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Glam Junkies sleazefest tour diary Part 2


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Following 4 shows in finland with HArdcore Superstar it was off to Sweden.


First stop was Malmo, via Stockholm.


Here I saw Bulletrain. This was a lesson for bands doing favours for others. Apparently the guys from Bulletrian did this gig as a return favour for someone else. Turned out to be some sort of youth arts centre thing, at 7pm on a wednesday with no alcohol... and barely any people. They played with 3 other bands and were obviously a class or more above the others. I'd say apart from the bands watching each other you'd be lucky if there were 5 other people. Great guys though, and they came out to a bar for a couple of beers after the show. One of the supprts bands at this show was a sleaze band called Sex Shock. They were okay, but seemed totally disinterested in the small audience,..... eating corn chips between songs.


From Malmo it was onto Skovde to catch 'Lusserock' which included Babylon Bombs and Midnight Cowboys. Knowing i was coming to this one Babylon Bombs brought me backstage before the show to meet them. They out on a brilliant show, as did Midnight Cowboys. Following the gig I joined them all at some local underground rock club which was pretty cool. Kicked on there until closing time.


Next day was onto Gothenburg for Crashdiet and Backyard Babies at Sticky Fingers. One of the best gigs of the tour so far. Place was pretty packed, and they were a "polite" packed audience if it's possible. You could stand there in a packed audience without being knocked from pillar to post like in finland.


Crashdiet only had a short set but it was brillaint, almsot surreal to see them play. The backyard babies played for probably a bit over an hour. These guys sure deliver some dirty rock n roll! After the gig crashdiet came out and i got to meet them, get a photo and some stuff signed. They were great. Backyard Babies didn't come out tho which was disappointing.


Massive train trip followed the next day from Gothenburn to Sundsvall ... 500-600km at a guess. Here was the most adventourous gig so far. Basically had to walk up a hill in the darkness with a hand drawn map to get to the hostel and then back into town for the gig. The gig turned out to be in some student house, almost like what i imagine a sorrority house to be like. It was their closing party for the year called'empty the bar', so basically there were a couple fo hundred totally plastered uni students sinking as much cheap piss as they could. Initially they were not going to let me in cos i wasn't a student, but after speaking to about 4 people and the finally the manager they got me on a guest list. It was 3 floors of bars, dance floors, lounges and and band room. The band room ranged from maybe 50-60 people to about 10 people in the end. There were 3 bands on in there, one local band called Road Kill, another 'un named' band that were like Airbourne, and then sleaze merchants Lipstixx n Bulletz. I'd contacte them before and let them know i was coming to this one, but i think they were really surprised that i actually made it.


That was the end of the 2nd leg, and I've now returned back to stockholm for the final hurrah. Chains and then 2 x Gemini 5 gigs... all at Pub Anchor Stockholm.


Will see if i can get some photos posted. If not, it'll have to wait til i get home.

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Nice read! Enjoy your time in Stockholm and be sure to go to the Harry B James on Friday for the "Crazy Nights"-party! This is as good as it gets for Sleaze/AOR-lovers...


Have a great one!


is this on every Friday or only some Fridays?

have seen some gigs advertised at this place but nothing whilst i am here.


Did a little more cd shopping today. Nothing out of the ordinary, just some new stuff.... picked up the new Mama Kin disc, and the first 2 Bullet discs. Might give the 2nd hand stores a try again in the next day or 2. I think i'm up to about 40 cds so far.

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Nice read! Enjoy your time in Stockholm and be sure to go to the Harry B James on Friday for the "Crazy Nights"-party! This is as good as it gets for Sleaze/AOR-lovers...


Have a great one!


is this on every Friday or only some Fridays?

have seen some gigs advertised at this place but nothing whilst i am here.


Did a little more cd shopping today. Nothing out of the ordinary, just some new stuff.... picked up the new Mama Kin disc, and the first 2 Bullet discs. Might give the 2nd hand stores a try again in the next day or 2. I think i'm up to about 40 cds so far.


The party is on every Friday! Here's the link for you:

Harry B James


I've only been there once during my vacation past summer, but it sure as hell was a great party and I'm planning to get back there next year. It's a very nice place to hang out!

There seems to be some live-music almost every night, even when it's not advertised. So, if you've got no concert to attend on Friday, I'd recommend a visit. Girls, girls, girls ;)


Did you get to speak to the Midnight Cowboy guys? Are they already planning their debut (full-length)-album?

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Nice read! Enjoy your time in Stockholm and be sure to go to the Harry B James on Friday for the "Crazy Nights"-party! This is as good as it gets for Sleaze/AOR-lovers...


Have a great one!


is this on every Friday or only some Fridays?

have seen some gigs advertised at this place but nothing whilst i am here.


Did a little more cd shopping today. Nothing out of the ordinary, just some new stuff.... picked up the new Mama Kin disc, and the first 2 Bullet discs. Might give the 2nd hand stores a try again in the next day or 2. I think i'm up to about 40 cds so far.


The party is on every Friday! Here's the link for you:

Harry B James


I've only been there once during my vacation past summer, but it sure as hell was a great party and I'm planning to get back there next year. It's a very nice place to hang out!

There seems to be some live-music almost every night, even when it's not advertised. So, if you've got no concert to attend on Friday, I'd recommend a visit. Girls, girls, girls ;)


Did you get to speak to the Midnight Cowboy guys? Are they already planning their debut (full-length)-album?



thnaks for the info.

as far as i know they are only launching the ep over here this week, and were still waiting on their delivery of cds from demondoll.

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A young, innocent Australian boy from the outback suurrounded by drunk Swedish uni students in a sorority house? Wow mate, sounds like you're having an amazing trip. happy.png


So, you going to see any bands while you're ther- oh, uh, yeah. Turns out you posted some other words too. :lol: Nah, seriously mate, the trip sound freakin' awesome. Enjoy the last few days.

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