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The actual CD is just a CDR with some Art work labelled to it. I paid 30plus bucks for that! Great............


I`m a huge KOTS fan and i have to say was pretty disappointed with it!


Just sounds like some demos and left overs they threw together. Production is demo quality at best.


Definitely nothing like the must have 3 previously releases they put out.



wow. Thats just not good on many different levels...

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  • 2 months later...

This thread is really unfortunate and made me jump onto the website for another look.




The CD is now $24.95 + $3.50 shipping in Aus or $6.50 International shipping. At least they fixed the shipping rates.


Given the CDR point noted in this thread it makes me really sad that they are releasing a new Rich & Famous CD which has the entire KOTS - Resurrection album on it. Not sure if this makes it a 2CD set or not but I would ask lots of questions before buying. I hope they do the right thing here as that 3rd album kicks ass and is very hard to find these days.

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This thread is really unfortunate and made me jump onto the website for another look.




The CD is now $24.95 + $3.50 shipping in Aus or $6.50 International shipping. At least they fixed the shipping rates.


Given the CDR point noted in this thread it makes me really sad that they are releasing a new Rich & Famous CD which has the entire KOTS - Resurrection album on it. Not sure if this makes it a 2CD set or not but I would ask lots of questions before buying. I hope they do the right thing here as that 3rd album kicks ass and is very hard to find these days.


i'm still keen on gettig the new one. Just spare $ the issue.


Reusrrection was my favourite of their albums. WOnder how they can release this as a new 'Rich & Famous' album?


BTW, looks like it's just a couple of R&F tracks and the rest are the resurrection tracks...


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  • 5 years later...

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