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Squirrel General Hospital.....


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Neat-O. A fellow Squirrel Rescuer.


A couple of years ago I came home from work one day and found a squirrel on my front deck...desperately swimming laps in my son's kiddy pool, which he'd been using earlier in the day. I guess the squirrel must've leaned down to get a drink, fell in, and couldn't get back out again cuz the sides were too smooth/slick... I don't know how long he'd been in there obviously but he certainly needed help, he looked like he was about to go down for the third time, if you know what I mean. So I grabbed a cardboard box from the recycling pile, scooped up the squirrel, and gently placed him on the deck. I expected him to take off as soon as he hit solid ground but he laid there for a while panting. By now my wife and son (who was about three at the time) were outside with me watching this rescue ("is the squirrel gonna be OK, Daddy? Is he gonna be OK?"), so I sez "All right now, let's go inside and give this guy a chance to catch his breath..." I went outside about an hour later and he was gone. I imagine he must've run up the nearest tree and told his bushy tailed brethren, "You ain't gonna BELIEVE the shit I went through today!" :lol:

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Neat-O. A fellow Squirrel Rescuer.


A couple of years ago I came home from work one day and found a squirrel on my front deck...desperately swimming laps in my son's kiddy pool, which he'd been using earlier in the day. I guess the squirrel must've leaned down to get a drink, fell in, and couldn't get back out again cuz the sides were too smooth/slick... I don't know how long he'd been in there obviously but he certainly needed help, he looked like he was about to go down for the third time, if you know what I mean. So I grabbed a cardboard box from the recycling pile, scooped up the squirrel, and gently placed him on the deck. I expected him to take off as soon as he hit solid ground but he laid there for a while panting. By now my wife and son (who was about three at the time) were outside with me watching this rescue ("is the squirrel gonna be OK, Daddy? Is he gonna be OK?"), so I sez "All right now, let's go inside and give this guy a chance to catch his breath..." I went outside about an hour later and he was gone. I imagine he must've run up the nearest tree and told his bushy tailed brethren, "You ain't gonna BELIEVE the shit I went through today!" :lol:



That's a good story..

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Squirrels carry rabies? Remember IT IS a wild animal. ;)


Good point.. :tumbsup:


I remember when I first moved into the location I'm at now. A chipmunk would always come up to me (Very close).Turns out, the guy who lived there before me, would feed him..

He got the message a couple of weeks later.. I'm not a prick (maybe I am :whistle: ), but I don't want rodents living in my attic (especially, when they're not paying rent)..

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