's been awhile since I saw the "Hills" remake but it was definitely a good 'n' nasty piece of work. Two things I remember clearly are that when it was over, my wife and I immediately crossed New Mexico off of our list of places to visit in our RV; and the scene where that pinheaded mutant guy is raping the cute blonde chick from "Lost" -- cuz I busted out laughin' during that bit and my wife looked at me like I was completely insane. I was like "Ohh, come on, look how HAPPY he looks!" The mutant's face and the "urk, urk" noises he was making just struck me as unintentionally funny :rofl2:

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You should watch "The Hills Have Thighs" instead.


It's much more entertaining. :whistle:




Seriously I'm glad no one is raving about that Sinbad movie that the guy from Spartacus was in a couple of months back. That had to the be the worse production they've ever had on a Syfy original.

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Yea its bad when by the middle of the movie you are cheering for the Hill People!!!! It was a decent movie but I just remember at the end wishing for that one dude to run off the cliff or get pushed off but alas it didn't happen.



It's been awhile since I saw the "Hills" remake but it was definitely a good 'n' nasty piece of work. Two things I remember clearly are that when it was over, my wife and I immediately crossed New Mexico off of our list of places to visit in our RV; and the scene where that pinheaded mutant guy is raping the cute blonde chick from "Lost" -- cuz I busted out laughin' during that bit and my wife looked at me like I was completely insane. I was like "Ohh, come on, look how HAPPY he looks!" The mutant's face and the "urk, urk" noises he was making just struck me as unintentionally funny :rofl2:

Oh wowser, I've seen that one too! Maybe I have seen a few of these without actually realising it... at least the horror ones. I have to admit, I think when I hired that one I thought that one was actually part of the franchise of those 'Hills Have Eyes' movies... just a new remake or sequel or something. I think I didn't mind it too much. I think?

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Read an interview with B-Movie legend Roger Corman the other day where he sez they've got a new flick in development for SyFy Channel called "PIRANHACONDA!" :rofl2:

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Guest Hair_Metal_Maniac

Well that sounds just like Syfy and I will definitely check it out if it comes out. I'm sure Samuel L. Jackson is glad that snake didn't make it on the motherfuckin' plane LOL

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My God was this atrocious!! Starring Peter (21 Jump Street) DeLuise.



:rofl2: I've seen bits of this one. I rarely, if ever, bail on a movie before it's over but I gladly changed the channel on it.


His brother Michael was in this one, which turns up on SyFy occasionally. It's a cheesy but fun combo of "Aliens" and "Blade"



You KNOW you're in low budget land when Dom Deluise's kid and the guy from "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" get their names above the title, folks. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Just in case you miss the other thread, this Saturday's SyFy Premiere is the long awaited "Mega Shark" sequel, "Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus." I am SO there.



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