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Broke [N] Blue


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Any fans of these guys out there? I recently got that 'The waiting' CD for cheap as chips and I'm not sure what to make of it. One thing's for sure is I wish they didn't have a band photo in the booklet! :lol: The female singer (and probably the rest of the guys?) in the band is older than my parents (and no, I am not kidding) and looks like an old shiela you'd see doing lawn bowls down at the local pub on the weekend.


But enough of that... how do others feel about the whole dual lead vocal thing, switching from the dude to the lady? You dig it? I found myself moderately enjoying this disc but it's definitely lacking any real punch. I think I'll keep it, but what are other thoughts on this band? Any fans, or just moderate appreciaters?

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I think the fact that I've never even noticed there was a bird singing on here says it all. Is kinda like that Elevener disc from last year, it got decent hype but I never ever understood what all the fuss was about.

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Really? I didn't think anyone ever cared about these guys. :lol: For the record, Elevener destroy these guys. :)

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Really? I didn't think anyone ever cared about these guys. :lol: For the record, Elevener destroy these guys. :)


Im with Tim....that Elevener disc is well overrated IMO. A couple of nice tracks towards the end I guess.


Oh and never heard Broke [N] Blue so cant really comment.

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I like both the Broke [N] Blue discs and came to the conclusion a long while back that there were about 5 or so great tracks on each album, that put together as one disc would have been excellent. Good little band without being mind blowing.


Elevener is still a great disc with some great AOR tracks on it and I still play it all the time. I wouldn't say it was overrated either to be honest, as I remember a lot of people in loads of different sites and articles bashing the vocals yet again (a common occurance these days it seems) and it recieving quite a few luke warm reviews. Still a top notch AOR album in my book

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as I remember a lot of people in loads of different sites and articles bashing the vocals yet again


yeah and for good reason....they were pretty poor IMO. I think I described them as sounding like a demented Gregg Rolie.


There are some nice songs on it tho...i'll give it that.

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I wouldn't say it was overrated either to be honest

Heavily backed. I don't know how anyone can call either of these bands over-rated. Broke [N] Blue couldn't even muster up enough support here for a thread about them after two releases. ;) Probably only a few hundred people even heard both these bands and as Jez says, half of those hundred people didn't like them. :lol:


And I'm not sticking up for them - I'm not a big fan of either (Elevener has excellent songs but as discussed many times, awful vocals) but I don't agree with the over-rated thing.

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I wouldn't say it was overrated either to be honest

(Elevener has excellent songs but as discussed many times, awful vocals)


Well 3 excellent songs.......the first track and the last 2.


& a bunch of solid AOR....nothing more.


Oh and some pretty average voz to boot. :tumbsup:


I think the reason the term 'overrated' is bounded about is because if you look at the 'album of the decade' thread these guys pop up on more than one occasion :whistle: Now that for me is overrating them......wouldnt be anywhere near my top 100.

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I think the reason the term 'overrated' is bounded about is because if you look at the 'album of the decade' thread these guys pop up on more than one occasion :whistle: Now that for me is overrating them......


Mate you had Linkin Park in your list so how can you even begin to criticise others? :D

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I think the reason the term 'overrated' is bounded about is because if you look at the 'album of the decade' thread these guys pop up on more than one occasion :whistle: Now that for me is overrating them......


Mate you had Linkin Park in your list so how can you even begin to criticise others? :D

:lol: Yeah, to be honest neither were close to mine, but even still, that's only one or two guys who are that fond of it. Personal taste, I guess. :) And yeah, maybe I was a bit ambitious with the "excellent" songs comment, but there are a lot of good to very good tracks, minus the vocals. ;)

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