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Getting old


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I hear ya Dave.


With work being non existent I've taken to side jobs and I insulated a 1200 square foot crawl space a few days ago and then painted a 1500 square foot deck yesterday and I tell you what I am old. :)


I could probably recouperate from a bender faster than working all day...

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I don't feel old now im sober, 10 years of hardcore drug use had made me feel like I was 90, I guess it's all in your mind, cause I feel great, I wish i didn't need so much sleep to function, and I wish i could get used to sleeping at night, instead of in the day, but outside of that, I think as we get older, we aren't as active as we were when younger, think about the non stop energy you had as a kid, fuck just watch your own kids, they go nonstop from morning till night, then they sleep like a bear, I think if you built decks everyday you'd probably not even notice being tired, but where you just did it once, i could see where it would kick your ass, i know i do concrete resurfacing!

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Agreed, I built a deck with my brother a month ago and we just looked at each other like... what happened. Never used to have those issues getting up and down all day 5 years ago when we did the same thing :)

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