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I don't know if this was mentioned or not, but Hollyweird just took another classic and turned it into toilet water (Before the flushing).

Just found out tonight that the classic movie ARTHUR. Who is playing the part of our favorite rich drunk? The unfunny twit by the name of Russell Brand :doh:

There will never be a chemistry on the silver screen like Moore & Geilgud..

This should not come to a surprise, but this should be against the law..

What can this atrocity accomplish? Why give untalented actors free reign and piss all over a classic?

I'm glad that Moore & Geilgud are resting peaceful and know nothing about this abortion..

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Dudley Moore is turning in his grave as we speak. This is an atrocity to man kind. This movie ranks way up in the top 20 for so many quotable one liners from Moore...


"Were's my hat? Oh, I hate it when that happens."



Off and on topic, I saw a commercial for an American remake of the quite nicely Scandi film "Let The Right One In" re-titled "Right One In."


PLEASE, could someone put something in the water to elicit free/creative thought again. THANK YOU!

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You're never gonna stop the flow of remakes so it's best to just ignore them.


Thankfully, the proposed remake of "RoboCop" (aka "Fat Freddy's favorite movie ever in this universe or any alternate dimensions thereof") seems to have become a victim of MGM's financial meltdown.


The horror geeks on IMDb are currently tearing their hair out over an Americanized remake of Dario Argento's "Suspiria" that's in the works, i.e. "How DARE they mess with such a classic?" -- although to be honest, I've seen "Suspiria" fairly recently and I didn't see what all the whoop-de-doo was about it (it looked great, but was very meandering and didn't make a whole hella lot of sense) so I probably would be interested in a re-tread of that one, with current special FX technology and maybe a script that's a little more linear.

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The horror geeks on IMDb are currently tearing their hair out over an Americanized remake of Dario Argento's "Suspiria" that's in the works, i.e. "How DARE they mess with such a classic?" -- although to be honest, I've seen "Suspiria" fairly recently and I didn't see what all the whoop-de-doo was about it (it looked great, but was very meandering and didn't make a whole hella lot of sense) so I probably would be interested in a re-tread of that one, with current special FX technology and maybe a script that's a little more linear.


I'm with you with this. I'm curious what it will be with a Hollywood director and some modern stuff. The original movie definitely lacked something imo.

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I'm with you with this. I'm curious what it will be with a Hollywood director and some modern stuff. The original movie definitely lacked something imo.

It had great gore and a lotta pretty girls but what it lacked was...oh, I don't know...maybe a story? :lol: Seriously, it jerked the audience around for an hour and a half and then they finally revealed that the school was a front for a coven of witches. I'm like "OK, so they're a bunch of witches. Aaaaaaaaaand? So?" Then a whole lotta stuff catches on fire, and suddenly it's the end. Double-You-Tee-Eff? And yet there are people out there who claim it's the greatest horror film ever made. It wouldn't even make my top thousand.

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I believe if we all ignore these "remakes" and they tanked at the box office, then they will not look to remake these classics.

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I believe if we all ignore these "remakes" and they tanked at the box office, then they will not look to remake these classics.


One colossal flaw in this theory is that these remakes are made for the mindless drones who populate the good ole

U$ of A... and make up over 80% of its population.



And on topic and with reference to Susperia, pretty damn creepy and think of it in respect to when it came. Most of us saw it as kids which left an impression...


Argento is an interesting dude and I think the fanboys are rabid for anything he does.


My 2 cents.

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I believe if we all ignore these "remakes" and they tanked at the box office, then they will not look to remake these classics.


One colossal flaw in this theory is that these remakes are made for the mindless drones who populate the good ole

U$ of A... and make up over 80% of its population.


My 2 cents.


Spot on Terry!!


The kids today, don't know anything about movies...




I sound like my dad.. :blink:

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One colossal flaw in this theory is that these remakes are made for the mindless drones who populate the good ole

U$ of A... and make up over 80% of its population.




Same everywhere I think. For example, some of the tabloid newspapers here print headlines and stories that are complete fabrication, yet people believe it and it forms the majority opinion. IMO the majority should not be entitled to an opinion as their IQ just about enables them to get themselves dressed in the morning. A simple test would be that anyone who says, "I was like, no way!" or similar utterances is immediately banned from ever having an opinion on anything. Of course, that won't stop them flocking to see the latest film with Brad Pitt, Zac Efron or Jennifer Aniston (etc) in, regardless of how mind-numbingly awful it is. :rant:


Maybe the only thing that would make people truly revolt against the remakes would be if someone tried to do Star Wars. There would be riots!

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